Bush to Announce Supreme Court Nominee at 9pm


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
So, I say he should be confirmed.
I will remind you you said that when your beloved Democrats proceed ripping him to shreds and assasinating his character.


Moveon.org just announced that Judge Roberts has 2 unpaid parking tickets from 1977. Therefore his nomination to the US Supreme Court should be resisted.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I will remind you you said that when your beloved Democrats proceed ripping him to shreds and assasinating his character.
Sadly for the American people, in politics, what goes around, comes around.


Well-Known Member
Roberts= Test balloon

This effort is an attempt to paint the Dems as obstructionist and it will work. They will fight & Wrangle and threaten and delay for days just to stop this nominee and in the end, Bush will withdraw (or Roberts will) and the Dems will have spent a lot political capital trying to unify to defeat this Right wing wacko...and that leaves the door open to a second nominee who may have a few more centrist points in HER background and the Dems won't be able to stop her.

And this is the way it was folks...2005.


New Member
That's a good projection, Hessian.

Seeing some of the pundits afterwards, however (the genuine pundit, not a partisan one), made me assume that they aren't sensing a successful blockage of this nomination. Tim Russert in particular said that the 7 Democrats who joined the so-called "Gang of 14" will not push a filibuster of Roberts. Plus, the Senate already voted to approve Roberts' nomination to the DC Circuit. Made me wonder, but after seeing some liberal blogs after the nomination announcement, made me sense that the liberal base is out for a fight and it seems that a sizable amount of the Senate Democratic bloc will respond to that.
rraley said:
President Bush has selected Judge John C. Roberts for the Supreme Court vacancy. Link

It looks like there will be a major challenge to this guy's confirmation; solid conservative to replace a swing vote means that leftist groups are gonna press hard for his blockage.
This goes to show that all the "news" people really had no clue leading up to the announcement. They were all calling it for a woman. BUZZZZZZ Wrong answer!


Football season!
huntr1 said:
This goes to show that all the "news" people really had no clue leading up to the announcement. They were all calling it for a woman. BUZZZZZZ Wrong answer!
The woman they were thinking about was a more of a moderate. The news people were playing the odds that he would choose someone more moderate in order to get the approval completed in a hurry, which Bush stated was a priority.

You suren't can't argue against his resume. I don't think a bunch of writers could get together a craft a better fictional resume!

One thing I found funny was last night, I was reading some of the responses from congress and one person said this selection would offer a "non-partisan" view on the bench :liar: Whenever a politician says that, you know they only see it as non-partisan because their views align with the other person, and not many people like to calls themselves partisan. The rest of the senators interviewed gave the obvious answers of " a strong conservative", "he's one of us", etc.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Seems the only thing the dems could harp on is his miminal time at the federal level, but I don't see that as a huge issue.


Lovin' being Texican
rraley said:
President Bush has selected Judge John C. Roberts for the Supreme Court vacancy.

Prior to the announcement I checked out all the www.stop[name your judge].com sites and they were all bought out and "under construction." One even said it was a National Abortion Rights League (NARL) site. Today, www.stoproberts.com has been bought (for only ($9,00 a year) so NARL can start smearing him right away.

This is where the $50M is going to "Borke" the President's choice, no matter who he selected.
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