Bush to Seek $80B for Iraq, Afghan Wars


New Member
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration plans to announce Tuesday it will request about $80 billion more for this year's costs of fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, congressional aides said Monday.

The request would push the total provided so far for those wars and for U.S. efforts against terrorism elsewhere in the world to more than $280 billion since the first money was provided shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, airliner attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


Please tell me the good side of this because I do not see anything good about sepnding 80 billion more on a war we went into on lies and untruths!! This money could be spent here at home on millions of other better causes than this war!!! I know most of you defend the heck out of Bush, but I cant see any way to defend this craziness!! ..... but I am sure you will come up with something!


New Member
Racingwolf said:
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration plans to announce Tuesday it will request about $80 billion more for this year's costs of fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, congressional aides said Monday.
The request would push the total provided so far for those wars and for U.S. efforts against terrorism elsewhere in the world to more than $280 billion since the first money was provided shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, airliner attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Please tell me the good side of this because I do not see anything good about sepnding 80 billion more on a war we went into on lies and untruths!! This money could be spent here at home on millions of other better causes than this war!!! I know most of you defend the heck out of Bush, but I cant see any way to defend this craziness!! ..... but I am sure you will come up with something!
First I will ask you the same question I ask every liberal that accuses Bush of lying (or anything else). Where is your proof? You obviously have none and didn't receive (or ignored) the email with news snippets of Clinton, Gore, HILLARY, Albright, the U.N. and dozens of other countries who admitted Sadaam had WMD's. They all had the same intelligence G. W. was given. Sadaam had WMD's and soon as Syria or Iran screws up bad enough, we will prove it to all of you eggheads.

As far as the good side, the fact that you have the right to type your opposition is pure evidence of the good side. If you feel these tyrants should be left in power, this is a free country and you are free to LEAVE. Head on over there and help the bastards out. I hear there is a shortage of human sheilds these days.


Routinely Derailed
Racingwolf said:
Please tell me the good side of this because I do not see anything good about sepnding 80 billion more on a war we went into on lies and untruths!! This money could be spent here at home on millions of other better causes than this war!!! I know most of you defend the heck out of Bush, but I cant see any way to defend this craziness!! ..... but I am sure you will come up with something!
RW, I'm sorry you're upset by it. There is a lesson in here - for the Taliban and Al Queda and their ilk - be careful what you ask for, because you might get it. You know (or should know) by now why we're over there and what the real objectives are (clue: it's not about oil). I don't think you need me or anyone else to tell you.

As far as other uses for the money are concerned, I can't think of anything we could spend that money on that would take precedence over putting a stop to global terrorism.

Come to think of it, there ARE some things I'd do with $80B besides just Iraq and Afghanistan. Training and compensation for our military members; fully funding programs that are acquiring/developing things that are desparately needed by our folks right now, that are otherwise doomed to take forever. Fully funding acquisitions like HMWVs (for example) so that they can come from the factory fully armored.

Better yet, let's double it to $160B, 80 for the war and 80 to do what we should have been doing to be ready for this kind of stuff. :burning:
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Racingwolf, did you ever sit down and add up all the money that the United States and others have sunk into the Middle East in an effort to either keep people from murdering one another, or more importantly to keep our economy stable? Have you ever added up the costs of maintaining the No-Fly zones over Iraq for 12 years? Have you ever thought of the future costs of maintaining these efforts? If you haven't, then break out your pocket calculator and do the math. You'll see that $280 billion is a bargain at twice the price.

All you Libs see is that there were no WMDs. And why is that? Not because you're trying to see how the World was made better by the war, but because you want to ##### about Bush. You can't see that we were able to start bringing real stability to the Middle East. You can't see that we got rid of an egomaniac who wanted to control the Middle East and had taken active measures to do so, which would have been a disaster for the US (if Hussein could purchase the support of the French and Germans for a few oil bucks, who could he purchase by threatening to cut off their oil completely?) You all yell about "Blood For Oil" while thousands of Iraqi people were dying because no governments, but the US and its allies, were willing to intervene because they would rather have oil than stop the bloodshed. You think that's not worth $280 billion? You think it would be better for us to just leave and let the Middle East solve its own problems and let someone fullfill Hussein's dreams of ruling over the whole Middle East? Maybe you also think it would be great to drive your over-priced alternative fuels car to the store to buy a $8.00 loaf of bread and $10 gallon of milk? That's assuming of course that you manage to find a job during the worst depression this country would ever see.

And by the way... exactly what could we spend all those billions of dollars on back here? More give-away entitlement programs? More dollars wasted on people so that they can become even more lazy and dependent on government? You damn sure wouldn't give those billions back to us taxpayers. Just like Europe after WWII, I know that the billions were spending now will stabilize the region and lead to more peace in the long run. To me, that's a much better investment than flushing that money away on a bunch of wasteful, unproductive, social engineering programs in the US.


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
Racingwolf, did you ever sit down and add up all the money that the United States and others have sunk into the Middle East in an effort to either keep people from murdering one another
Been really successful there! :yay:

Bruzilla said:
You can't see that we were able to start bringing real stability to the Middle East. You can't see that we got rid of an egomaniac who wanted to control the Middle East and had taken active measures to do so
Latest CIA report shows that violence is increasing in Iraq (our own weapons "investigators" left last year because it became so bad) and that Iraq is the new breeding ground for terrorists in the middle east. Yea, Mission Accomplished!

Lets face it. no matter what we do over there, there will NEVER be peace in the middle east. They have been fighting there FOREVER. The hatred runs deep. We joke here about we hate the french, we won't buy their products, blah blah blah. But this is nothing compared to the hatred you find in the middle east. Towards us, and one another.

if you want to talk about removing a dictator, fine. but don't even try to say we are bringing stability to the region, because it just isn't happening.


Lovin' being Texican
SmallTown said:
Been really successful there! :yay:

Lets face it. no matter what we do over there, there will NEVER be peace in the middle east. . .if you want to talk about removing a dictator, fine. but don't even try to say we are bringing stability to the region, because it just isn't happening.

And so the preferred solution is the Kerry solution; "Let's take our marbles and go home."


Football season!
Lenny said:
And so the preferred solution is the Kerry solution; "Let's take our marbles and go home."
I'm surprised you feel that way, they may take your NRA card away for saying something like that.

Nope. Bush has created such a cluster-fck over there, who knows what will save it. Bush made the mess, lets see if he can clean it up.


Football season!
Plus Iraq is one of the reason why I voted for Bush. Not because Bush has done so well, but at least he has a firmer understanding than kerry about that place and thus has the better potential to make it better. We can only hope.


New Member
SmallTown said:
Been really successful there! :yay:
Latest CIA report shows that violence is increasing in Iraq (our own weapons "investigators" left last year because it became so bad) and that Iraq is the new breeding ground for terrorists in the middle east. Yea, Mission Accomplished!
Lets face it. no matter what we do over there, there will NEVER be peace in the middle east. They have been fighting there FOREVER. The hatred runs deep. We joke here about we hate the french, we won't buy their products, blah blah blah. But this is nothing compared to the hatred you find in the middle east. Towards us, and one another.
if you want to talk about removing a dictator, fine. but don't even try to say we are bringing stability to the region, because it just isn't happening.
C'mon ST. You're a smart person. How many mass graves have we discovered? They'll be no more in the future thanks to us. How many of his own people will not be gassed now thanks to us?? How many of his people can now go to school thanks to us?? I can go on. Stop listening to the far left media. "Breeding ground for terrorists"... yea right. Who's story was that? Rathers? :killingme The weapons inspectors left bc they determined there was nothing for them. I have some advice, try FOX news channel. You'll get both the good and the bad. :peace:


Football season!
Mikeinsmd said:
"Breeding ground for terrorists"... yea right. Who's story was that? Rathers?

Mikeinsmd said:
:killingme The weapons inspectors left bc they determined there was nothing for them. I have some advice, try FOX news channel. You'll get both the good and the bad. :peace:
Make up your mind, are there weapons there or not :confused:

Actually, the only news channel I have been watching for about the past year is Fox. (always on at the gym) Thanks for asking :biggrin:


SmallTown said:
Been really successful there! :yay:

Latest CIA report shows that violence is increasing in Iraq (our own weapons "investigators" left last year because it became so bad) and that Iraq is the new breeding ground for terrorists in the middle east. Yea, Mission Accomplished!

Lets face it. no matter what we do over there, there will NEVER be peace in the middle east. They have been fighting there FOREVER. The hatred runs deep. We joke here about we hate the french, we won't buy their products, blah blah blah. But this is nothing compared to the hatred you find in the middle east. Towards us, and one another.

if you want to talk about removing a dictator, fine. but don't even try to say we are bringing stability to the region, because it just isn't happening.

Gee... where have I heard these kinds of statements before... Oh, now I remember! That's what people were saying about Europe after World War II! Of course, that was before the US put it's big old size 13 jackboots on the necks of the Europeans and made them behave until wiser leaders, who had grown up in a stable environment, could take over.

The reason that no one has been successful in bringing peace to the Middle East is the same reason no one could bring peace to Europe for all those years. They dumped tons of money and support into the region, but left it up to the local leaders to make things happen. It wasn't until active measures were taken, and they were forced to behave, that peace came. It's the same deal in the Middle East, and thank goodness that Bush is paying no more attention to the left than Truman and Eisenhower paid to the naysayers in the 1940s or we would have fought WWIII on the battlefields of Europe.

Lastly, have you ever been to the Middle East, or are you basing your astute observations solely on the open, unbiased, and agenda-free newscasts you listen to? I have been there several times, and there's no more hatred over there than there is over here between Yankees and southerners, or yuppies and rednecks, or republicans and democrats. Yeah, they may not like one another, they may not respect one another, but believe it or not millions of them get along just fine every day. The problem is that a few self-serving despots blow something up, or release some tape, and you guys go painting everyone out there with the same brush. Aren't Libs suppossed to be against stereotyping?

The problem with the Middle East isn't deep-running hatreds... it's that life sucks out there. It's hot, it's rugged, and it's tough to make a go of things. And if you become a leader, and reap the benefits of being the Big Cheese, you don't want to ever give that up no matter how ineffective or worthless you are. And the best way to stay in power despite your faults is to blame all of the problems of your people on someone else... it's a tried and true practice that's worked since the Great Og grunted to his fellow cave dwellers about those a-holes in the cave across the valley being the cause of the lack of fire. Just as we saw in Europe for hundreds of years, it's bad government, not bad people, that cause these problems. Most people just want to work, raise their families, and die happy.

This is why the insurgents are fighting so hard in Iraq. They hate the idea of democracy because they will either lose their power, or they've been convinced by the people who will lose their power that fighting is the right thing to do. The common thread is self-serving leaders - like Hussein. As for Iraq being this great "breeding ground for terrorists", so what? It seems like their breeding and dying in the same place, so where's the down side of that?


New Member
SmallTown said:
Linkie please....

SmallTown said:
Make up your mind, are there weapons there or not :confused::
I said when Syria or Iran screws up, we'll find them there. It's obvious they (WMD's) were relocated to one of these countries.

SmallTown said:
Actually, the only news channel I have been watching for about the past year is Fox. (always on at the gym) Thanks for asking :biggrin:
:clap: :dude:


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
Gee... where have I heard these kinds of statements before... Oh, now I remember! That's what people were saying about Europe after World War II!
Oh wow, I'm so sorry. if you feel that the middle east problems are similar to Europe, then there really is no hope for reasoning on your part.


Routinely Derailed
SmallTown said:
Oh wow, I'm so sorry. if you feel that the middle east problems are similar to Europe, then there really is no hope for reasoning on your part.
Well, the principles are similar - the mechanism is similar, as I see it. Not being a heavily educated person, I don't know if it's political science, economics, sociology, or psychology that effectively studies the anatomy of anarchy and/or destabilization and organized hatred. But I'd be willing to bet that the situation over there follows at least some predictable patterns that can be identified in both cultures. Common denominators? Human beings and stressors in the socio-economic and idealogical environments.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
First I will ask you the same question I ask every liberal that accuses Bush of lying (or anything else). Where is your proof? You obviously have none and didn't receive (or ignored) the email with news snippets of Clinton, Gore, HILLARY, Albright, the U.N. and dozens of other countries who admitted Sadaam had WMD's. They all had the same intelligence G. W. was given. Sadaam had WMD's and soon as Syria or Iran screws up bad enough, we will prove it to all of you eggheads.

As far as the good side, the fact that you have the right to type your opposition is pure evidence of the good side. If you feel these tyrants should be left in power, this is a free country and you are free to LEAVE. Head on over there and help the bastards out. I hear there is a shortage of human sheilds these days.

Well arent you the idiot!!! You get so defensive that you need to tell someone to leave the country over it!!! Grow up!!!! Like you said I have a right to my opinion and spending over 200 billion on a war that should not have been should be making more people mad than just me. Why are we not spending this money to help everyone get insurance, why are we not spending it to help our kids get a better deducation, why are we not spending it in our country to reduce the crime rate. And for that matter, why are we not spending it here on homeland security? oh i forgot, we had to use some of that money for Bush's inaguration!!!! Don't tell me to leave the country because I see what the crazy man in the white house is doing and you dont!!!! :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: Oh yeah, It wont matter anyway because Bush wont do a damn thing about cleaning up the environment and the way it is going in another ten years (yes ten years) we are going to see major changes in the world that we wont be able to change because we were to stupid to take care of it when we had the chance!!!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
and that Iraq is the new breeding ground for terrorists in the middle east.
From what I understand - a large portion of this 'breeding ground' is coming into Iraq from abroad. Call me selfish, but I'm glad we're fighting them over *THERE*.

Secondly - it's the raw numbers. We're talking thousands of weakly financed scumbags in a nation of 25 million. It can be done, if the people want it bad enough.

if you want to talk about removing a dictator, fine. but don't even try to say we are bringing stability to the region, because it just isn't happening.
They absolutely did not believe nations like India, South Africa, medieval Japan or any of the nations of Southeast Asia could EVER govern themselves - but they do. (That's not an endorsement of the governments there - just that the observation was made historically that the nations there were far too barbaric to ever form a bona fide government). The Normans didn't think the Saxons could govern themselves. The English didn't think the Irish or Scots could govern themselves. History is replete with success where none could see it.

Turkey is an excellent example of Middle East stability. It can be done.