Racingwolf said:
There is nothing I can do about the election, but it really pissses me off when I see the world going to crap and we do nothing about it. Do any of you have a 401k? Take a look at it and see how it is doing! And I dont see it getting any better either!! Read the latest reports on our Environment. I dont see it getting any better (and i am not a tree hugger). I dont see where we are leaving our kids any kind of future at all!! What do our kids have to look forward to? Why dont we spend the money here in our country to protect it. Why do we not have better security on our borders? Why do we not check all of the ship board containers coming into this country ever day? This is just a few things that we could spend that money on. I am all for helping our military get better equipment, which Bush didnt do, untill he got hammered on it. I dont have a problem if that is where the money is going, but spending our money to rebuild Iraq is not something that sits well with me. Sell their oil to rebuild their country, dont use OURmoney to do it!!!
I guess I'll chip in too...
My 401K is doing great! Yes, everyone's 401Ks took a hit after 9/11, but most of them came right back. I lost about $3,000, but I was making about 12% before the attacks and was making between 20-28% last year. You might want to update your Democraftic talking points a bit.
I would agree with you that you don't see or hear about the environment getting any better, but you don't see or hear much about it getting any worse either. Despite all of the ranting from the Left that Bush was going to destory the environment, nothing has come to pass. Again, you might want to update those talking points.
Might I inquire as to how you would spend our money to better protect our borders? Are you going to wind shipping commerce down to a trickle by keeping ships outside our ports for weeks waiting to get inspected, and therby drastically increasing the prices of imported goods? And do all of this so that the bad guys can just fly their goods in, or use a small boat to bring them to shore? Who's the loser in that deal? How about paying for guards every five miles, so the bad guys can slip in between them. Ok, how about a guard every 50 feet, so the bad guys can just fly in over them. How about building a 20-ft tall wall all around the country, and hoping the bad guys can't find a 22-ft ladder? I think most educated people now realize that any defense you can devise can be overcome or circumvented... that's the nature of being on the offense. Again, you might want to update those talking points.
We would love to use Iraqi oil to pay for the rebuilding, but we can't. You on the Left made such a "Blood for Oil" ruckus that there's no way the US can do much of anything with that oil. You'all painted yourselves into a corner on that one.
Lastly, our military does have great equipment. It's funny, but I can't remember many Democrats yelling about how billions of dollars for spare parts, training, and logistics and improvements for existing systems, and new systems to replace obsolete equipment, were diverted to pay for Clinton's unbudgeted expeditions to Somalia, Haiti, the Balkens, etc. Those P-3s flying around Pax River were supposed to be replaced years ago, but the funding for the new plane kept getting diverted... until now. I spent 10 years in uniform, and was promised many things, but invincibility was never one of them. Troops go to war and some get killed. Expecting the President or SECDEF to take steps to ensure that our troops can't get killed is a bit rediculous.