Bush tonight...


wandering aimlessly
nomoney said:
so basically he was just blowing air up our asses and trying to improve his approval rating by humoring the stupid masses?
I thought that was SOP for Presidential addresses. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
so basically he was just blowing air up our asses and trying to improve his approval rating by humoring the stupid masses?
It will surprise me if his approval ratings go up by more than a percent or two. Republicans were on Fox immediately after, ripping Bush a new one for not being aggressive enough.

We'll see what happens. But, honestly, these things have a way of falling by the boards after the speeches are over and the TV crew goes home.


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
I watched it.

It was pretty much as I expected - no mass deportations, not really militarizing the border, Mexico=amigos. Some parts were better than I expected.

Two things stand out in my mind.

1) The most important thing was the weakest part of his address. Penalties for businesses who hire illegal workers. This should have been the real meat of this measure. Instead it sounds like it was tacked on as an afterthought.

2) Why are Illegal Aliens serving in our military? WTF? Don't get me wrong, all due respect for a man who puts his life on the line to serve the United States and freedom, and I hope he's automatically granted citizenship; his battle wounds prove his loyalty and honor - but I have to ask: Why was he there in the first friggin place? Is this common practice? Is it legal?

Other than that, and the fact that Bush was more articulate than usual, there was nothing earthshattering or remarkable about his speech.
They aren't. Foreign nationals who are here legally are.


Well-Known Member

Lost control of its outlying areas and enlisted semi-allied non-Roman people to "defend" the borders. The rural areas were lost first, cities still tried to hold on to their Roman connections but eventually became isolated due to raids and lack of assistance from decrepid Rome.
Non Romans were enlisted in the service initially in the hope of gaining desired Roman citizenship...later, the plunder was the only interest as the value of citizenship declined. The Roman identity melded down and became multicultural--lacking loyalty but sometimes acting under fear.
The Wobbling empire was too distracted by interior divisions, extravagant endless parties, far-ranging immorality, and then the Capital split into a West & East (Byzantium). Taxes could not sustain their opulence.
Troops were summoned to guard the border but morale was not strong, training limited, and commanders felt they were too far from Rome to maintain their prestige.---They found themselves in pockets and although well armed, and with great traditions...they were eventually overwhelmed by hordes of Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Gauls, and especially Huns.

Gee, there is nothing to be learned from History.
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MMDad said:
They aren't. Foreign nationals who are here legally are.

Ok that's fine... I have to say, though, that Bush made it sound as if the guy ran across the border, and straight into a Marine Recruiter's office, where he was immediately accepted and put on the front line.

I am then forced to wonder if that was deliberately implied, or if I just misread it.


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
Ok that's fine... I have to say, though, that Bush made it sound as if the guy ran across the border, and straight into a Marine Recruiter's office, where he was immediately accepted and put on the front line.

I am then forced to wonder if that was deliberately implied, or if I just misread it.

Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean came to the United States from Mexico when he was a boy. He spent his summers picking crops with his family, and then he volunteered for the United States Marine Corps as soon as he was able. During the liberation of Iraq, Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean was seriously injured. When asked if he had any requests, he made two: a promotion for the corporal who helped rescue him, and the chance to become an American citizen. And when this brave marine raised his right hand, and swore an oath to become a citizen of the country he had defended for more than 26 years, I was honored to stand at his side.

He didn't say if the family got here legally, but you can't get into the military without a green card.