Bush wiretap.

Was wire tapping by the Prez wrong.

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • No

    Votes: 28 73.7%

  • Total voters


I really don't care if my conversations are tapped, but without proper review and documentation, who is to say that wiretaps are not being performed on political rivals?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I do not like the fact that Big Brother might be listening to what i have to say on the phone. Just whack the MFr's, screw wasting man power on listening to Habib to only find out he is ordering a rug from his cousin in Kashmir. The next thing you know somebody will be reading all your mail to "protect you from terrorists".

This kind of mind set is going to be the undoing of the GOP. IMHO


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Schizo said:
Too late ... http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10740935/

it's already happening.
Hello? It's BEEN happening:
“All mail originating outside the United States Customs territory that is to be delivered inside the U.S. Customs territory is subject to Customs examination,” says the CBP Web site. That includes personal correspondence. “All mail means ‘all mail,’” said John Mohan, a CBP spokesman, emphasizing the point.

“This process isn’t something we’re trying to hide,” Mohan said, noting the wording on the agency’s Web site. “We’ve had this authority since before the Department of Homeland Security was created,” Mohan said.


This Space for Rent
Pulling threatening keywords out of conversations, emails, etc... has been done long before Bush. This is not a new practice. I forget the computers name and the server farm (of gigantic proportion) that carries out these operations. When certain hits are made, someone looks at the information (whether its voice or otherwise). Maybe you read something about it... in the late 70s, the 80s, the 90s... oh, and now in the new millenium. :lol:


This Space for Rent
ylexot said:
Way to omit words :yay:

Virtually...as in they did get some useful info/leads.

To dead ends... or innocent Americans. So, dead ends and innocent Americans could be mutually exclusive.


100% Goapele Head!
Mikeinsmd said:
Yanno what?? If you aren't doing anything illegal or have given Uncle Sam reason to suspect ya for anything, what do ya care???? Sheesh!!! Tap away W!!! Keep my ass alive and safe from the terrorists!! :yay:

Gee Wally, I should'a thunk of that for ya.

j/k - :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bcp said:
Since I dont use my phone for porn (anymore) Im ok with it.

but I still think that internet usage should be a private thing.:twitch:

One can get a hell of alot more info about dangerous things on the net than a phone, at least easier at any rate.

I'll admit I'd be a bit red in the cheeks if some of what I surf was on page one for the kids and my folks to read all about but I'll stand some potential personal embarrassment if it helps catch some azzhat and his pals running a web site used by homicidal maniacs.

It's not lile I cruise the DU or anything really embarrassing.


This Space for Rent
"It's my understanding that during the Clinton administration there was activity regarding physical searches without warrants," Gonzales said. "I can also say it's my understanding that the deputy attorney general testified before Congress that the president does have the inherent authority under the Constitution to engage in physical searches without a warrant. And so, those would certainly seem to be inconsistent with what the former vice president was saying today."

The famous Democrat ploy... take something that has been done by government without question for years and throw it at the guy in office. Raided the Social Security surplus? We better put a lockbox on that now that the Repubs are in office. Used warrantless methods of catching criminals within the guidelines of law? We better indict those Repubs for doing the same. We know all about it because it was SOP for years! Challenge Saddam over his WMD programs? We better forget we ever did it and go afer the Repub for doing it!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tjstalcup said:
Scary to think what's next.
Here ya go:


In Seattle they can go through your garbage to make sure you're recycling and not throwing away paper, plastic, etc. If you get caught with "significant amounts" of recycleables in your bagged trash, they can refuse to pick up your trash, tag your cans and even fine you.

Offenders will be warned the first two times and inspectors will take photographs to state their case.
The garbage Nazis - how would you like to have that job? :lol:


addicted to research
Interesting read:

A new Zogby poll will be released tomorrow showing that by a 52% to 43% margin, Americans believe that Congress should consider impeaching George W. Bush if he wiretapped the people of this country without court approval (and everyone knows and Bush has admitted that he ordered just such huge secret spying operation.) The poll, with a plus or minus margin of error of 2.9%, shows that 66% of Democrats, 59% of independents, and 23% of Republicans support impeachment for wiretapping. Majorities favored impeachment across the country: the East (54%), South (53%), and West (52%), Central states (50%). The significance of this poll can be seen by way of comparison with public attitudes in the months before the impeachment of Clinton. In August and September 1998, sixteen major polls found that only 36% supported hearings to impeach Clinton.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
tjstalcup said:
Interesting read:

A new Zogby poll will be released tomorrow showing that by a 52% to 43% margin, Americans believe that Congress should consider impeaching George W. Bush if he wiretapped the people of this country without court approval (and everyone knows and Bush has admitted that he ordered just such huge secret spying operation.) The poll, with a plus or minus margin of error of 2.9%, shows that 66% of Democrats, 59% of independents, and 23% of Republicans support impeachment for wiretapping. Majorities favored impeachment across the country: the East (54%), South (53%), and West (52%), Central states (50%). The significance of this poll can be seen by way of comparison with public attitudes in the months before the impeachment of Clinton. In August and September 1998, sixteen major polls found that only 36% supported hearings to impeach Clinton.
Question: Is the interception of signals in free space considered wiretapping?

It is my understanding that the interception of free-space radiation is not a crime in the United States unless disclosure of the information thus obtained violates the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (the ECPA) or the Espionage Act.

Now as these interceptions (which is what they are) are not a violation of the law, why would impeachment be considered. Just because a few idiot politicians and the media say that it is wiretapping doesn't mean that it actually was.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tjstalcup said:
A new Zogby poll will be released tomorrow showing that by a 52% to 43% margin, Americans believe that Congress should consider impeaching George W. Bush if he wiretapped the people of this country without court approval
Stop right there. I took that poll and the question asked was, "If it is found that the President used illegal means to wiretap American citizens, do you think Congress should consider impeachment?" or something to that effect.

Zogby is well-known for his biased questions and skewed deductions based on polling results.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
tjstalcup said:
are you speaking of intercepting signals from cell phones?
Hey techno challenged, almost every phone call from overseas goes by satellite. They were monitoring OVERSEAS phone calls. Got it now?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tjstalcup said:
Interesting read:

A new Zogby poll will be released tomorrow showing that by a 52% to 43% margin, Americans believe that Congress should consider impeaching George W. Bush if he wiretapped the people of this country without court approval (and everyone knows and Bush has admitted that he ordered just such huge secret spying operation.) The poll, with a plus or minus margin of error of 2.9%, shows that 66% of Democrats, 59% of independents, and 23% of Republicans support impeachment for wiretapping. Majorities favored impeachment across the country: the East (54%), South (53%), and West (52%), Central states (50%). The significance of this poll can be seen by way of comparison with public attitudes in the months before the impeachment of Clinton. In August and September 1998, sixteen major polls found that only 36% supported hearings to impeach Clinton.
Rasmussen came up with different numbers:


Sixty-four percent (64%) of Americans believe the National Security Agency (NSA) should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects in other countries and people living in the United States. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that just 23% disagree.