Butterfly Boy of WV...How do normal citizens react?


Well-Known Member

Listen (if you can)...and then weigh if there is enough social norms & pressure to address this .
The good news? He is busted.
Bad news? He (an others like him) will continue their approach, their annoyance until actually suffering for their role.

Our police officers and courts I suspect are under attack from all angles.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Listen (if you can)...and then weigh if there is enough social norms & pressure to address this .
The good news? He is busted.
Bad news? He (an others like him) will continue their approach, their annoyance until actually suffering for their role.

Our police officers and courts I suspect are under attack from all angles.

That is someone's son behaving like that.

The cops warned him WAY too many times. One warning, then it's the cuffs.


Well-Known Member
Butterfly Boy, with his fake falsetto voice and camera went trolling to make the cops look bad.
He should have spent 60 days in jail , maybe he wouldn't play silly games again.
Back in the good old days the cops would not have been called, the guys in the white coats with butterfly nets and straight jackets would have carried him off. Cops have a hard enough time these days without dipshits like this makin it even rougher.


the poor dad
I’ve watched many of that guy‘s videos - love him! If you believe in the constitution you need to love him as well - he is standing up for our rights. He probably has a payday coming his way because of that arrest.