Bruzilla said:
Ponytail is just the sort of "informed" customer I used to love see come into the dealership.

I would never go into the dealership with the attitide that I know what I'm doing, or that I knew the game. I did my homework, and knew what I was willing to pay for the vehicle, and I never used a "monthly payment" figure. That's ridiculous. I'f they agreed, great, then both parties are happy. if not, i walked. It's that simple.
I have had dealerships play off each other for the same make/model. I would never try to BS them. They either want to make a sale, or they don't. The ones that do, call back.
The Dodge that I purchased back in '97 was purchased using an ad for a price that seemed ridiculously low. That dealership was willing to give me that '97 Ram 4x4 LOADED, for $19,999 but said that it would cost me $625 a month for 5 years. hmm...quick math says that that doesn't add up to a very good finance rate. He refused to tell me what the rate was, so I walked.
Next dealer said "No way can I sell a loaded truck for that". I walked.
Next dealer said "lemme check". Came back with "I can get that exact same vehicle from Dealer number 1 for that price. Come back tuesday, and I'll have it here. Sold. Financed through my credit Union at an acceptable rate.
Dealer number 2 called back weekly for 3 months each with a "better deal thatwas just found" till the last call where he miraculously figured out a "way to make the deal at that price".
My buddy just did the same thing for his new Mustang. Did the same thing for the 2000 Mustang too.
I did this when I was shopping for a Corvette, as did my bud. Dealerships were calling us weekly with better deals each time on the SAME CAR, for at least 3 months after we walked in to the showrooms.
When purchased my Harley in '99. I went in with a trade in knew what I was willing to take on the trade and what I wanted to pay for the new bike. After some minor negotiating, we were stuck with our figures $1000 apart. he asked if I could come up with another $1000. I said nope. I'm going to Daytona with my trade-in. have a nice day. "Hang on, hang on...lemme try something" Came back a short few minutes later with "we have a deal" also financed at my credit union, not through the dealer and for the figures that I had in my head when I walked in there. I did this on my latest purchase a few years ago with my '03 F250. Do I feel like I got one over on the dealer? Nope. I KNOW that I got a good deal, quite possibly the best that anyone else could have gotten. I know the dealer got his profit too.
I don't know how you were as a salesman Bruz, but I know how the ones are that I deal with and I know what works for them.
I don't play games. I don't LET the dealer play games either. I'm a no-BS kind of person, and it works. Give me the bottom line up front, or I walk.