

Well-Known Member
Other than the obvious, is Buffalo Wings & Beer a place to hang out?; meet people? (No I don't necessarily mean a place to meet women, but if it should happen, all the better.) IMO
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Well-Known Member
Well...the bar isn't very big, and there are only 5 or 6 pool tables...but I've never had a *bad* time there.
But I did see teenage drama a time or two, so that is sort of a turn off :yay:


Well-Known Member
Well...the bar isn't very big, and there are only 5 or 6 pool tables...but I've never had a *bad* time there.
But I did see teenage drama a time or two, so that is sort of a turn off :yay:

Thanks. I've heard of the place but never been there. I was just looking for a place to go that isn't necessarily a bar/"meat market"; been there.....

I was looking for something else to do/someplace to go on a Thursday-Saturday night that didn't involve surfing the net til all hours or falling asleep in front of the TV; which is pretty much what my evenings consist of.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm......moving on then......


:lol: That sounds pretty accurate, but they do tend to clear the youngins out later on (that's what they're SUPPOSED to do), but certain regulars (like we used to be) were usually let to slide and stay till whenever.

I think that they do a pretty good 21+ business later on, Thurs-Sat though.
Never hurts to check it out, right? I'd say that if that's your target range then you should go after 10, but the bar almost always had middle age folks.

Its a sports bar with half of it as a restaurant, is the easiest description.


Well-Known Member
:lol: That sounds pretty accurate, but they do tend to clear the youngins out later on (that's what they're SUPPOSED to do), but certain regulars (like we used to be) were usually let to slide and stay till whenever.

I think that they do a pretty good 21+ business later on, Thurs-Sat though.
I'm at that age where chasing (figuratively of course)
a 21 year old might seem a bit creepy; something I try very dilligently NOT to be.

Never hurts to check it out, right?
No, I don't suppose it would hurt to check out.

I'd say that if that's your target range then you should go after 10, but the bar almost always had middle age folks.
Please refer to my statement about " 'chasing' a 21 year old."

Its a sports bar with half of it as a restaurant, is the easiest description.
They don't all yell, "NORM!" when a metabolically challenged fellow walks in the door, do they?:roflmao:


My boys 18 and 19 hang out there. Everytime an old person shows up, they mention it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
They don't all yell, "NORM!" when a metabolically challenged fellow walks in the door, do they?:roflmao:
Well....I haven't seen that, but refer to the post below :whistle:

My boys 18 and 19 hang out there. Everytime an old person shows up, they mention it. :lol:

You may be someone's dinner table discussion :shrug: :lol:
Kain...Wonder if I've met your sons? it's been awhile since I've gone to BWB though, so probably not :lol:


Well-Known Member
Shooting Pool..
Where do you shoot pool? BWB? I used to shoot pool years ago just to do it; never played for money. I'm a "professional novice."

I cant see the bar from outside. Maybe give it a try though.. Have you tried the new pub in town?
Where in town is the new pub? I don't usually go to L'town, I go through L'town.