Bye George!


My Sweetest Boy
mainman said:
Crap, what leather outfit? :confused: Is she even still around?

Yeah, she's still on..early, 5 or something. She has a red (I think) leather outfit that she wears. I think she's still very pretty.


Set Trippin
She used to have shoulder length hair too, I bet she has hit the age where she has had it all cut off though....:ohwell:
mainman said:
She used to have shoulder length hair too, I bet she has hit the age where she has had it all cut off though....:ohwell:
Crap... there is an "age'...:frown: Say it ain't 40...:frown:
nachomama said:
I was going to ask, "And what "age" is that?", but I was afraid of the answer...:ohwell:
I can't imagine ever having short hair... :faint: Good thing the world will be ending soon.


All Up In Your Grill
kwillia said:
I can't imagine ever having short hair... :faint: Good thing the world will be ending soon.

Very true. I've cut mine off before, but l never like it. I'll be one of those 80 year old wimmens hobbling around with hair halfway down their back...oh, but wait, we only have 5 more years on this earth anyway, right?