CA Gay Marriage...VOIDED!


Super Genius
SAN FRANCISCO - The California Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that San Francisco's mayor overstepped his authority by issuing same-sex marriage licenses this spring. The court also voided all the marriages of gay and lesbian couples sanctioned by the city.
Here's the story...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sifl
In your face, homos!

I can see their point but, as a person who thinks you should be able to marry whoever you choose, I don't understand why they don't just let gays go ahead and get married.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
sifl...'re an idiot.

This is the issue:

The California court sided with Lockyer's arguments, ruling that Newsom's actions would foment legal anarchy and sanction local officials to legislate state law from city halls or county government centers.


Chief Justice Ronald George noted that Thursday's ruling doesn't address "the substantive legal rights of same sex couples. In actuality, the legal issue before us implicates the interest of all individuals in ensuring that public officials execute their official duties in a manner that respects the limits of the authorities granted to them as officeholders."

This is good for everyone.

The issue will be settled properly, it seems, and not based on emotions.

But thanks for sharing your emotions.


Take it out of the courts, where it doesn't belong, and put it on the ballot, where it does belong!


New Member
Originally posted by sifl
Take it out of the courts, where it doesn't belong, and put it on the ballot, where it does belong!

I agree... And I second "IN YOUR FACE HOMS"

Too bad our senators/reps in Maryland don't think that we (the people) deserve the opportunity to vote on the issue...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
I agree... And I second "IN YOUR FACE HOMS"
:lmao: Sifl and Ceo_pte, sittin' in a tree...

Too bad our senators/reps in Maryland don't think that we (the people) deserve the opportunity to vote on the issue...
That's why we elect representatives. And gays deserve to represented just as much as any other taxpayer, regardless of popular vote.


Asperger's Poster Child
The paper recently ran a profile on the lesbian couple that applied for a marriage license in Leonardtown. When I read the letters that followed, I was livid. How dare people tell others that they will be punished by God? It was like they were claiming to be God themselves. When confronted, they might claim, "Oh, we're just trying to be good Christians and save those poor misguided souls from hell." My response is "That's bullshiat."


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
:lmao: Sifl and Ceo_pte, sittin' in a tree...

That's why we elect representatives. And gays deserve to represented just as much as any other taxpayer, regardless of popular vote.

Not so sweety... That's why it's a popular vote... This way our society isn't steered in the wrong direction by a few, mentally ill, members of our society...

We wouldn't change the laws to make it ok to murder people and we will not change the laws to suite a few homosexuals.... Too bad.. Move to Europe if you wanna get married! :bubble:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good then you're and idiot too...

...better watch out, them homo's gonna gitcha! BOO!

Civil disobedience, without being shot or run down by tanks or hosed down with a water cannon or having dogs sicced on you is supposed to be one of the good things about America.

People feel strongly enough about what they see as an injustice, they take action, peaceful action, and we, as a society, start the process of saying 'maybe this ought to be changed'. Let's look at it.

I didn't much like any more than you guys that the mayor was making up law as he went along. I'm just happy to see it start through the process it should go through. Good job, judges.

That would never have happened if the 'homos' hadn't said so loudly 'Hey!".


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
:lmao: Sifl and Ceo_pte, sittin' in a tree...

I heard they're trying out for the Village People. Which roles would they play (construction worker, leather dude, etc.)?


New Member
Re: Good then you're and idiot too...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...better watch out, them homo's gonna gitcha! BOO!

Civil disobedience, without being shot or run down by tanks or hosed down with a water cannon or having dogs sicced on you is supposed to be one of the good things about America.

People feel strongly enough about what they see as an injustice, they take action, peaceful action, and we, as a society, start the process of saying 'maybe this ought to be changed'. Let's look at it.

I didn't much like any more than you guys that the mayor was making up law as he went along. I'm just happy to see it start through the process it should go through. Good job, judges.

That would never have happened if the 'homos' hadn't said so loudly 'Hey!".

Oh yeah... thanks homos! :rolleyes:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Good then you're and idiot too...

Good post, Larry. (By the way, what does "Whidbey" mean? Are you talking about the Navy installation on Whidbey Island?)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Not so sweety... That's why it's a popular vote... This way our society isn't steered in the wrong direction by a few, mentally ill, members of our society...
Wrongo, pumpkinpuff. The reason we have representatives is so that the majority can't disenfranchise the minority. How we, the people, get a say-so is by voting for the person who will represent us in Congress. Don't like what your representative does and doesn't do? Don't vote for him. Simple.

I've asked this question before and have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why do you care? How does gays getting married affect you in any way, shape or form? It's not like preventing them from marrying will make them stop being gay or keep them from moving in next door to you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You use attacking terms like...






Wet back? dehumaize anyone else or just people who wanna get married?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
How does gays getting married affect you in any way, shape or form? It's not like preventing them from marrying will make them stop being gay or keep them from moving in next door to you.

I don't understand that, either. For fundamentalists, maybe it's like their opposition to porn and birth control. They seem to believe in "be fruitful and multiply" and that nothing must get in the way of that.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Wrongo, pumpkinpuff. The reason we have representatives is so that the majority can't disenfranchise the minority. How we, the people, get a say-so is by voting for the person who will represent us in Congress. Don't like what your representative does and doesn't do? Don't vote for him. Simple.

I've asked this question before and have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why do you care? How does gays getting married affect you in any way, shape or form? It's not like preventing them from marrying will make them stop being gay or keep them from moving in next door to you.

It's about our country! Which is why you and I will never agree. You are quasi-liberal in that you are more worried about how it effects you and not the bigger impact. It's removing moral foundations that our country was built on. Oh yeah.. And about the popular thing.... I guess the majority rules doesn't mean anything to you either. The majority will decide what type of representatives we have in the government, hence they will represent the popular opinion. If they don't, they will be voted out!

I'm sure rapist/child molesters would like the law to be changed to suite their desires, but I don't think(well if we give you a few years you'll probably change your stance on this too) you would want your represntatives cateing to the few (not majority) of rapist/molesters that we have in our state.

NO need to worry, there are 12 more states lined-up to pass amendments to their state constitutions banning homosexual marriage. That will bring the total to 49 or so... We are on our way and as LARRY SAYS... thanks homos :rolleyes: