CA Gay Marriage...VOIDED!


Football addict
Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by ylexot
I don't consider marriage to be a right. Why do you think it is?

You probably don't consider it a right because it is something that has not been taken from you.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by ceo_pte
As individuals(me included) we have certain rights, but I am not sure that those rights are being violated by not allowing them to be a part of something that was set aside for only a man and woman.

Who "set aside" marriage as only for straight couples? Straight coupling is as old as the human race itself, certainly predating religion and government. As far as government is concerned, legal marriage is a contract that defines rights and responsibilities for the couple.


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Tonio
Who "set aside" marriage as only for straight couples? Straight coupling is as old as the human race itself, certainly predating religion and government. As far as government is concerned, legal marriage is a contract that defines rights and responsibilities for the couple.

I still don't see society halting to a stop just because a group of people want to be as miserable as everyone else.:shrug:

As I've stated in many other gay marriage threads, the opposers are merely using 'what if' scare tactics.


Super Genius
Re: Good point.

Originally posted by Larry Gude
If there is no Constitutional basis FOR marriage, straight or otherwise, where will the PROHIBITION of marriage, based on number of citizens and there gender, come from?
Good point to you too. Personally, I think the government should eliminate "marriages" completely. Marriages should be the domain of religious institutions who can define it any way they want. I don't even think the government should have "civil unions". If all they want is property rights, etc...a lawyer can do that.


Football addict
Re: Re: Good point.

Originally posted by ylexot
Good point to you too. Personally, I think the government should eliminate "marriages" completely. Marriages should be the domain of religious institutions who can define it any way they want. I don't even think the government should have "civil unions". If all they want is property rights, etc...a lawyer can do that.

Good stance.:yay:


Super Genius
Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by BuddyLee
You probably don't consider it a right because it is something that has not been taken from you.
There are many gay married couples. The "right" that you speak of is government recognition of the marriage...which is not a right. The Constitution never said anything about recognizing marriage.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Tonio
Who "set aside" marriage as only for straight couples? Straight coupling is as old as the human race itself, certainly predating religion and government. As far as government is concerned, legal marriage is a contract that defines rights and responsibilities for the couple.

IN our Government it is set aside for a man and a woman.


New Member
Re: Re: Good point.

Originally posted by ylexot
Good point to you too. Personally, I think the government should eliminate "marriages" completely. Marriages should be the domain of religious institutions who can define it any way they want. I don't even think the government should have "civil unions". If all they want is property rights, etc...a lawyer can do that.

Oh God... Don't get the lawyers into it.... That's why we have half the problems that we do in this country...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
When you get back...

but I am not sure that those rights are being violated by not allowing them to be a part of something that was set aside for only a man and woman.

I'm there with you.

Ask ANYONE in ANY country ten, 20 years ago;

Of the following, who get's married?:

A. A man and a boy

B. A woman and a goat

C. A man and a woman

...and the answer would pretty much always be C unless you were asking a Dutchman.

But, by the same token, ask 175 years ago;

Of the following, who can own a cotton plantation in South Carolina?:

A. A widowed woman (until she can get another husband)
B. A rich man
C. An up and coming man

The answer would be D, all of the above...until somebody said "What about a black man or woman?". It would have been understood that blacks do not own anything and CAN'T even be part of the question.

We got around this by trying to argue the absurd (Tanney):
A black man is not a citizen. He is property.

I am not playing devils advocate. Originally, gay marriage was a joke to me.

At present, I see no societal reason two commited, serious gay people should not be able to become what we refer to as 'married'. In fact, I can see positive societal reasons.

But, the inevitable opening of the barn doors, so to speak, will invite a group of 3 or 5 (or other most likely odd number) of transexual, transvestite, transgender, gay, straight, or whatevers demanding a marriage liscense for the group.

We do define legal age for contracts but we do not define gender.



Football addict
Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by ylexot
There are many gay married couples. The "right" that you speak of is government recognition of the marriage...which is not a right. The Constitution never said anything about recognizing marriage.

Isn't that all they want though. To be recognized by the government like all other couples? Not to mention all the benefits they are missing by not being recognized.


Football addict
Re: Buddy Lee...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...add something substantive or go away.


Answer my questions. Don't refute to name calling it merely shows you have nothing else to turn to in the debate.


Football addict
Re: When you get back...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
I'm there with you.

Ask ANYONE in ANY country ten, 20 years ago;

Of the following, who get's married?:

A. A man and a boy

B. A woman and a goat

C. A man and a woman

...and the answer would pretty much always be C unless you were asking a Dutchman.

But, by the same token, ask 175 years ago;

Of the following, who can own a cotton plantation in South Carolina?:

A. A widowed woman (until she can get another husband)
B. A rich man
C. An up and coming man

The answer would be D, all of the above...until somebody said "What about a black man or woman?". It would have been understood that blacks do not own anything and CAN'T even be part of the question.


I must be off here but I seem to remember that times do in fact change.

This is what everyone is afriad of, change. Change happens.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ylexot
Personally, I think the government should eliminate "marriages" completely. Marriages should be the domain of religious institutions who can define it any way they want. I don't even think the government should have "civil unions". If all they want is property rights, etc...a lawyer can do that.
There's a societal benefit to having committed people raising the future generation. That's why marriage is government sanctioned and why they should also let gays marry.

Plus, I like the idea of being married. Maybe it's just the whole stigma of shacking up that has been impressed upon me by Rush Limbaugh :lol: but I like having legal and societal recognition of mine and Larry's union. He's not just my live-in that I can throw out on a whim - he's my husband and there's an implied committment that goes along with that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A traditional religion based...

...marriage comes with instructions as to how the man and woman are to interact and pretty much who is responsible for what.

Given the power that goes with that along with property rights and legal responsibility for minor children, I think that government MUST be part of the equation because government ends up being the only power that can arbitrate any number of 'marriage' issues.

Anyone wanna marry me knowing my faith says I am the master of my household and what I say goes and there isn't a court in the world that can do anything about it?


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
There's a societal benefit to having committed people raising the future generation. That's why marriage is government sanctioned and why they should also let gays marry.

Plus, I like the idea of being married. Maybe it's just the whole stigma of shacking up that has been impressed upon me by Rush Limbaugh :lol: but I like having legal and societal recognition of mine and Larry's union. He's not just my live-in that I can throw out on a whim - he's my husband and there's an implied committment that goes along with that.

I agree to the committment part, but in no way do I think two homosexuals should be raising children. I'm sorry... I will never agree with you on that, no matter how much we were to debate about it...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I recall...

...Maryland DEFINES marriage as between a man and a woman.

I have no idea what Constitutional muster it stood up to, if any.