Cable Company


My 401K is now a 201K
Is is just me, or does anyone else have problems with GMP cable? We pay approx. $60.00 a month for digital cable and we get terrible reception. It's really irritating & although they have been out to troubleshoot the problem, no solution has been identified. I am considering getting a dish type system, any suggestions on which one is better? Dish TV or Direct TV? I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks

The cable company is one big, fat Monopoly!:burning:


I am planning to call the cable company to complain on Monday myself. Digital cable has sucked this entire month and I'm getting sick of it. I don't pay for digital cable for it to be out half the time for an entire month. If they don't fix it soon, I'm going to start looking at direct tv as well.


My 401K is now a 201K
The picture quality is terrible for digital...all kinds of wavy lines and nonavailability of channels we pay for..the one that really ticks hubby off is getting "One Moment please, the channel should be available shortly" when he's wanting to get his golf fact I couldn't really remember what the channel says when it's out, so I just now switched to the Golf Channel and lo & behold the infamous "One Moment please, the channel should be available shortly" is broadcasting live and well..sheesh!



If anyone is with GMP cable, I'd recommend dumping them now. We had so many problems for months and months. If we called to ask for help or service we'd get absolutely no response. We finally had to write letters to the way highers ups to get any response at all. Turns out it was something that could have been fixed with one visit in the first place! :burning: :burning: :burning: Don't get me started...
We have great service with DirectTV and their internet service as well.


Football season!
Gimp cable...
Lets put it this way. When your front desk customer service reps sit behind glass windows, you know there is a problem.


My 401K is now a 201K
Originally posted by SmallTown
Gimp cable...
Lets put it this way. When your front desk customer service reps sit behind glass windows, you know there is a problem.

I never thought of it that way before, ...SMECO's like that too...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
:offtopic: but... :cussing: my VCR died this afternoon. I went to Sears to buy an new VCR/DVD player and they closed 20 minutes before I got there.

How ever will I know what happens on AMC tomorrow???



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
RoseRed, Walmart has a nice Sanyo DVD/VCR combo unit.
Thanks, but I'm not going out now. Hoping for another RCA so I don't have multiple remotes! I'll just pout for the rest of the evening. :rolleyes:


My 401K is now a 201K
Originally posted by RoseRed
Thanks, but I'm not going out now. Hoping for another RCA so I don't have multiple remotes! I'll just pout for the rest of the evening. :rolleyes:
RoseRed- I'd record it for you, but my cable will most likely be out on that channel...What time is it on? Why don't you take off work early ? :cool: :biggrin:
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SEABREEZE 1957
RoseRed- I'd record it for you, but my cable will most likely be out on that channel...What time is it on? Why don't you take off work early ? :cool: :biggrin:
I must be the only person that doesn't have trouble with the cable company (other than it being expensive) and I have to go to work and then start my class right after tomorrow, hence no slacking tomorrow.

1pm channel 7 :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by laureng
Yes, DirecTV rocks, I love it and we never have any problems.
:smile: You got it! Been on DirecTV for better than 6 years now, I
just can't see me going back to cable. The hassles and rudeness aren't worth it. I don't know if losing reception in a storm, (even a little one) is still a problem, but I could bank on it. Almost set your watch to when a storm started and the cable went out.



New Member
We really like comcast

Comcast has been a pleasant surprise for us. Last week we rec'd our High Definition TV box from them and there are about 1/2 dozen channels that currently offer some HDTV programming, hopefully with more on the way soon.
Must be where we live...

I'm in Hollywood, use GMP Express, and haven't had a problem worth raisin' a fuss about. I have expanded basic and cable modem service - no digital. My internet connection is up 24-7 with speeds I expect, and the TV signal is there everytime I want to use it. Maybe it's just their digital side that's having the problem. !! :dosman:

I know there's at least one other forum member who is also in Hollywood and not having problems. GMP is located in Hollywood. Could there be a connection? Could it be that the cable needs replacement in certain locations??

Maybe it's a Hollywood conspiracy!!:liar:


My 401K is now a 201K
Re: Must be where we live...

Originally posted by StillCrazy
I'm in Hollywood, use GMP Express, and haven't had a problem worth raisin' a fuss about. I have expanded basic and cable modem service - no digital. My internet connection is up 24-7 with speeds I expect, and the TV signal is there everytime I want to use it. Maybe it's just their digital side that's having the problem. !! :dosman:

I know there's at least one other forum member who is also in Hollywood and not having problems. GMP is located in Hollywood. Could there be a connection? Could it be that the cable needs replacement in certain locations??

Maybe it's a Hollywood conspiracy!!:liar:

Perhaps it's the digital cable....perhaps it's GMP's lack of concern or motivation to fix the problem...the digital signal has to pass through the phone lines...perhap's it's a line problem...the crux of the matter is, they can't figure it out and they are supposed to be the experts. It's :bs: when you pay for a service that you don't recieve & the company can't or won't make it right. :banghead:


Football season!
Wouldn't be surprised if it is a "digital problem". When I first moved here, we had digital cable installed (almost 4 years ago). I was talking to the installation guy and asked him about things to do around here. He said he had no idea because he was from pittsburgh. He says that (then) Western Shore cable wanted to offer digital service, but had NO ONE here who knew anything about it. So they contracted this group out of pittsburgh to do the installs and troubleshooting. I would hope they would have people locally who know what they are doing, but who knows.

I still get a kick that every once in awhile I will drive by Gimp cable and they will have one of the dish network or directTV dishes outside their building. Guess even they don't like their own quality?


I got DirectTv and love it. Granted there are tons of channels to choose from but there is always something to watch. I have had no problems with my recption.


We had GMP Digital and the reception was pretty bad. We thought it was our TV (it was 17 yrs old). Well, we got a new tv and the digital cable box died. But the expanded service had just as bad reception if not worse on the new tv too!

Finally got Direct TV - what a joy. 10X better picture, no problems with storms - so far. CHEAPER!!! but a lot. I was paying $60 a month on GMP - for the same plus more channels on DirecTV I pay $45 a month for two TVs. The people at DirecTV are such a pleasure to deal with. GMP never even wanted to know why were canceling their service.