Cain's Wife


Harley Rider
Yeah, I have no clue where people get the idea that you're prideful...
You really need to let that one go; it's getting pretty well used up now...
UNA said:
This is actually a concept that is debated in the field of psychology today. It's a tough one to study as it may require less-than-ethical research. I don't happen to agree with ""Wrong" is pre-programmed in all of our consciences from birth" because there are indeed individuals in our society that do NOT recognize the concept of "wrong", if this weren't the case, my 5 year old nephew wouldn't hit is friends (he is of course disciplined for this and doesn't do it anymore). He went through a stage - like many young kids do - where he hit people. It's wrong to hit people but he didn't know that yet!
The programming is still in there, though. When their minds mature more, they'll know (inherently) it's wrong because their consciences will give them a "twinge" of guilt. Our parents didn't teach us everything that's wrong but somehow we knew right & wrong as we got older.
UNA said:
And why didn't he argue with god?? If God really was there in the way these verses says he was (i.e. Cain could talk to him) I wouldn't have argued with him either, he's frgn god! :lol: He can strike me dead!
I said he DID argue with God but not about his not being guilty...


New Member
The programming is still in there, though. When their minds mature more, they'll know (inherently) it's wrong because their consciences will give them a "twinge" of guilt. Our parents didn't teach us everything that's wrong but somehow we knew right & wrong as we got older.

Right, our parents don't teach us everything; society teaches us the rest. Humans know not to do certain things because we learn they are counterproductive to perpetuation of the species i.e. killing another human means that human can't procreate and we have less humans...kind of an over-simplification of things but you get the point :smile: The 'society' Cain was in did not know death and could not have fully understood it - it's permanence.

ItalianScallion said:
I said he DID argue with God but not about his not being guilty...

I misunderstood :smile: