Cal Thomas: Evangelicals conforming to the world


PREMO Member
These endorsements came days before the release of Tim Alberta’s book “The Kingdom, The Power, And the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.” Alberta, a writer for The Atlantic and other publications, and an evangelical Christian, quotes Donald Trump as saying during the 2016 race that those Christians who supported Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for president were “so-called Christians” and “real pieces of s—t.”

When that gets around to those who have had blind faith in Trump, seemingly more than the faith and trust they are commanded to put in the God they claim to worship, will this break the super glue-like attachment so many evangelicals have for Trump? Will they continue to dismiss his un-Christian language and behavior? Recall that Trump bragged he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in New York City and his supporters would not leave him.

Alberta spent four years embedded in evangelical churches and conservative political circles, persuading many to talk about the reasons they continue to support Trump. The twisting of Scripture – “God has used bad people in the past to do His will”— is just one of many rationalizations Alberta heard.

In one of many ironic and laughable statements, Alberta quotes Trump responding to Russell Moore, who resigned from a top position in the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, because he opposed Trump’s candidacy in 2016: “(Moore is) a terrible representative of Evangelicals … a nasty guy with no heart!” Look who’s talking.

The book is an indictment of those who have diluted their faith with the cold brew of politics. Have they forgotten the statement by Jesus: “My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36 ) and what James wrote: “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” (James 4:4 ). How do Trump’s evangelical supporters rationalize those statements? They can’t so they ignore them or choose other verses they can twist to wrongly justify the unjustifiable.

Too many have exchanged the power that comes with faith for temporal power that quickly fades away.


Tim Alberta’s book is not a screed, rather a revelation of how many biblical illiterates exist in the evangelical fold. One can be for Donald Trump, just don’t mix him up with the kingdom of that other world, or the One who is truly “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Is it really a twisting of scripture? Seems the OT is full of examples.
The twisting of Scripture – “God has used bad people in the past to do His will”— is just one of many rationalizations Alberta heard.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever work with a fellow employee who was eagerly looking forward to a great retirement? It's amazing most times just how MUCH they don't give a chit about what is going on at work. It's lost any meaning to them. They could care less about the latest office gossip, the office politics, the restructuring, the new leadership because in two months, they have the life they've yearned for, for decades.

That's SOMETHING akin to what Christians at least SHOULD be like, with regard to this world. You're not going to achieve anything marginally moving the world to a better place politically. You will NEVER elect a righteous leader and on the wild chance you did, they won't make a difference. It's ok to have an opinion - to voice your opinion - but it's kind of a waste of time to behave in such a way that suggests one candidate or law or decision is what GOD wants.

I like to discuss things vigorously on here. I enjoy it. But as far as my faith is concerned, most times talking politics is kind of like discussing sports. I don't mix religion with politics anymore than I mix philosophy with cooking. For the left, politics has supplanted religion - for those on the right, they would do well not to confuse the two.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Did you ever work with a fellow employee who was eagerly looking forward to a great retirement? It's amazing most times just how MUCH they don't give a chit about what is going on at work. It's lost any meaning to them. They could care less about the latest office gossip, the office politics, the restructuring, the new leadership because in two months, they have the life they've yearned for, for decades.