Calabasas Announces Gun Safety Ordinance


PREMO Member
"In the wake of high-profile mass shootings and the ongoing risk to children," the City Council voted unanimously last week to support the measure and will take a final look at the new ordinance at its meeting on August 28, the press release said.

How would have a trigger lock stopped Dayton, El Paso, Pittsburgh, Northern California Garlic Festival, San Bernardino, Aurora, Colo etc

Trigger Locks MAY have stopped Lanza ... but since he was living with his mother I doubt it


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think the whole state of California should be forcibly disarmed by their political captors. In fact, ALL Democrat run states should practice what they preach and make ALL firearm ownership illegal and confiscate them.

See how that works out for them, since they want to inflict it on the rest of the country.