The reason that healthcare is so expensive is because we are such utterly pathetic consumers of it. Ask someone about where the best deals on milk, gasoline, or a pair of Nikes is and they'll usually be able to give you an answer right off the top of their heads. Ask someone who provides the best open-heart surgery for the lowest cost and they'll be unable to answer. Ask someone how much it costs them to get a common physical and they'll probably cite you what their co-pay is and have no idea what their insurance company is getting charged. We don't shop around for the best deal in medical care like we shop around for everything else because we're conditioned to paying a premium plus a co-pay and we have no incentive to look for a better deal. And providers take advantage of that ignorance by charging the maximum that any insurer will allow without regards to what the actual cost of treatment is.
I remember when my son broke out the rear window of my car and I went to glass place in the park for a replacement. The intitial price quote was $350, which I said was way too high for me to pay. The guy then asked if I had glass coverage, and when I said no and told him I was paying out of pocket, the price dropped to $90. I guarantee you that if fewer people had insurance you would see the price of healthcare dropping dramatically as providers competed for out of pocket money. Adding more people to the insurance roles only drives costs up.
I remember when my son broke out the rear window of my car and I went to glass place in the park for a replacement. The intitial price quote was $350, which I said was way too high for me to pay. The guy then asked if I had glass coverage, and when I said no and told him I was paying out of pocket, the price dropped to $90. I guarantee you that if fewer people had insurance you would see the price of healthcare dropping dramatically as providers competed for out of pocket money. Adding more people to the insurance roles only drives costs up.