Calling all dems



I'll answer as an Independent.

1. As a Democrat, what do you propose we should do with our military? I would immediately withdraw 90% of our participation in NATO, and immediately invest in transferring those assets to the Middle East. The Soviets are gone, and a lot of former Soviets are in NATO, so the chances of a great European war are about nil. Lets do in the Middle East what we did with NATO, bring security and stability to the region, and get cheaper oil.

2. How would you fight the war on terrorism? I would task the CIA, FBI, NSA, and US military to hunt down and kill all the terrorists. Forget all the "alledged", "reputed", and "suspected" crap. We know who the bad guys are, go kill them not arrest them. I'm tired of all the reports of a guy being a "suspected" terrorist blowing something up or killing someone. Once an intel agency gets a line on a terrorist, forget about building a case and start building a casket.

3. Should we be dictated to by the UN? If so, why? No. Because at this point the UN is nothing more than a bunch of foreigners coming up with new ways to spend US dollars. When all participants put an equal share into the pot, they can start making the rules. Once they have to start spending their own Euros, Yen, and rials, maybe they'll have a better appreciation of the US.

4. How would you address the failing public school system? Eliminate mandatory testing (it just results in teachers teaching to the test), give school administrators more free reign to fire ineffective teachers, and develop a curriculum that focuses on what kids need to know to get jobs, not to feel good about minorities (or being a minority.)

5. Who is your choice for the next Democratic Presidential Candidate? Hillary Clinton. :barf:


C'mon Vrai! Just imagine the fun of seeing Hillary try to run for President... especially when she finally has to step up to the plate and answers the questions she's been dodging for years. :cheers:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
C'mon Vrai! Just imagine the fun of seeing Hillary try to run for President... especially when she finally has to step up to the plate and answers the questions she's been dodging for years. :cheers:
She'll continue to dodge them! And this time the media will be helping her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kyle's right - Hillary's not going to answer any questions she's not asked and her fan club certainly won't bring up anything embarrassing. I think if Hillary ran for President, she'd get it and I shudder at the thought.


endangered species
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Kyle's right - Hillary's not going to answer any questions she's not asked and her fan club certainly won't bring up anything embarrassing. I think if Hillary ran for President, she'd get it and I shudder at the thought.

I don't think she'll run. She has some pretty rabid enemies. It would turn into a Kennedy kind of thing. Being a senator is pretty cool. Maybe Attorney general or something. :smile:

What stinkin' questions is she not answering???


New Member
Originally posted by Christy
Okay, let us try and get past the political mudslinging shall we and move onto thoughtful debate.

1. As a Democrat, what do you propose we should do with our military?

2. How would you fight the war on terrorism?

3. Should we be dictated to by the UN? If so, why?

4. How would you address the failing public school system?

5. Who is your choice for the next Democratic Presidential Candidate?

Interesting questions and really, core differences between Dems and Reps. What to do with military? Defend the US, help when asked, but they should not be used to impose US it happens so often. Just because it's not the American Way, doesn't mean it's bad, right?!

How to fight terrorism......I'm just glad I'm the not President, I don't want his job.

Dictated TO by UN? Hell yes! Imagine Americans could do as they please? Kind of goes back to 1.

Failing school system? I'd say that's a completely relative question and a completely unfair statement. Our school systems are not failing, some are better than others, but only the minority of the systems aren't any good. For example, Charles County schools are excellent in my opinion. It's what you make of what is offered, and the American School Systems offers everything for all levels.

Presidential Candidate? No clue, as long as he/she's a democrat! :)


New Member
Originally posted by missi1013
Those questions are too hard for demo's! They might have to tell the truth and say "I don't know" :confused:

You're right! I had to say "I don't know" twice, but at least I'm honest. But you know what? If I did have the answers to all of those questions, and I had three of them, then I should be leading this country. But none of us really have the answers....


New Member
Re: Re: Follow up

Originally posted by BchBns

Evil Dewar ... I think my post in the other forum was pretty much dead on to your nonsense. You walk into this forum with obvious malicious intent (meanwhile staging a battle with your "friends" from the other forum). You complain that every republican you talk to calls you names (hmm, think they might be right? :bubble:); however, you are the one slinging mud here. Furthermore, you failed miserably to legitimately answer any of Christy's questions with a serious answer.

The folks on this board appreciate a good debate, but sometimes, when we get together, we really enjoy a good laugh at the expense of folks who post such nonsense as you have above. Consider yourself inducted into that hall of shame. When you want to carry on a serious debate of issues without the B.S., profanity, and gang-banging by your "friends," perhaps you wouldn't be as entertaining as a Darwin award winner and could instead be conversed with in a respectful, adult, mature manner; however, like our previous prez, imho, you have zero credibility here as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps a one-way ticket back to your underworld is in order :rolleyes:



New Member
Number 4 of the big questions

Originally posted by Bruzilla
I'll answer as an Independent.

1. As a Democrat, what do you propose we should do with our military? I would immediately withdraw 90% of our participation in NATO, and immediately invest in transferring those assets to the Middle East. The Soviets are gone, and a lot of former Soviets are in NATO, so the chances of a great European war are about nil. Lets do in the Middle East what we did with NATO, bring security and stability to the region, and get cheaper oil.

2. How would you fight the war on terrorism? I would task the CIA, FBI, NSA, and US military to hunt down and kill all the terrorists. Forget all the "alledged", "reputed", and "suspected" crap. We know who the bad guys are, go kill them not arrest them. I'm tired of all the reports of a guy being a "suspected" terrorist blowing something up or killing someone. Once an intel agency gets a line on a terrorist, forget about building a case and start building a casket.

3. Should we be dictated to by the UN? If so, why? No. Because at this point the UN is nothing more than a bunch of foreigners coming up with new ways to spend US dollars. When all participants put an equal share into the pot, they can start making the rules. Once they have to start spending their own Euros, Yen, and rials, maybe they'll have a better appreciation of the US.

4. How would you address the failing public school system? Eliminate mandatory testing (it just results in teachers teaching to the test), give school administrators more free reign to fire ineffective teachers, and develop a curriculum that focuses on what kids need to know to get jobs, not to feel good about minorities (or being a minority.)

5. Who is your choice for the next Democratic Presidential Candidate? Hillary Clinton. :barf:

I agree with you on number 4. Just wanted to focus on that for a sec, because you're correct, it's these standardized tests that are the basis of comparisons. And I happen to know quite a few people, kids included, who are quite apt, but really loose it at these tests and get "scored" much much under their real worth. So? Is gettting rid of standardized testing a Democratic agenda, or a Republican one?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Okay, let us try and get past the political mudslinging shall we and move onto thoughtful debate.

Democratic Strategy Revealed

1. As a Democrat, what do you propose we should do with our military? Disarm and retrain them to water trees, build bird houses for Spotted Owls and peddle bicycle/generators for Clean/Environmentally Friendly power source for the DNC conventions. :smile:

2. How would you fight the war on terrorism? Surrender! (They really love us) And after all it's the American hegemonic practices, the Oil/Auto/Technological executives and shareholders (who wrought socio-economic warfare on the downtrodden masses)... and of course the military who are the oppressors of the world and that caused terrorism in the first place. :smile: "Why as I was sharing some tofu the other day with Mohammed Sheik Alef and Yassir Arafat, they said.... "

3. Should we be dictated to by the UN? If so, why? Yes! Then we don't have to make decisions for ourselves. Especially the hard choices! :smile: And of course they can tax us and assist us with political retraining compliments of the Chinese! They're really the nicest, most friendly and most generous folks! :smile:

4. How would you address the failing public school system? Mo' Money! Mo' Money! Mo' Money! :smile:

5. Who is your choice for the next Democratic Presidential Candidate? Hillary Rodham Hussain... Errr I mean Clinton! She's so sweeeeeeeeeet! :smile:

Have some Tofu!


Most rank-and-file teachers I know dislike the tests, but the administrations like them because they are a simple way to show some form of progress. It's a lot easier to gouge the heck out of kids and get them ready to do well on a test to show success than it is to look at the number of kids failing to learn the basics and explain that situation.

Politicians like the tests for the same reason, and Bush really likes them. They were the cornerstone of his educational strategy. Unfortunately, you can give a gouge book to even a piss-poor teacher and they'll be able to get the kids to pass the test.

We need to do away with bad tests AND bad teachers.