Calvert County HighSchool Pre-K Lab Programs


New Member
Does anyone have any information on the Calvert County High School Pre-K Lab programs? I understand each high schools programs are different and they start in October. Anyone have any information or been involved in this in the past? Thanks!
Does anyone have any information on the Calvert County High School Pre-K Lab programs? I understand each high schools programs are different and they start in October. Anyone have any information or been involved in this in the past? Thanks!
What the heck is a high school pre-k lab?


New Member
From what I understand the high school has a sort of vo-tech program to teach teens to be preschool teachers. They need tots to teach to, so area tots participate and it's run exactly like a preschool. There is a fee involved.


New Member
Just Contact The High School Closest To You And The Secretary Will Put You In Touch With The Teacher That Runs The Program, My Kid Went There It Was Great.


New Member
My son went to the one at Patuxent HS for 2 years. The kids involved are all taking early childhood ed. classes, in addition to being "teachers" in the lab. At the time I think we paid about $35/month for our kids to be in the preschool. It was 2 days/wk one yr, 3 days/wk another. I think it somewhat depends on the schedule of the instructor each year.

I was really happy with the program. The instructor does not allow any nonsense from the student teachers and they are all really good to the preschoolers. The ratio was 2 or 3 students to 1 teacher when we were there. They had to come up with lesson plans for each unit (all the different letters, numbers, weather, some science type lessons, etc.). I thought it was a really well done program. The only thing I could have done without was some of the clothes the high schoolers wore, but none of it was that bad. And for the price, you could not beat it.

All in all, I would give it a big :yay:!


New Member
I am so happy to hear that parents were happy with the program. My daughter will be going to the one in Huntingtown High. The teacher is very impressive to talk with and has such positive energy!


New Member
My kid goes to this program at Huntingtown High - FABULOUS! the kids learned more at this program than most friends kids who pay $100. or more for a private pre-k. Two thumbs up!


My kid goes to this program at Huntingtown High - FABULOUS! the kids learned more at this program than most friends kids who pay $100. or more for a private pre-k. Two thumbs up!

What age group does this program cover? Is it geared pretty much toward 4 year olds? And how many days per week/hours does your child go? This sounds like a great program.


New Member
The pre-k program is potty trained (can go completely alone into bathroom without assistance) toddlers 3, 4 and 5 years of age. They go Tue/Wed/Thurs 12:25 to 2:30 for $30 a month at Huntingtown High. The teacher is Mrs. Fox - I believe she has some afternoon openings. Call the high school and leave her a message or look her up on the huntingtown high webpage and drop her an e-mail. She is very quick to respond to interested parents.


New Member
This month the kids are learning about Channicha (spelling?), Kwanza and Christmas. They also learn letters, science, social skills, classroom skills, all sorts of wonderful things. I was going to use this for 1 year and then put my kid in a private pre-k - now we sticking with this program all the way.