Calvert County Team Stinks Up Situation


New Member
greyhound said:
I started reading the thread and thought oh son is playing for this league for the first time and all this is going on. But wait a minute...the other teams haven't had any games. I looked at the date.............. :whistle:

What division is your son playing?


New Member
wericnchris said:
My son plays from the 65lb team Solomon Steelers and Ive never known for our division to ever have drama. And as for the Ranch Club comment, I dont live there but its not the neighborhood thats teaching these kids how to act its called parents need to teach their children respect and we should respect everyone on the field and just have fun. Thats the thing now a days its all about who gonna win and never di they have fun....... Good Luck to all team divisions in Calvert County and other counties, play hard and have fun....

Umm, this thread is like soo 5 years ago.. :buttkick:


New Member
Good football news

Steelers played today....

The unlimited team lost but both teams (Steelers and Bryan's Road team) played a very good game. The sportmanship was :yay: !!!! They set a great example for the younger teams that were playing after them.

I met a forum member at the game. "cd", I looked for you but I felt funny walking around asking who was a "So. Md. forum member". If you saw someone in a black hooded jacket, white capri's and a light blue top (carrying a green bag with white handles) was me.


Nice lady!
greyhound said:
Steelers played today....

The unlimited team lost but both teams (Steelers and Bryan's Road team) played a very good game. The sportmanship was :yay: !!!! They set a great example for the younger teams that were playing after them.

I met a forum member at the game. "cd", I looked for you but I felt funny walking around asking who was a "So. Md. forum member". If you saw someone in a black hooded jacket, white capri's and a light blue top (carrying a green bag with white handles) was me.

Bryan's Road Unlimited team, Skyhawks, rocked last year. (undefeated!) I'm glad to hear they are doing well again this year. :yay:


New Member
greyhound said:
Steelers played today....

The unlimited team lost but both teams (Steelers and Bryan's Road team) played a very good game. The sportmanship was :yay: !!!! They set a great example for the younger teams that were playing after them.

I met a forum member at the game. "cd", I looked for you but I felt funny walking around asking who was a "So. Md. forum member". If you saw someone in a black hooded jacket, white capri's and a light blue top (carrying a green bag with white handles) was me.

Girl when I got there I think you all were just getting finish!! I was not even concern with finding anyone besides a bathroom!!!!!! Monday, I will come over there to your son's team and say hi.. I have long blond hair with highlights.. So if you see someone walking around looking like she is looking for someone then that would be me.. LOL Yeah we had a good game as well. Long drive, but it was fun.. By the way my name is Dana.