Camera Hogg


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I only did a quick search and didn't see anything for Harvard, so based my post off of what popped up. I could only find that USC (4 campuses) rejected him. Harvard wasn't mentioned. :sshrug:

If you do a search for "David Hogg Harvard" they come up.


Well-Known Member
So what I'm to gather from this...
He asked his parents to cover the cost of his PhD in Ancient African American Transgender Socialist Studies....
Dad laughed at him & told him he would have to cover the cost of his failed College Education himself....
Hogg is STILL whining, crying, & telling his parents he hates them for being selfish Capitalists..


Well-Known Member

David Hogg has something to tell you about his father

By Andrea Widburg

On February 14, 2018, thanks to a complete systemic failure at the school and county level, Nikolas Cruz was able to murder 17 of his classmates at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School. David Hogg, a student at the school, was not among the injured nor was he even in the line of fire (which is, of course, a good thing). Nevertheless, by becoming one of the loudest voices calling for gun control following the shootings, Hogg managed to get a place at Harvard. He also gained a huge Twitter presence, which is a source of endless amusement for anyone who has a triple-digit IQ.

Those who have followed Hogg’s career, from publicity-seeking high school student to Harvard undergraduate, cannot help but be impressed with his manifest mediocrity, which is bathed in hard leftism. He is the modern Harvard undergraduate writ large and should dissuade any parent who hopes that his child will actually be educated when at college from sending that child to Harvard in the third decade of the 21st century.

Hogg’s musings on Twitter (which are so prolific it’s hard to know how he finds time for school work) provide an endlessly ludicrous, vapid stream of generic leftism, ignorance, and venom:


It says something about the completely feminized and/or neutered world in which Hogg lives that he thinks firing a gun, knowing how to fly, and being athletic automatically means that your father must be a spook.

Harvard’s finest, ladies and gentlemen. Harvard’s finest.

If it weren't for his generation, there wouldn't be any school shootings.

Genocide....I mean, late, late, late term abortion, anyone?


Well-Known Member

Putting More Cops in Schools May Endanger Non-White Students

He then claimed, “Putting more cops in schools hasn’t worked.” He cited two examples to bolster his viewpoint: First he pointed to the armed officer who stood outside Parkland instead of entering, even as the attack was carried out. Then he made claims about the police response to Uvalde.

Hogg did not mention the numerous times armed resource officers have saved lives on campus.

For example, on December 13, 2013, an 18-year-old with a shotgun entered Denver-area Arapahoe High School and had to face the fact that an armed resource officer was coming for him. The Denver Post noted that the resource officer was a deputy sheriff who, hearing a gunshot, ran toward the gunman. As the resource officer closed in, the attacker took his own life, ending the attack.

The Arapahoe attack lasted 80 seconds. The Sandy Hook Elementary attack, where there was no armed resource officer, lasted over nine minutes.

But Hogg rejected calls for more cops on campus, saying, “Realize that putting more cops in schools actually may be a form of endangering our students as well — for the students that don’t have the privilege of having my skin color, or the fact that I am an American citizen.”
Demonrat leftists pretending they care about minorities (or anyone but themselves) lost its shine a long, long time ago, Piggy.


Well-Known Member
I had an Uncle that never married. He was afraid it might be expensive. Most selfish old man I ever knew. I almost felt sorry for him. he died living in a motel room with no one to even mourn him except those he left his small estate to. It's a lonesome life in your old age when you have no one.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I had an Uncle that never married. He was afraid it might be expensive. Most selfish old man I ever knew. I almost felt sorry for him. he died living in a motel room with no one to even mourn him except those he left his small estate to. It's a lonesome life in your old age when you have no one.

Meh. People are overrated.


Well-Known Member
I had an Uncle that never married. He was afraid it might be expensive. Most selfish old man I ever knew. I almost felt sorry for him. he died living in a motel room with no one to even mourn him except those he left his small estate to. It's a lonesome life in your old age when you have no one.