Campaign Signs


Active Member
If I was to take a few of them, would I get in trouble?

I mean what do they do with them after the election?

Hopefully you would be charged with being a thief. Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and if found quility, part of your sentenceing would be a few hundered hours of road side cleanup.


New Member
Ugh... I have to totally agree. I cant wait for all these to be gone. Personally, I dont think there should be signs allowed. If you want to get your name out there, go out and talk to people, do things for the community which you so desperately want to represent. Have people know your name because you are making a difference not because you are freaking obnoxious and have your name posted every two feet!

/end rant.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Ugh... I have to totally agree. I cant wait for all these to be gone. Personally, I dont think there should be signs allowed. If you want to get your name out there, go out and talk to people, do things for the community which you so desperately want to represent. Have people know your name because you are making a difference not because you are freaking obnoxious and have your name posted every two feet!

/end rant.

A good rant. I always wondered if the signs ever do anyone any good come election time? I've certainly never been influenced to vote by a silly election sign. That is something that must have been studied at some point, right? OR is it just one of those things you are expected to do if you are running for an office?


I love Texas Road House
My neighbor had a O'Mally sign up in their yard. I went over there last night and ripped it up and threw it into the woods.


Cool Dude
How would you know who stole the sign. My neighbor has no idea I am the one who ripped down their sign.

I wouldn't know that you did it for sure, but considering that events like these usually aren't isolated, I'd be able to make an educated guess. That's why I wouldn't confront you about it or call the cops making accusations of trespassing or vandalism...I'd simply duke in your mailbox.


I love Texas Road House
I wouldn't know that you did it for sure, but considering that events like these usually aren't isolated, I'd be able to make an educated guess. That's why I wouldn't confront you about it or call the cops making accusations of trespassing or vandalism...I'd simply duke in your mailbox.

I'm glad I'm not your neighbor. Shenanigans like that drive me bonkers.