Can all you bikers check in


New Member
There are 2 types of riders, Those who have crashed and those who are going to crash. Most are caused by other people, Maryland did a study a few years ago and over half the bikes registered in maryland were registered to people who DO NOT have a motorcycle license. They have been trying to add more classes so people can get the license.I reccomend to anyone who rides to take some sort of class, m.s.f or whatever you can find. And as far as given up dont, you will regret it. I know first hand.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:

I had a squid cut between me and a car Saturday.. he was REAL lucky he didn't clip one of our bumpers. My front bumper was even with the cars back bumper and he shot thorugh the little hole at over 100 MPH.. Figure we'll be reading about him in awhile.

I got passed by six of them up on 5 near the beltway. I was in the truck and the first one cut me so close I instinctivly hit the brake and the next three almost hit the rear corner going around...


New Member
bad1032 said:
There are 2 types of riders, Those who have crashed and those who are going to crash. Most are caused by other people, Maryland did a study a few years ago and over half the bikes registered in maryland were registered to people who DO NOT have a motorcycle license. They have been trying to add more classes so people can get the license.I reccomend to anyone who rides to take some sort of class, m.s.f or whatever you can find. And as far as given up dont, you will regret it. I know first hand.

:lol: Not sure what system they used to determine how many unlicensed motorcycle owners there are in MD, but who do I need to contact to try to get them to sell it to PA? I got a notice in the mail from PennDot ASKING me if I had a Motorcycle license, and they noticed from their records that I am a motorcycle owner. :lol: Can they not hit one more button on the computer to see that I have a class M license? If PenDot is the registration AND licensing center for the state is it too much for them to walk to the other side of the hallway??? :lol: Gotta love government spending. :lol:


New Member
As for the accident, there's no telling what happened. Chances are though, that it was due to ignorance. Could have been to either party, or both.

This stuff happens. I don't go to Daytona Bike week anymore because of the number of body bags I saw every year. It is pretty sickening. But, it's not enough to make me quit riding.

I see people do stupid stuff when I'm on the bike, and in the truck. Like itsbob said, all you can do is ride a safely as possible, gain experience with every trip, and be prepared.

You won't be able to avoid every accident, and the cards are stacked against you for being able to ride thru life never having to put a bike down, or having it put down for you. But there are no guarantees in life, at any time. No matter what we do or decide on a daily basis, there are consequences.

With gas over $3.00 gallon, there will be more bikes on the road than ever before. I used to not ride on Fridays as a rule, due to the barfly's being in a hurry to get there, and more times than not, with a buzz on. The gas prices have me going against that rule. I rode last Friday for the first time in years and will probably continue to do so, weather permitting.
Looks like you nailed it PT.
From the MD State Police reports:On Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 4:07 pm, TFC J. Fleetwood responded to Route 235 and Wildwood Blvd for a reported motorcycle accident. Investigation revealed that Mark Steven Posey, 43, of Waldorf, was traveling northbound on Route 235 approaching Wildwood Blvd, California, on a Suzuki motorcycle. Mr. Posey failed to observe stopped traffic at the intersection. Mr. Posey attempted to avoid a collision and swerved into the left turn lane. He lost control of the motorcycle and was ejected. Mr. Posey came to rest under a vehicle stopped in the left turn lane. The motorcycle came to rest in the intersection after striking three other vehicles. Mr. Posey was flown to Prince George’s Shock Trauma. His condition is unknown at this time. (0682008818)
Oh yeah, don't forget to look where you're going. It really helps.
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I'm Rick James #####!
Wasn't me.

Though I did do a little riding this weekend. I put 770 miles on the bike since Thursday with a tour of the eastern shore.


New Member
That asshat caused damage to 3 other vehicles with his lil' motorcycle...and people wonder why our rates continue to go up.

Going up to B'more on Saturday, there was a motorcyclist riding a wheelie while standing on the back pegs, going south on 4, going at least 70...and I say that because he was in the passing lane and passing cars while doing it. He rode that wheelie for at least a half mile before I lost site of him. Dunno who he was, but I feel the need to let him know that the 6 year old that was with me was pretty impressed. :yay:


New Member
Lugnut said:
Wasn't me.

Though I did do a little riding this weekend. I put 770 miles on the bike since Thursday with a tour of the eastern shore.

I was over there Saturday after a stop in Annap. The northern part of the eastern shore is a whole different world. Next time I'm bringing my camera :howdy:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Maybe the guy will learn to pay more attention. Maybe not. Sorry to say, but I'm glad it was his fault and not some motorist not paying attention. Now I'm not scared to ride. I'm so careful, it's almost pathetic.