Can It be guessed as to the race of Jesus.


In My Opinion
Since The question seems important to some, and it is a point of interest for some reason, I decided to see if we could come up with a reasonable guess to what Jesus might have looked like.
To do this we have to follow his family tree back through the Bible.

Now, we know that there were something like 80 marriages before he was born, and we do know that he was descendant of David, and that would put him a direct descendant of Adam (remember him?)

So, (and I hope that some others with interest can join in on this and help the tracing of the family, and if possible where those members migrated to in their lives.) Itallion Scallion? you up for some fun?

At any rate, lets start with Adam and Eve. We know that they were in the Garden of Eden, so we look to Genesis 2:8~14
King James Version
Genesis 2:8-14

King James Version (KJV)

8And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

9And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

10And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

11The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

12And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

13And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

14And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
So, geographically speaking, based on the names of the rivers, we have a general location that would actually be somewhere just in the outskirts of what today would be Kuwait. The head of the Euphrates is actually in Al Qurnah, This is based on the four rivers. Only one has the same name The Euphrates, which comes to head with what is now called the Tigress, so its possible that the Tigress could have been Hiddekel in that time. The other two, are missing, but they could have been filled in during the great flood. None of this has ever been provable as far as I know.

But lets go on that. And we can then assume that Adam and Eve were actually (geographically speaking because nothing was named at that time) in what is now Southern Iraq.

So, They would have been for a lack of a better way to explain it, Iraqi.

Now we have a most likely flawed, but maybe correct guess as to what Adam and Eve would have looked like assuming that people from a certain region looked then as they do now. (hey, its all we have to go on.)

In the picture (dont look at the white guy) notice that the residents of Al Qurnah do have darker skin that whites, but lighter skin than the blacks. So, if Adam looked like these men today, we can assume that Eve would have been the same complexion since she was made from his yanked rib, and since God made man in his own image (assuming that it meant looks) we can guess that God himself might have looked Middle Eastern. (this is not looking good for us racists I must say)

Next up. Seth. The son of Adam and Eve that was the next step in the long line of relatives to Jesus Christ himself.


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24/7 Single Dad
I always figured that Jesus was a typical middle eastern Jew, probably about 5'6' with kinky black hair.

I don't think he looked like this 60's California surfer dude


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In My Opinion
You know, I never really took note in the fact that the Bible does not follow the Travels of Seth. So, where does one go to get an idea of where he ended up?
Remembering that the Koran also had stories of Adam and Eve, and that those stories were very close to the stories in the Bible, Yes, I went to the Koran.

Prophet Adam passed a will to his son Seth, ordering him to keep it sealed from Cain and Cains son, due to their envy.
Prophet Seth lived in Makkah and performed Hajj and Umrah (a pilgrimage with some similarity to Hajj and stayed there until he died.

The Makkah Province or Mecca Province (Arabic: مكة المكرمة‎ Makka al Mukarrama) is the most populous province of Saudi Arabia. It is located in the western Saudi Arabia and has an extended coastline. It has an area of 164,000 km² and a population of 5,797,971 (2004 census). Its capital is the sacred city of Mecca (also transliterated as Makkah) and its largest city is Jeddah, which is also Saudi Arabia's main port city.

So, Seth it seems, most likely ended up in todays Saudi Arabia married to one of his brothers twin sisters. As instructed to do. Seth by the way had Enos when Seth was 105 years old, Seth died at the age of 912, Adam lived for a total of 930 years.
What is important about the marrying of one of his brothers twin sisters is that the genetics would still have Enos, the next in line of the Jesus lineage, as an Iraqi.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tracing the family tree of Jesus is done in the first chapter of Matthew. But Jesus is the Son of God. Only half His appearance would be attributable to the DNA of Mary.

I suspect that God chose to be born of Mary, a Jew, as Jesus, also a Jew. I suspect that He was olive skinned as Jews are and the Bible says His appearance was not note worthy.
Isaiah 52:14-53:3

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Isaiah 52
14 Just as many were astonished at you, My people,
So His appearance was marred more than any man
And His form more than the sons of men.
15 Thus He will sprinkle many nations,
Kings will shut their mouths on account of Him;
For what had not been told them they will see,
And what they had not heard they will understand.

Isaiah 53
The Suffering Servant
1 Who has believed our message?
And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
And like a root out of parched ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
3 He was despised and forsaken of men,
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
And like one from whom men hide their face
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.


I bowl overhand
Tracing the family tree of Jesus is done in the first chapter of Matthew. But Jesus is the Son of God. Only half His appearance would be attributable to the DNA of Mary.

I suspect that God chose to be born of Mary, a Jew, as Jesus, also a Jew. I suspect that He was olive skinned as Jews are and the Bible says His appearance was not note worthy.

Sammy Davis Jr wasn't "olive skinned".


In My Opinion
Tracing the family tree of Jesus is done in the first chapter of Matthew. But Jesus is the Son of God. Only half His appearance would be attributable to the DNA of Mary.

I suspect that God chose to be born of Mary, a Jew, as Jesus, also a Jew. I suspect that He was olive skinned as Jews are and the Bible says His appearance was not note worthy.

I know that the family tree is done in Matthew, however it starts with David,
or Abraham, My memory is not good..
and it goes to the effect of David begot Nathan, Nation begot Abraham.
what it does not do is give geographical locations that the begotted hailed from. And that is what I am trying to do, for instance, Adam Begot Seth, Seth begot Enos, however you have to do some looking to find out that Enos was most likely born in what is now Saudi Arabia, and you also have to realize that the guys were living 900 or so years, and its possible that in that 900 years they could have picked up and passed on traits that were different than what their father or grandfathers had, so in reality Enos could have looked a bit different than Adam.

But with my luck, When I die I will find out that Jesus was a gay black man that was illegally in Israel.


In My Opinion
look here
Radiation can cause DNA mutations, 3D animation with narration :: DNA Learning Center

It explains how mutations can occur from exposure to the sun.
Now, figure someone living 900 years, having kids at the age of 105 or so, they have had 105 years of exposure to the radiation of the sun, it is very possible that this exposure could be the reason that someone from Iraq might have a different look than someone from Saudi Arabia, or Israel, or even southern Africa.
Genetic mutations would be much greater between generations with the greater age. Now we are mostly done having kids when we are in our 30s, the mutations are not going to be that great, even if at all.


Having Fun!
But with my luck, When I die I will find out that Jesus was a gay Hispanic black man that was illegally in Israel.


Also, remember to keep in mind that all information written down in various formats (Bible, Koran, etc.) is written from a certain perspective which we may or may not be aware of -- and may be either literal truth (as it appeared to the writer), analogy, or illustrative story to convey a point. In addition to this, writing as a form of communication evolved later, and thus early methods of communication were basically a sharing of stories, otherwise known as oral tradition. As anyone who has sat around in a family gathering (or any other gathering of people) knows, stories are never told exactly the same way, using the same words, from person to person or telling to telling. Parts are either added or left out, or changed due to various reasons -- person forgets, person gets confused, etc. These are the problems with using the Bible as literal history.

And, just to throw something else into the mix, and to illustrate that things can be interpreted in more than one way, folks can make an excellent case, using the Bible, that God and Jesus, are/were in fact, intelligent beings from another galaxy. It's all in how you look at it.

Bottom line -- we will never know. What we may be meant to take from all of the writings are key concepts to successfully living together on this planet. Perhaps we should ALL (the entire world), go back and re-read our guiding books and look for some answers. I think there's something we're all missing out on, judging from what's going on in the world today.


New Member

Also, remember to keep in mind that all information written down in various formats (Bible, Koran, etc.) is written from a certain perspective which we may or may not be aware of -- and may be either literal truth (as it appeared to the writer), analogy, or illustrative story to convey a point.

Muslims rely on extra-Qur'anical teachings which include the Hadith and Sunnah (sayings and exemplary actions of Muhammad). Muslims also are taught to believe in another Jesus - different than the New Testament Jesus.

Herein is the Islamic description of the "Muslim Jesus" (Isa) according to the following Hadith:

( According to Islamic theology, Jesus will return to fight and kill anti-Christ, then dies after forty years.)

"The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace_be_upon_him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him."
(Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 37, Number 4310: Narrated AbuHurayrah)

Also, like Mormon theology, the "Jesus" of the Muslims is a polygamist according to one of the Islamic sects:

Islamic theology teaches that Jesus will be married to 1000 wives.

"Allah, the Highest, revealed to Jesus:
'O Jesus, travel from one place to another
least you should be known and harmed
by My Might and My Glory.
I will let you marry a thousand Houris*
and I will make a feast for four hundred years for you.'

Translated from Aramaic into Arabic by al-Ghazali (505/1111)
Translated from Arabic into English by Shaykh Ahmad Darwish
The Mosque of the Internet

The Most Advanced Curiculum of Prophetic Saying

Sorry - that is NOT a description of The New Testament Jesus nor is the one of the RCC that is accompanied in Heaven with his mother, Mary, where she co-reigns as "Queen of Heaven," "Mediatrix," Co-Redemptrix," "Advocate," and "helps souls get into Heaven"

The RCC, like Mormons and Muslims are taught to believe in another gospel and another Jesus - completely different from the accounts of The New Testament Jesus.


In My Opinion
Muslims rely on extra-Qur'anical teachings which include the Hadith and Sunnah (sayings and exemplary actions of Muhammad). Muslims also are taught to believe in another Jesus - different than the New Testament Jesus.

Herein is the Islamic description of the "Muslim Jesus" (Isa) according to the following Hadith:

Also, like Mormon theology, the "Jesus" of the Muslims is a polygamist according to one of the Islamic sects:

Sorry - that is NOT a description of The New Testament Jesus nor is the one of the RCC that is accompanied in Heaven with his mother, Mary, where she co-reigns as "Queen of Heaven," "Mediatrix," Co-Redemptrix," "Advocate," and "helps souls get into Heaven"

The RCC, like Mormons and Muslims are taught to believe in another gospel and another Jesus - completely different from the accounts of The New Testament Jesus.

I agree, but in reality I would have to paint Jesus as a middle eastern European mix. I would certainly not paint him in my white image.
The Muslims are taught to believe in a different Savoir, but at the same time they also start with Adam and Eve, and have the Cain and Able, and Seth in their writings, Now, where it starts to change interestingly enough is with the Son of Seth that carried on the line to Jesus, the name was different. close, but different.
Right now to clarify where the Son of Seth ended up, and a guess of who his wife might have been, I am also trying to look through the Torah to see if he is mentioned in greater detail there.
The Christian Bible really does not start tracking locations until Mattatha if you look at the Genealogy in Luke, or Abraham if you look at it in Matthew. Because, after Nathan, for some reason the two differ. I don't know why yet.

At any rate, This is going to take me time to even get a close guess, but at the same time I am rather enjoying the research. I do wish however that I or I knew someone that could take the old original writings and make sense of them, else, I am only counting on someones word that the translations are correct and true.

still fun.


In My Opinion
And something I found extremly interesting.
In my search, I looked into "The Book Of Shadows" which is the text from the Original Pagan Bible.
I found this in the first couple paragraphs/verses.

Then came beasts and greater beasts and some lived and some died and some appeared from other beasts in differing form over a great time. One of these beasts was the beginning of men and the man was called himself Adam Edam. And when Adam Edam stood upright, walked upon the earth and gained reason, so was the beginning of humanity for he had within him good things, unlike other beasts who knew of nothing and had not feeling of mind as did he.
Adam Edam, Garden of Eden? close??

But what I really found perplexing is that once again, in the fourth reference, One Muslim, one Jewish one Christian and one Pagan, Adam was the first named human on earth.

Until this morning, I have never read any of the Book of Shadows, so I was almost surprised to discover this.


Active Member
Since The question seems important to some, and it is a point of interest for some reason, I decided to see if we could come up with a reasonable guess to what Jesus might have looked like.
To do this we have to follow his family tree back through the Bible.

Now, we know that there were something like 80 marriages before he was born, and we do know that he was descendant of David, and that would put him a direct descendant of Adam (remember him?)

So, (and I hope that some others with interest can join in on this and help the tracing of the family, and if possible where those members migrated to in their lives.) Itallion Scallion? you up for some fun?

At any rate, lets start with Adam and Eve. We know that they were in the Garden of Eden, so we look to Genesis 2:8~14
King James Version
Genesis 2:8-14

King James Version (KJV)

So, geographically speaking, based on the names of the rivers, we have a general location that would actually be somewhere just in the outskirts of what today would be Kuwait. The head of the Euphrates is actually in Al Qurnah, This is based on the four rivers. Only one has the same name The Euphrates, which comes to head with what is now called the Tigress, so its possible that the Tigress could have been Hiddekel in that time. The other two, are missing, but they could have been filled in during the great flood. None of this has ever been provable as far as I know.

But lets go on that. And we can then assume that Adam and Eve were actually (geographically speaking because nothing was named at that time) in what is now Southern Iraq.

So, They would have been for a lack of a better way to explain it, Iraqi.

Now we have a most likely flawed, but maybe correct guess as to what Adam and Eve would have looked like assuming that people from a certain region looked then as they do now. (hey, its all we have to go on.)

In the picture (dont look at the white guy) notice that the residents of Al Qurnah do have darker skin that whites, but lighter skin than the blacks. So, if Adam looked like these men today, we can assume that Eve would have been the same complexion since she was made from his yanked rib, and since God made man in his own image (assuming that it meant looks) we can guess that God himself might have looked Middle Eastern. (this is not looking good for us racists I must say)

Next up. Seth. The son of Adam and Eve that was the next step in the long line of relatives to Jesus Christ himself.

With the limited research that I did I got the site below. His travels and not mentioned in detail though. That would require to go to the middle eastern countries and getting access to sacred texts. I am waiting for a reply from a friend of mine who is a Rabbi in isreal. It may be awile since he is in England for an interfaith dialogue.

There are other sources that say his tomb is in the Baqa'a valley in lebanon.
Here is a link to a sites of the prophets and anyone else that is important(need to varify the site)