Can Satan twist scriptures #171


"Love your enemies, turn the other cheek, bless those who persecute you, blessed are ye when men shall persecute you spitefully use you etc.,
avenge not yourselves, you must endure trials of pain to endure unto the end etc. Vengence is mine etc."

To make people believe that they can get away "SCOTT FREE" with no consequences say for example if they robbing banks, murdering people, slapping people horribly, terroizing people, harrasing people, kidnapping people etc. but their are no consequences
he (Satan and his minions) makes them think?


WDF. So worth the wait.

"Love your enemies, turn the other cheek, bless those who persecute you, blessed are ye when men shall persecute you spitefully use you etc.,
avenge not yourselves, you must endure trials of pain to endure unto the end etc. Vengence is mine etc."

To make people believe that they can get away "SCOTT FREE" with no consequences say for example if they robbing banks, murdering people, slapping people horribly, terroizing people, harrasing people, kidnapping people etc. but their are no consequences
he (Satan and his minions) makes them think?
I think so. The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain is a great book that shows how easily scripture can be twisted in a very the end justifies the means sort of way.
As humans when we really want to do something we know is wrong we will use any excuse to make us feel better. Why wouldn't Satan use that against us?


New Member

"Love your enemies, turn the other cheek, bless those who persecute you, blessed are ye when men shall persecute you spitefully use you etc.,
avenge not yourselves, you must endure trials of pain to endure unto the end etc. Vengence is mine etc."

To make people believe that they can get away "SCOTT FREE" with no consequences say for example if they robbing banks, murdering people, slapping people horribly, terroizing people, harrasing people, kidnapping people etc. but their are no consequences
he (Satan and his minions) makes them think?

Twisting scripture is deception! It's been going on since the beginning!

God said:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
(Genesis 2:17)

Satan said:
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
(Genesis 3:4)
Thank You all for help and where in The Holy Bible The King James Version does it talk about Satan not being able to twist the truths of The Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth) please? Thank You.


Free to Fly
Satan is a fallen angel. He knows the scriptures better than many people who proclaim themselves to be Christians. He quoted scripture to Jesus when he was tempting him in the desert and was using the scriptures then towards his own intents and purposes but Jesus quoted scriptures back at him and turned it away from evil.


New Member
and where in The Holy Bible The King James Version does it talk about Satan not being able to twist the truths of The Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth) please? Thank You.

It dosent, as Gods Butterfly and Starman pointed out, it says just the opposite that he was a liar from the begining. His vary name says who and what he is

From G1225; a traducer; specifically Satan (compare [H7854]): - false accuser, devil, slanderer.


New Member
I suppose my take on it would be this. Evil was not created, it is simply doing our own will instead of God's.
If the Genesis story can be taken literally, and I believe it has literal as well as figurative dimensions, is it really the fact that A and E ate an apple that was a problem? No, it was the fact that God told them not to.
As a Catholic, some people think we are making up stuff that is meaningless to God, when the Church teaches us to abstain from meat on Good Friday, for instance. Well, if we believe (and we do) that the CC has the authority on this earth to guide us to God, then we are doing no less than our first parents if we eat it anyway.
Same with Uzziah in the OT. The Ark may have fallen ( I believe on it's way to Jerusalem) and I'm sure Uzziah thought it was prudent to try to catch it, but I think God was trying to let us know that there are some things we may not understand, but we are still obliged to be obedient.


It dosent, as Gods Butterfly and Starman pointed out, it says just the opposite that he was a liar from the begining. His vary name says who and what he is

From G1225; a traducer; specifically Satan (compare [H7854]): - false accuser, devil, slanderer.

Do you think Satan was before the definition of the name?
Twisting scripture is deception! It's been going on since the beginning!

God said:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
(Genesis 2:17)

Satan said:
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
(Genesis 3:4)

So who was right?


New Member
Do you think Satan was before the definition of the name?
Thats kind of an interesting question, and I will answer it as yes since he exsisted before the Hebrew language came into exsistenance and was orignally named Lucifer. When it was changed or modified I dont know, one would assume it was at the fall of man but may have occurred when he was cast out of heaven. Regardless his traits that gave him that label, Christ said he was a liar from the begining.


New Member
Didn't Adam and Eve die?

Yes sir! They died a spirtiual death as well as a physical death at a latter time. When they broke the covenant of works by sinning we entered into the covenant of grace.
An unimportant thought though was mans body designed to die as God was aware of all that was to transpire and already had the death of his son planned to provide the new covenant and the tree of life was the only thing staying it off physical death? God certainly made sure that they couldnt not have access to it and that tree comes back in revelation.
<DIR>Rev 2:7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.'



Thats kind of an interesting question, and I will answer it as yes since he exsisted before the Hebrew language came into exsistenance and was orignally named Lucifer. When it was changed or modified I dont know, one would assume it was at the fall of man but may have occurred when he was cast out of heaven. Regardless his traits that gave him that label, Christ said he was a liar from the begining.

I think his traits created the disagreement