Can you recommend a good locksmith?


New Member
I'm in Waldorf, need new locks, and need existing locks re-keyed. Know of a good locksmith -- good service, reliable, etc.?



NOT Politically Correct!!
katzenengel said:
I'm in Waldorf, need new locks, and need existing locks re-keyed. Know of a good locksmith -- good service, reliable, etc.?


IMO a locksmith can be pricey. When I bought my home I removed all the main door lock cylinders (5 total, 3 door locks/2 deadbolts), took them to Lowes, purchased a new front door lock by the same brand maker as my existing locks and had Lowes rekey all my old door locks to the new front door lock.

From what I'm told, you can only match locks to use one key if made by the same lock manufacture. Takes all of 2 minutes to remove a lock cylinder with a cordless screw gun!!! :coffee:

While you're at it, ensure any new door lock installed are Bump proof...

Just my .02


NOT Politically Correct!!
huntr1 said:
Buy new ones at Lowes?
Remove existing locks and have Lowes re-key them for you?

Agree, and the price will even be cheaper than a locksmith!!!


Active Member
chernmax said:
Agree, and the price will even be cheaper than a locksmith!!!

I was going to go through a locksmith until I got quoted $1400 for 4 doors :killingme Locks were overpriced and so was the labor they wanted to charge for re-keying and installation. Lowe's is the better option, go for the Schlage brand if your looking for bump proof. Replacing your own locks is one of the easy projects you can do around a house.


New Member
I think the best advice so far is do the locks myself and Lowe's re-key.

Still hoping for referrals to good locksmiths, though.


Isom's Mobile Locksmith
sparkyaclown said:
I was going to go through a locksmith until I got quoted $1400 for 4 doors :killingme Locks were overpriced and so was the labor they wanted to charge for re-keying and installation. Lowe's is the better option, go for the Schlage brand if your looking for bump proof. Replacing your own locks is one of the easy projects you can do around a house.
Sorry for your bad experience with your local locksmith, there are some reliable locksmiths in the area that charge a fair price for a job done. The prices you quoted are about four to five times what a legitiment licenced and bonded locksmith should charge you. And schlage locks are not even close to being bump proof. Medeco or Assa are what you were refering to but the average key in knob lock by both manufacturers run approx. $195.00 to $235.00 each. You get what you pay for.
The sad thing is if you have any windows on ground level the criminals will just break the glass to gain access to you home or business.