Candidates' church chat erodes U.S. principles

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So how is my comment any different than complaining about people only voting for Barrack because he's Black?

...I'm not trying to say your comment is any different than anything else. I'm saying that individuals have the right to vote, to litmus test, however the hell they like and be it a church of a specific denomination, a race based group, a union, a pack of Boy Scouts, in none of those cases does it establish a 'religion' in violation of the constitution.

Maybe I'm missing something here.


Well-Known Member
So how is my comment any different than complaining about people only voting for Barrack because he's Black?
A) No one is saying that voting for someone based upon their race is un-American, or somehow a violation of the constitution, or any other such stuff. Just that it's racist, because it is. Racism is a perfectly acceptable, legal, stupid reason to vote for/against someone.

B) He's still not black, he's still bi-racial.


Lovin' being Texican
I don't understand why he doesn't claim to be white......his momma is.:confused:

Read Corsi's book. Obama believes she and his birth father both abandoned him. He threw his white grandmammy under the bus. All he's got is....


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Well-Known Member
Both of them are and should be idiotic and non-substantive reasons to vote for or against someone.
True. Given the state of campaigning, 90+% (my interpretation) of the reasons most people vote for someone is idiotic and non-substantive. So what? That's perfectly acceptable, legal, and the American process.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You got...

Let me clarify

How is Stating your voting for Barrack because he is Black (or a derrivitive of that)

Any different than

I am not voting for Barrack because hes really a Muslim (you know there are those on here that is their sole reason). I am not voting for Romney because he's a Mormon. I'm not voting for John F Kennedy because he's a Catholic.

Both of them are and should be idiotic and non-substantive reasons to vote for or against someone.

I never said it was an establishment of anything, i was commenting that its sad that Religion plays this great a role in the nomination of someone, and it does.

The Founding Fathers did not want Religion and Politics in bed with each other. You are kidding yourself if you do not think that Religion isnt influential in Politics and the nomination of Candidates. interest with this;

The questions, because of how our Government was designed, should remain Secular. The faith and beliefs of the President are neither valid nor should be a basis for disqualification. This belief that a President or Government representitive MUST discuss their belief structure runs against what the Founding Fathers wanted or created.

The institance is that Candidates have to pander to Religious Leaders, which in itself should make you question ALL Candidates intentions. If its THAT important, yet you know they are Pandering (and they are), doesnt that belie the importance? If they Pander to one faith (and be honest they were with this debate), shouldnt they Pander equally? If they dont, doesnt that also call into question the Importance of it?

I've taken your point to be that this somehow all in violation with the constitution, a legal issue.

Now, I think you're talking about individuals. The constitution, thus the founders, are talking about the law, the government, not being able to discriminate based on faith.

If you are talking about faith and the individual there is obviously no constitutional barrier to that, so far, as far as a test, though the left spends a lot of time and legislative energy on that very thing.

How else would I, as a Muslim, judge you as a candidate, say, as Jew, for me to vote for or against without my faith being a huge part of the equation? Are you saying that because the government is prevented from establishing a religion, prohibited from establishing a religious test, that I, as a citizen, must also be bound by that???