Candle Stick Park


Pitty Party
:smack:Don't be stealing my candy and I want nuts:cds::lmao:

Sourdough bread from SF:drool:

I miss SF and the coast near Jenner

Sorry. I'm home and Santa delivered all his gifts yesterday.

I'll be going back after the first of the year and will take orders then. :yum:


Pitty Party
Bring me Sees Candy and some real Sourdough Bread. :TIA: I'll pay, too. Just one loaf, please. And a box of candy. No nuts. All chocolate. :huggy:

Ordered. If the company (owner) I was working for is good to their word, it should be here in a week or so.


wineo said:
Don't be stealing my candy and I want nuts

Sourdough bread from SF

I miss SF and the coast near Jenner

:yay: w/nuts!