Canoeing in New Jersey on Today


professional daydreamer
Softballkid said:
I mean, all flooding in all sucks, but dont blow a story out a preportion just to draw attention to it, or get ratings....Im glad they were made out lookin like a fool....

I don't think the flooding has been blown out of proportion. Have you been watching the news? Some places are getting it pretty bad.


No Longer the Kid
I know that some places are getting bad, Im not saying that, but shouldnt she have been in those places, not in a canoe in 3 inches of water...


No Longer the Kid
elaine said:
Okay, the part about being tough to control a boat or canoe was funny. Can I get a :rolleyes:

I dunno', I still didn't get the impression she was trying to convince anyone she was in 2 or 3 feet of water. The only impression I got is that she didn't want to get her little tootsie's wet.

Well, maybe, but normally you see them with the rubber boots on... who knows, its like the old saying goes... "Everyone's a critic" haha


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Geraldo would have waded in waist deep water barefoot to get his story. And Rick Leventhal would have found some drowning people to rescue on camera.

NBC reporters can't hold dey schmoke.
elaine said:
Okay, the part about being tough to control a boat or canoe was funny. Can I get a :rolleyes:

I dunno', I still didn't get the impression she was trying to convince anyone she was in 2 or 3 feet of water. The only impression I got is that she didn't want to get her little tootsie's wet.
Elaine, I agree with you 100%. Furthermore, just because the footage was shot in shallow water doesn't mean that she didn't hit deeper water in other parts of the area. I am all for dry tootsies. :yay:


elaine said:
You missed my point. Much like I don't get the thread.

I got the impression bruzilla would have been happier if she was riding the canoe in rapids.

Great idea! You should phone that into the Today Show's producers. They could go up into the mountains of upstate New York and have their interpid reporter come screaming down a perilous series of rapids, all the while saying how she's really in a NJ suburb... in between gulps of river water of course. :lmao:

No... what I would have her do is stand in that "dangerous" ankle deep water and say "as you can see from where I am standing, the rains are continuing to cause flooding through the streets here in Podunk, NJ. But I have to tell you Matt and Katie that the flooding that the folks of Podunk are going through is nothing compared to the flooding elsewhere in NJ where water levels are as high as X inches!"


If she wants to keep her footsies dry she can just stand on dry ground and get video of the guys walking through the water.


Send her to where the flooding is severe and have her ride her canoe through water that's deep enough to warrant her using a canoe.

Instead we get this reporter and her producer trying to stage a scene to make it look a lot worse than what it was, and they got busted. I'll bet the folks at 20/20 that staged the truck fuel tank explosions are getting a chuckle too.
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Pea Brain
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Geraldo would have waded in waist deep water barefoot to get his story. And Rick Leventhal would have found some drowning people to rescue on camera.

NBC reporters can't hold dey schmoke.


elaine said:
Okay, the part about being tough to control a boat or canoe was funny. Can I get a :rolleyes:

I dunno', I still didn't get the impression she was trying to convince anyone she was in 2 or 3 feet of water. The only impression I got is that she didn't want to get her little tootsie's wet.

Here's the impression that I got: She's sitting in a canoe in a couple inches of water, yet the camera angle is even with about her mid chest, which means some poor camera man is sitting on his can in the water, with the camera just above his lap giving a slight upward angle (used to imply height in photography), or he's scrunched down with his elbows in the water, to get the camera angle that low. He's not sitting in his own canoe as the camera angle would be higher from his viewpoint (unless he's a midget, which is unlikely as a couple of guys from NJ wouldn't have walked past a midget cameraman in a canoe without making some kind of comment.)

So they are obviously framing the shot to give the perspective that she's in deep water... also hence the paddling around. If all she wanted to do was stay dry, the cameraman could have stayed dry also and shot a downward angle on her, which would have made her look pretty silly also. Or, she could have just stood up in the canoe... not as easy as standing in a boat, but anyone who can paddle a canoe (a trick in and of itself) should be able to stand in one.

Sorry, but the low angle of the camera and the paddling were done to provide a persepective that she was in the midst of a flood that is as bad as the ones in NO... and they got outed.


professional daydreamer
Bruzilla said:
Here's the impression that I got: She's sitting in a canoe in a couple inches of water, yet the camera angle is even with about her mid chest, which means some poor camera man is sitting on his can in the water, with the camera just above his lap giving a slight upward angle (used to imply height in photography), or he's scrunched down with his elbows in the water, to get the camera angle that low. He's not sitting in his own canoe as the camera angle would be higher from his viewpoint (unless he's a midget, which is unlikely as a couple of guys from NJ wouldn't have walked past a midget cameraman in a canoe without making some kind of comment.)

So they are obviously framing the shot to give the perspective that she's in deep water... also hence the paddling around. If all she wanted to do was stay dry, the cameraman could have stayed dry also and shot a downward angle on her, which would have made her look pretty silly also. Or, she could have just stood up in the canoe... not as easy as standing in a boat, but anyone who can paddle a canoe (a trick in and of itself) should be able to stand in one.

Sorry, but the low angle of the camera and the paddling were done to provide a persepective that she was in the midst of a flood that is as bad as the ones in NO... and they got outed.

If you say so.