Here's the impression that I got: She's sitting in a canoe in a couple inches of water, yet the camera angle is even with about her mid chest, which means some poor camera man is sitting on his can in the water, with the camera just above his lap giving a slight upward angle (used to imply height in photography), or he's scrunched down with his elbows in the water, to get the camera angle that low. He's not sitting in his own canoe as the camera angle would be higher from his viewpoint (unless he's a midget, which is unlikely as a couple of guys from NJ wouldn't have walked past a midget cameraman in a canoe without making some kind of comment.)
So they are obviously framing the shot to give the perspective that she's in deep water... also hence the paddling around. If all she wanted to do was stay dry, the cameraman could have stayed dry also and shot a downward angle on her, which would have made her look pretty silly also. Or, she could have just stood up in the canoe... not as easy as standing in a boat, but anyone who can paddle a canoe (a trick in and of itself) should be able to stand in one.
Sorry, but the low angle of the camera and the paddling were done to provide a persepective that she was in the midst of a flood that is as bad as the ones in NO... and they got outed.