Hell RR...
Kerry still almost won.
Hillary did a campaign stop, maybe in Iowa, and introduced all the candidates. She stood on a stage, introduced Joe Loser #whatever, hugged, kissed, let them do their spiel then on to the next one.
She SHINED. Electric. Made them look like...well...like themselves. Howard, the only 'kinda' star in the field, came off as the guy selling butt cushion add space.
And yeah, hell yeah, she can make sure Moore and Al and Howard and Soro's and Baldwin and the rest of the Hate America First phreaks shut the #### up or at least watch what they say.
People lose perspective when they 'armchair' these things, think to much. Hillary Clinton has one life to live and she didn't run off to fix the streets in Little Rock.
She wants this as much as anybody and she is in a rock solid position.
Social Security is the next hurdle. She can't say 'there's no crisis' like the rest of the flat earthers. People been talking about fixing it since you were shitting yellow.
If she publicly supports SS reform and congratulates W on saving Iraq as it inevitably gets better (neutralizing the issue) then she's running. My kid is there. Make NO mistake, it is getting much better than you hear.
Those two issues give her room on healthcare which is a 'legacy' issue for anyone, especially her.