Larry Gude
Strung Out just might get it.
WashPost, I give you the partisan among partisans, EJ Dionne.
For the lazy among you, the gist is that, as EJ understands it, W's dream is to keep the rightward national political alignment going. This requires a GOP President in '08. The key, goes the story, is a GOP President who supports the war on terror and the administrations goals in Iraq.
Now, set aside all the names we've been floating; Rice, Rudy, Arnie et al.
Here's what EJ hears: McCain/Bush, as in Jeb who said he isn't running for president. He didn't say anything about Veep.
The idea is that it is understood that McCain REALLY wants to be President and he can't do it as a Democrat and, therefore, must have the solid support of the outgoing CIC which he would get in in return for putting Jeb on the ticket.
McCain is gold on terror and Iraq. W's support and Jeb's assistance gets him through the hard right minefield of the GOP primary.
So, winning for both trumps any personal hostility.
Now, it is my suspicion that EJ is writing this because he is a Bush hater among Bush haters and anything that would presumably irk W is fine by EJ. This small minded pettiness is a defining characteristic of modern libs so, it's no stretch in thinking this is his motivation.
What it means is that EJ is fine with another Republican President. Whether EJ has thought about this or not, I don't know but I delight in the fact that he will rather likely get his wish and that he and his ilk will have done much to bring it about.
People like Dionne (which is French for "Works for Karl Rove", btw) have written more pieces in support of McCain, either thinnly vielded or nearly outright endorsements, since the '00 primary than they have of any Democrats.
You know the line:
"Why, I'd go for McCain over W given a chance. He's such a great moderate!'.
"I only voted for Kerry because McCain wasn't running".
"In todays CNN anchor people poll, wherein we, the stars, tell you who we like, McCain beats President Bush, hands down, for 200 weeks in a row..."
"McCain would have beaten Gore, we think, handily had only the GOP not been so far right to exclude St. John..."
"EJ says W sucks and McCain is God."
Now, of course they don't mean it. Those comments have been directed at the undecideds in an attempt to weaken and divide the GOP. People always point out the virtues of an opponents intra party antagonists to some degree or other knowing full well they would no sooner support Mr. X than the front runner in the general election.
The thing is the major media and punditry support of McCain has been very, very public and very, very extensive since 2000. John McCain will not need any new press to run his campaing. He need merely to run old Dionne columns and the like. CNN, Mathews, any number of scribes, ex DNC chairmen, the whole mess of people who sang the praises of McCain at every step, they can't undo the escess support. It's matter of record and you be damn sure McCain will point it out and be calling in chits every step of the way; he wants to win.
So, what of the GOP disfavor of McCain? Calls of 'RINO!"???
Wanna make a RINO look like an elephant? Stand it next to Hillary Clinton.
Or John Kerry.
Or any potential candidate from the Democratic party who will have to tote around Al Sharpton, Howard Dean and the like.
For every rightward person who refuses to vote for McCain, there's a moderate who will and a few Democrats who will along with the solid majority of Republicans who will grow find of Johnny Mac as November '08 draws near. At the end of the day, he IS a Republican and WILL be loaded up with all manner of GOP style personel and would likely coat tail larger majorities in both the House and Senate.
I had thought 2008 was gonna be a barn burner what with the possibility of a Rice/Hill cat fight. The only person I could see winning comfortably was Cheney who, like it or not, impresses people as a leader when they see him for himself in debates un-fogged by the images the left try to use agaisnt him.
So, if not Cheney, then the McCain mutiny. He'd win so big it wouldn't be funny.
Dionne would get his 'wish' and we'd have another Republican President. After all, we're more interested in winning than personal animus. That's what Democrats are for.
Thanks EJ!
WashPost, I give you the partisan among partisans, EJ Dionne.
For the lazy among you, the gist is that, as EJ understands it, W's dream is to keep the rightward national political alignment going. This requires a GOP President in '08. The key, goes the story, is a GOP President who supports the war on terror and the administrations goals in Iraq.
Now, set aside all the names we've been floating; Rice, Rudy, Arnie et al.
Here's what EJ hears: McCain/Bush, as in Jeb who said he isn't running for president. He didn't say anything about Veep.
The idea is that it is understood that McCain REALLY wants to be President and he can't do it as a Democrat and, therefore, must have the solid support of the outgoing CIC which he would get in in return for putting Jeb on the ticket.
McCain is gold on terror and Iraq. W's support and Jeb's assistance gets him through the hard right minefield of the GOP primary.
So, winning for both trumps any personal hostility.
Now, it is my suspicion that EJ is writing this because he is a Bush hater among Bush haters and anything that would presumably irk W is fine by EJ. This small minded pettiness is a defining characteristic of modern libs so, it's no stretch in thinking this is his motivation.
What it means is that EJ is fine with another Republican President. Whether EJ has thought about this or not, I don't know but I delight in the fact that he will rather likely get his wish and that he and his ilk will have done much to bring it about.
People like Dionne (which is French for "Works for Karl Rove", btw) have written more pieces in support of McCain, either thinnly vielded or nearly outright endorsements, since the '00 primary than they have of any Democrats.
You know the line:
"Why, I'd go for McCain over W given a chance. He's such a great moderate!'.
"I only voted for Kerry because McCain wasn't running".
"In todays CNN anchor people poll, wherein we, the stars, tell you who we like, McCain beats President Bush, hands down, for 200 weeks in a row..."
"McCain would have beaten Gore, we think, handily had only the GOP not been so far right to exclude St. John..."
"EJ says W sucks and McCain is God."
Now, of course they don't mean it. Those comments have been directed at the undecideds in an attempt to weaken and divide the GOP. People always point out the virtues of an opponents intra party antagonists to some degree or other knowing full well they would no sooner support Mr. X than the front runner in the general election.
The thing is the major media and punditry support of McCain has been very, very public and very, very extensive since 2000. John McCain will not need any new press to run his campaing. He need merely to run old Dionne columns and the like. CNN, Mathews, any number of scribes, ex DNC chairmen, the whole mess of people who sang the praises of McCain at every step, they can't undo the escess support. It's matter of record and you be damn sure McCain will point it out and be calling in chits every step of the way; he wants to win.
So, what of the GOP disfavor of McCain? Calls of 'RINO!"???
Wanna make a RINO look like an elephant? Stand it next to Hillary Clinton.
Or John Kerry.
Or any potential candidate from the Democratic party who will have to tote around Al Sharpton, Howard Dean and the like.
For every rightward person who refuses to vote for McCain, there's a moderate who will and a few Democrats who will along with the solid majority of Republicans who will grow find of Johnny Mac as November '08 draws near. At the end of the day, he IS a Republican and WILL be loaded up with all manner of GOP style personel and would likely coat tail larger majorities in both the House and Senate.
I had thought 2008 was gonna be a barn burner what with the possibility of a Rice/Hill cat fight. The only person I could see winning comfortably was Cheney who, like it or not, impresses people as a leader when they see him for himself in debates un-fogged by the images the left try to use agaisnt him.
So, if not Cheney, then the McCain mutiny. He'd win so big it wouldn't be funny.
Dionne would get his 'wish' and we'd have another Republican President. After all, we're more interested in winning than personal animus. That's what Democrats are for.
Thanks EJ!