Careful what you ask for...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
McCain will likely start '08 as the favorite.
Howard Dean will tell you that that doesn't mean squat.

Democrats don't vote in Republican primaries. End of story. If they did, McCain would be the nominee hands down. But they don't.

Republicans don't like McCain. Democrats love him and the media adores him, but they won't be voting for him. McCain doesn't seem to realize that, which is why he goes off on these loony tangents to pander to the Democrats. So that means he is stupider than his Congressional record might imply, which is pretty stupid indeed.

You, Larry Gude, said to me, "Well, if it comes down to Hillary vs. McCain, wouldn't you vote for McCain?" Yes, maybe or probably. But it's not going to come down to that because of an inconvenient little event called the primaries.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh yeah...

vraiblonde said:
"Well, if it comes down to Hillary vs. McCain, wouldn't you vote for McCain?" Yes, maybe or probably. But it's not going to come down to that because of an inconvenient little event called the primaries.

...fact is MC John WON New Hampshire in 2000.

So, who's gonna beat him? Condi the Undeclared? Rudi the Poo? Mit da Shcitt?

Like I said numerous times, Cheney is THE guy. He runs, he wins. If not, John Mc is THE front runner and if he has ACTIVE presidential support as Dionne suggests, then you can ignore that all you want.

In the mean time, I'm trying sucker another dollar out of Bruz if you don't mind...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
So, who's gonna beat him? Condi the Undeclared? Rudi the Poo? Mit da Shcitt?
Who would've thought George Bush would beat him? Not me, that's for sure.

Would be cool if Bill Owens throws his hat in the ring. THERE'S your winner. Barring that, I say Mitt.


Larry Gude said:
...I hear another dollar calling. Double or nothing? (yes, I am starting to count that Hillary buck.)

If the schedule isn't changed, McCain, assuming he runs, will win Iowa and New Hampshire, big. Do we agree?

You better get your hand on your wallet boy!!! I'm gonna be takin' a deuce from ya!

Actually, I would say you've got a 50/50% chance of being right on McCain if not for his leading the mini-revolt with the Democrats in the Senate and now his calling for terrorists to be brought to the US and treated like American citizens. Those are two big issues that he's going to get hammered with. The only people I hear talking up McCain are Democrats, and as the lovely and delightful Vrai has already said, they don't vote in Republican primaries... at least not legally. :whistle: So I'll ante up and accept your bet. By the way... don't worry about my being able to pay. I'm betting with money from two $5 bets that I won from my Democratic parents. One bet was that Bush would lose, and the second was that Rummy would get fired... easiest $10 I ever made. :lol:

I too would love to see Cheney run but I honestly think he's done with public life. Of course he's said that before and come back, so there's still hope. There's a lot of need in the White House for some "Big Time" attitude.
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Tinkerbell said:
Vrai for president!! :patriot:

I just can't picture Larry walking about the White House wearing Jackie Kennedy's pink business suit with the coffee can hat. :barf:
