Caribbean Tan and Spa in Leonardtown

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
cinderella2049 said:
Ummm....Well, I work two full-time jobs, have a hubby and 2 kids that I would like to spend more time with, and I'm just tired of the daily grind, killing myself trying to keep afloat. Just ready for something new.
I would most likely update everything, and make it "mine", ya know????? That's part of the reason I wanted input, what are customers complaints and why? Definately would do a lot of advertising, draw more ppl in...

If you do buy it, be really careful about who you take checks from.


I go there to tan as well, almost daily. I only use bed #6, which to me, seems like the strongest bed they have there. It seems like the bulbs def. need to be replaced in all the other beds, they are pretty weak. I'm getting tan, so I cant complain. They do have a friendly staff, but alot of times when i go there is never any towels available.


khuseman said:
I go there to tan as well, almost daily. I only use bed #6, which to me, seems like the strongest bed they have there. It seems like the bulbs def. need to be replaced in all the other beds, they are pretty weak. I'm getting tan, so I cant complain. They do have a friendly staff, but alot of times when i go there is never any towels available. are absolutely right about the above!!


I pay cash to tan... and have never had a problem.. thank you to all those concerned!!


and to my karma giver..seems like you know a heck of a lot more about welfare than I do.. haha muahaha :killingme


So I wonder how it went? I'm going to get the tan on today :)


cinderella2049 said: went really well last night, I'm really excited!!!! It's better than what I was expecting, but I would still change several things...I'm going to look into the nitty-gritty details and see what happens!!!
How are things going? Hope this works out :)


Baby blues
cinderella2049 said:
Still working on the bank with numbers....still trying, though!!!!!!!!!! The owner writes off all her expenses, so the paperwork I got doesn't give enough detail of sales, etc....i have to call th eowner back today or tomorrow to see how much more paperwork I can get.

You could always consider a partner too, if it would help with the expense. Of course, you'd need someone you could really trust. Partnerships can get ugly if there's a falling out!

At least it's not a start up - just a take over. That will cut down on alot of initial expense. I may have to drop by there this week and do a little tanning. :yay:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
cinderella2049 said:
Yea I actually have someone that wants to do a partnership, but I REALLY do NOT want to go that route. I just have a bunch of wrinkles to iron out....

If you use the tanning beds a lot, you'll have lots more wrinkles to iron out.