Chopper had that a couple years ago. Cost me a ton of cash so the cat could pee again.
This old boy has cost me plenty too. He just got off a run of antibiotics from some kind of nasty bacterial intestinal infection, he was bleeding out his butt and had THE most vile smelling cat diarrhea in the world!

It made regular cat poop smell like roses in comparison. I had to confine him to the laundry room for a short period because he was dribbling blood and feces...eeeewwwww.
He has also had 2 anal gland infections in the last couple years. One of which ruptured leaving a gaping crater next to his butt and had to be packed with an antibiotic cream regularly. That was a joy let me tell you.
He is also currently on Ovaban for the foreseeable future because apparently he is allergic to about everything. If he isn't on it the itching makes him rip his hair out all over the house and he pukes up fur and food all over the place. Altogether he is one expensive old ally cat but if you want to talk
REAL money spent on vet bills ask me about the 5 equines... $$$$$