Cat Stevens denied entry into U.S.


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
However you also have to make a distinction between random blowhards who are just talking out their butt and people who have actually followed through on their threats. So who knows?

Why take the chance? :shrug: If you just remove every "blowhard" who makes threats like that and make an example of him/her, maybe the others will rethink their actions. :ohwell: Kinda like that kid in Indonesia who spray painted cards and got his azz caned ... :really:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
If you just remove every "blowhard" who makes threats like that and make an example of him/her, maybe the others will rethink their actions.
Then we'd be talking about removing an awful lot of people, including many of us on these forums who rant about carpet bombing the Middle East.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just got this in my email from Zogby:

American Muslim voters are overwhelmingly supporting Democratic presidential
candidate John Kerry over Republican George W. Bush, according to a new
American Muslim Poll conducted by Zogby International for Georgetown
University's Muslims in the American Public Square (Project MAPS).By
a margin of 76% to 7%, Muslims back the Kerry/Edwards ticket over
the incumbent Bush/Cheney ticket. This is a stark reversal of fortunes
from the 2000 election for Mr. Bush. The poll consisted of a telephone
survey of 1,700 Muslims, and an over sample of 146 face-to-face
interviews of African-American Muslims. The margin of error is +/-2.3
percentage points.

"This contrasts sharply with the 2000 election, when Mr. Bush garnered
42% of the Muslim vote versus 31% for Democrat Al Gore," said Dr. Zahid
Bukhari, director of Project MAPS. Zogby International and Project MAPS
conducted the first American Muslim Poll in November 2001 with a margin
of error of +/-2.4%.

Click the link below to read the full news release:

Nuff said.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, now that I've read the email in its entirety, :duh: to me. African-American Muslims. Probably all just got out of prison.


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
Then we'd be talking about removing an awful lot of people, including many of us on these forums who rant about carpet bombing the Middle East.

but that's okay :biggrin: the middle east is one big nasty armpit that it's owner forgot to douse with deodrant.

it's when one of our own talks about taking out one of our own that we should ... take out one of our own. :crazy:


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
Then we'd be talking about removing an awful lot of people, including many of us on these forums who rant about carpet bombing the Middle East.
No, there's a big difference between ranting about carpet bombing the Middle East and ranting about carpet bombing the US.


vraiblonde said:
So you are in favor of the Kerry method of waiting until they actually blow something up and kill people before taking any kind of action?

I'm in favor of innocence until Proven guilty. A concept that your kind seem to have tossed out the window with your watch lists and secret evidence crap.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Warron said:
I'm in favor of innocence until Proven guilty. A concept that your kind seem to have tossed out the window with your watch lists and secret evidence crap.
I have no watch list or secret evidence. I am a mere suburban wife and mother, concerned about the safety of my children and my fellow Americans.

So what would prove them guilty, in your opinion? Actually blowing something up or killing someone?


But wait, there's more...
Warron said:
I'm in favor of innocence until Proven guilty. A concept that your kind seem to have tossed out the window with your watch lists and secret evidence crap.

Do you believe in the existence of (a) god?

Hot N Bothered

New Member
jlabsher said:
I want to know if Pat Robertson is on the TSA watch list. The man called for people to to attack Washington, DC with a nuclear bomb. If I said that, I would be considered a terrorist.
Maybe he is on their watch list, but they can't exactly deport him. And if they tried to restrict his travel, he would become a martyr of sorts and they can't afford that.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet he is. Any time someone makes a statement like that, suddenly they start getting some attention from the men in black suits.

However you also have to make a distinction between random blowhards who are just talking out their butt and people who have actually followed through on their threats. So who knows?
They can't afford to make that distinction. They could be wrong.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
vraiblonde said:
Just got this in my email from Zogby:

Nuff said.
:lol: I have to wonder if these things aren't being put out by the republicans. Because is so badly destroys Kerry's credibility, I'd think the dems would keep these polls under wraps. Kinda like that poll a few weeks ago about who people in foreign countries thought we should elect.


New Member
Hot N Bothered said:
:lol: I have to wonder if these things aren't being put out by the republicans. Because is so badly destroys Kerry's credibility, I'd think the dems would keep these polls under wraps. Kinda like that poll a few weeks ago about who people in foreign countries thought we should elect.
Zogby is independant from the political parties. Can't say that about CBS now can ya?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hot N Bothered said:
:lol: I have to wonder if these things aren't being put out by the republicans. Because is so badly destroys Kerry's credibility, I'd think the dems would keep these polls under wraps. Kinda like that poll a few weeks ago about who people in foreign countries thought we should elect.
It's a different mindset. Democrats think it's a good thing that foreign dictators, terrorists and Malcolm X wannabes support Kerry.


But wait, there's more...
Warron said:
I'm in favor of innocence until Proven guilty. A concept that your kind seem to have tossed out the window with your watch lists and secret evidence crap.

crabcake said:
Do you believe in the existence of (a) god?

bump :ohwell: