Catholic fans chant 'You killed Jesus' during Jewish basketball game


New Member
I think the school officials should re-educate their students on what it means to do unto others as they would have them do to you.

Generally speaking, they adhered to their own laws and failed to assimilate. Sound familiar to anyone?

True enough, but don't forget they also did some God-sanctioned punishing in their own right.

yet that is not the accusation being thrown in the modern day; the accusation in the modern day is not only that people are failing to assimilate, they are attempting to destroy the local cultures. The Jews never did that. They kept to themselves and caused little trouble as a group.


Well-Known Member
I didn't kill Jesus. I never owned slaves. It flies in the face of any sense of individual liberty and freedom to proclaim we all owe a lifelong, eternal debt and obligation to do as we're told for something we had nothing to do with. I'll take blame for today and tomorrow but not that far back.

If you had been the only person alive through Adam, He would have had to do it for your sin. Same as me. We necessitated His execution, so we are directly involved.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you had been the only person alive through Adam, He would have had to do it for your sin. Same as me. We necessitated His execution, so we are directly involved.

As I say, this is tyranny, this is the ultimate in control, born having already sinned and under control for it not just for life but for eternity. The Romans were in charge. They're responsible. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If you had been the only person alive through Adam, He would have had to do it for your sin. Same as me. We necessitated His execution, so we are directly involved.

This is only marginally true, in that, if there had only been one person, it would have been necessary. And that's the way I looked at it until something completely revelatory - and obvious - crossed my mind.

He didn't have to go. No one forced him to. He made it abundantly clear in the garden that he wasn't crazy about the idea.
When he was about to be betrayed, he could have left. Or just left early. He didn't even have to be there at all, since he knew who was going to betray him - and how.
When he was under trial - he could have said something. When he was on the cross - he could have left. Anytime.

No one MADE him do it. He CHOSE to. He *chose* the cross for your sake. So the better way to see it is - if you had been the only person alive through Adam - he still would gave gone there. By choice. He loves you that much.

It's an important distinction. The previous way was how a church I attended taught - that it's all your damned fault thou vile sinner. So feel guilty, you jerk - you put him there.
But the real way is - that's how much he loves you. He stepped up to the gallows and told the hangman - I'm taking the fall for him. Hang me instead. Nope, no one put me up to it. This is my friend.

So your attitude for such grace is gratitude and not guilt. When someone saves your life, you're grateful.


If you had been the only person alive through Adam, He would have had to do it for your sin. Same as me. We necessitated His execution, so we are directly involved.

This gets to the premise of "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". - Roman 3:23

Sin isn't doing something wrong - in particular breaking the law or harming someone else or cursing, etc... It's separation from God. This separation was created through Adam and Eve. They chose to defy God, therefore we inherited that separation.


Well-Known Member
This is only marginally true, in that, if there had only been one person, it would have been necessary. And that's the way I looked at it until something completely revelatory - and obvious - crossed my mind.

He didn't have to go. No one forced him to. He made it abundantly clear in the garden that he wasn't crazy about the idea.
When he was about to be betrayed, he could have left. Or just left early. He didn't even have to be there at all, since he knew who was going to betray him - and how.
When he was under trial - he could have said something. When he was on the cross - he could have left. Anytime.

No one MADE him do it. He CHOSE to. He *chose* the cross for your sake. So the better way to see it is - if you had been the only person alive through Adam - he still would gave gone there. By choice. He loves you that much.

It's an important distinction. The previous way was how a church I attended taught - that it's all your damned fault thou vile sinner. So feel guilty, you jerk - you put him there.
But the real way is - that's how much he loves you. He stepped up to the gallows and told the hangman - I'm taking the fall for him. Hang me instead. Nope, no one put me up to it. This is my friend.

So your attitude for such grace is gratitude and not guilt. When someone saves your life, you're grateful.

I am grateful. But there will be nothing to be grateful for if the guilt of sin is not recognized by the individual. Christ's mission from eternity past was solely to die for my sin, and everyone else individually. Looking into one self will simply reveal why He had to die, and each of us is guilty. Recognizing and acknowledging that guilt is the step to understandingwhy He had to lay His own life down, and give it up at His time, and restore it again by His will.


Well-Known Member
This gets to the premise of "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". - Roman 3:23

Sin isn't doing something wrong - in particular breaking the law or harming someone else or cursing, etc... It's separation from God. This separation was created through Adam and Eve. They chose to defy God, therefore we inherited that separation.



Well-Known Member
As I say, this is tyranny, this is the ultimate in control, born having already sinned and under control for it not just for life but for eternity. The Romans were in charge. They're responsible. :buddies:

Not tyranny at all. You, and you alone, are in control of your eternity. You have the free will and the choice. And you will not have that opportunity again once you have assumed room temperature.

(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)" 2 Cor 6:2

Don't miss the bus.
Not tyranny at all. You, and you alone, are in control of your eternity. You have the free will and the choice. And you will not have that opportunity again once you have assumed room temperature.

(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)" 2 Cor 6:2

Don't miss the bus.

Yup. But should Gude reject this most benevolent offer he will burn for all eternity. Personally, I don't think Gude deserves it.

On the other hand, should a serial killer on death row 'come to jesus' before his last meal of fried chicken, he's saved. He's "on the bus."

Assuming Gude is generally a good joe, and hasn't raped, tortured, or killed a bunch of people we don't know about, seems just a tad unfair. Except of course to a brainwashed Christian's way of thinking.


Well-Known Member
Yup. But should Gude reject this most benevolent offer he will burn for all eternity. Personally, I don't think Gude deserves it.

On the other hand, should a serial killer on death row 'come to jesus' before his last meal of fried chicken, he's saved. He's "on the bus."

Assuming Gude is generally a good joe, and hasn't raped, tortured, or killed a bunch of people we don't know about, seems just a tad unfair. Except of course to a brainwashed Christian's way of thinking.

Your choice. That serial killer you mentioned is paying societies' debt on death row and subsequent execution. Not much of a life, eh? And deservedly so. He, or she, will then be square with our house, and if saved by confession and belief, will not have to go through the eternal hell.

You, Gude, etc., on the other hand, are living life within the laws of the land, making a living, paying taxes, all in all being good joes. Life is good. You were not responsible for paying back society in any way for any wrongdoing on your part. Good deal.

You're still not square with God and His requirement for eternity, however. His righteous and justified demands for PERFECTION must be met on His terms. And that will be your decision.

Keep on PC'in on.
Your choice. That serial killer you mentioned is paying societies' debt on death row and subsequent execution. Not much of a life, eh? And deservedly so. He, or she, will then be square with our house, and if saved by confession and belief, will not have to go through the eternal hell.
You, Gude, etc., on the other hand, are living life within the laws of the land, making a living, paying taxes, all in all being good joes. Life is good. You were not responsible for paying back society in any way for any wrongdoing on your part. Good deal.
You're still not square with God and His requirement for eternity, however. His righteous and justified demands for PERFECTION must be met on His terms. And that will be your decision.
Keep on PC'in on.

Again, what could be more asinine than mass murderers getting a ticket to paradise, while those who have lived moral lives, including Gandhi, are condemned to eternal torture in fire? That you fail to see the absurdity of this comes as no surprise.

Biblical literalists who believe adam and eve were real people deceived by a talking snake are delusional wackos. The mythical story of original sin, requiring vicarious redemption through human sacrifice, is laughable and ridiculous to non-christians.

The problem with wackos like yourself, is that you are dumbing-down America by passing this delusional stupidity on to your children. The cost of being delusional is not just confined to the delusional, but is distributed among the delusional and rational alike.


Well-Known Member
Biblical literalists who believe adam and eve were real people deceived by a talking snake are delusional wackos.

Do you believe that anyone who thinks they can carry on even rudimentary conversations with Koko are delusional wackos?

If so, why?

If not, why would it be so difficult to believe that a serpent (very possibly a derogatory adjective vice an actual description, since the punishment was for the serpent to become, uh, a serpent) might have been able to communicate with people?

Now, I don't expect you to answer because I've spoken with you before and when faced with the reality of the stupidity of your quotes you simply ignore, but I am wondering what it is you have to say to this anyway.


Well-Known Member
PC, I know you're only looking for rational discussion. I am asking you rational questions based on your assertions - why do you find it impossible to respond?


Well-Known Member
Ol' PC just can't even open his closed mind just a sliver to even think of the possibility that something could better than itself.


Well-Known Member
Again, what could be more asinine than mass murderers getting a ticket to paradise, while those who have lived moral lives, including Gandhi, are condemned to eternal torture in fire? That you fail to see the absurdity of this comes as no surprise.

Biblical literalists who believe adam and eve were real people deceived by a talking snake are delusional wackos. The mythical story of original sin, requiring vicarious redemption through human sacrifice, is laughable and ridiculous to non-christians.

The problem with wackos like yourself, is that you are dumbing-down America by passing this delusional stupidity on to your children. The cost of being delusional is not just confined to the delusional, but is distributed among the delusional and rational alike.

The only thing more asinine is people like you that fail to see the second part of the equation, to absolutely refuse to even give it thought, personal thought. God is all around you. God is in your DNA. It's in that little thing we have called a "conscience". That little thing just did not happen - it was seared into your soul by your Creator. You will realize that one day, and I hope it is not after you pass on.


Again, what could be more asinine than mass murderers getting a ticket to paradise, while those who have lived moral lives, including Gandhi, are condemned to eternal torture in fire? That you fail to see the absurdity of this comes as no surprise.

Biblical literalists who believe adam and eve were real people deceived by a talking snake are delusional wackos. The mythical story of original sin, requiring vicarious redemption through human sacrifice, is laughable and ridiculous to non-christians.

The problem with wackos like yourself, is that you are dumbing-down America by passing this delusional stupidity on to your children. The cost of being delusional is not just confined to the delusional, but is distributed among the delusional and rational alike.

If I may ask… when did this dumbing-down begin? Was it when our founders, most who were Christians, passed it on to their children? Was it the pilgrims before them, who came here to escape religious persecution who passed it on to their children? The greatest nation this world has ever seen, born out of religious freedom, Christianity being THE dominant faith, has been dumbed-down for generations?

How in the world did we ever become such a great country with so much generational dumbing-down?


New Member
Do you believe that anyone who thinks they can carry on even rudimentary conversations with Koko are delusional wackos?

If so, why?

If not, why would it be so difficult to believe that a serpent (very possibly a derogatory adjective vice an actual description, since the punishment was for the serpent to become, uh, a serpent) might have been able to communicate with people?

Now, I don't expect you to answer because I've spoken with you before and when faced with the reality of the stupidity of your quotes you simply ignore, but I am wondering what it is you have to say to this anyway.

Why are people who say they hear the voice of god treated as mad or ill? The age of the divine prophet is past, as the oracle before it.


Well-Known Member
Why are people who say they hear the voice of god treated as mad or ill? The age of the divine prophet is past, as the oracle before it.

I suspect it has more to do with the person than just saying they hear the voice of God.

I have heard the voice of God. Not conversationally like a phone call, but just as clear and real to me. I've not been treated as mad or ill. And, yes, I've told people. Now, if I said, "God told me to kill these people - He spoke to me through my neighbor's dog" I think I'd be treated as mad or ill.

It's kind of a contextual thing.

Since you quoted a bunch of questions I asked, do you have any answers? PC certainly isn't going to answer.


New Member
I suspect it has more to do with the person than just saying they hear the voice of God.

I have heard the voice of God. Not conversationally like a phone call, but just as clear and real to me. I've not been treated as mad or ill. And, yes, I've told people. Now, if I said, "God told me to kill these people - He spoke to me through my neighbor's dog" I think I'd be treated as mad or ill.

It's kind of a contextual thing.

Since you quoted a bunch of questions I asked, do you have any answers? PC certainly isn't going to answer.

I think it's harder to believe because you have to accept it on pure faith if you believe it literally. I can accept Koko is able to understand very basic signals because it's observable in nature, even without human intervention, that t he great apes have social structure and a form of communication. Given another 50,000 years or so they might evolve as we did.

I know people like to get down on Catholics but I find their allegorical approach to the bible much less hard to understand then a literal interpretation of the bible where everything in it literally happened exactly as its written. Especially given chunks of the New Testament were written a good 70 years after Christs supposed death.

PC really represents the kind of atheist I dislike. I don't actually dislike fundamentalist as much as I distrust fundamentalist, especially in terms of politics. I actively dislike that type of atheism. The slave atheism, to paraphrase Einstein.