Cat's Claw


happy to be living
A recent comment Vrai posted about Cat's Claw reminded me I have been meaning to start a thread about it. Vrai says she takes a little with water and it tastes vile; like Scotch! She says she takes it for "old age symptoms". I was told about Cat's Claw by ICit; who told me she takes it for inflammation. I had looked at the grocery stores and local drug stores and couldn't find it and did not take the time to go to Grama's Cupboard in Callaway.

I had been to the chiropractor frequently before leaving on a road trip to NY several weeks ago. My neck was locked up tight and my back and shoulder muscles were inflamed and sore. Upon arriving in NY, I went to Wegmans (I went there darn near every day on my trip!!) and found some Cat's Claw tincture. Once I started taking it, I was amazed at the immediate relief I felt in my shoulders and neck. Vrai is right, it is vile tasting and I drank it in a small amount of water, followed by a swig of ginger ale!

I spoke to Michelle Lea at Grama's Cupboard and she can make up a tincture and can also make up capsules from fresh herbs; which is the route I will take once the tinctures I bought are gone. I know ICit buys her capsules online but I would prefer to know the source of my purchase; plus support a small business.


Happy Camper
Interesting. I'm too lazy to look up the other thread, but what exactly does it help? Is it more for aches and pains, muscle strain, arthritis types of pain, other stuff?


Adopt me please !
I have heard there can be a difference in how the body uses tincture vs. other forms. I tend to not use the tincture due to the taste also. I saw this for $14.99 for 300 capsules 500 mg Cats Claw from Vitamin Shoppe (I trust their quality). If I lived down your way I'd go local too for it.

I will try it and report back (won't try until after my surgery though)....... I have a body that needs help all over LOL.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I got my shipment from Amazon yesterday, so two doses yesterday and one so far today. If you mix it with just a little water and toss it back like a shot it's not so bad. If I can do tequila shots I can do this.

Belva, it's an anti-inflammatory and helps with arthritis and other joint pain issues.


happy to be living
I have heard there can be a difference in how the body uses tincture vs. other forms. I tend to not use the tincture due to the taste also. I saw this for $14.99 for 300 capsules 500 mg Cats Claw from Vitamin Shoppe (I trust their quality). If I lived down your way I'd go local too for it.

I will try it and report back (won't try until after my surgery though)....... I have a body that needs help all over LOL.

I believe the tincture gets it into your system faster; as opposed to a capsule which your body has to break down. For immediate relief or when I am in a lot of pain, I would a tincture. Once I get to the maintenance stage, I would use capsules.


Happy Camper
I got my shipment from Amazon yesterday, so two doses yesterday and one so far today. If you mix it with just a little water and toss it back like a shot it's not so bad. If I can do tequila shots I can do this.

Belva, it's an anti-inflammatory and helps with arthritis and other joint pain issues.

Thanks for the info!


Active Member
I think Dr Nasr's Medi-Spa sells that also, along with a lot of other holistic stuff.


Adopt me please !
I saw this on webmd under Side Affects: "Surgery: There is a concern that cat’s claw might make blood pressure control difficult during surgery. Stop taking cat’s claw at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery." so I will wait until after the surgery to try it. If it does indeed increase immune symptom driven issues like MS, I'll be interested in seeing how I react to it.


Jam out with ur clam out
When I took the liquid I would get a shot glass of coffee creamer... put it the cats claw in the and take the shot......

not bad at all.... but I started on the capsules over a yr ago cuz it's easier and the amount I take each day it's cheaper this way....


Adopt me please !
Get well soon Ark.

Wish I could forgo the surgery. It is difficult to do things 1-armed lol. I've been over-doing it again which caused the current injury. I promise myself no more over-doing it!

How are your critters?


Active Member
Wish I could forgo the surgery. It is difficult to do things 1-armed lol. I've been over-doing it again which caused the current injury. I promise myself no more over-doing it!

How are your critters?
Critters are all well. Looking for adult laying Chickens. Hard to fine. The 3 I have left are about 12 now.


Adopt me please !
Critters are all well. Looking for adult laying Chickens. Hard to fine. The 3 I have left are about 12 now.

I am raising a group of about 13 white leghorns and I'd be happy to share a few with you. I could pick out the most confident ones for you when they get a little older and I can distinguish the hierarchy among them (the confident ones would have a better chance of being accepted by your old-timers <g>). Right now they are only a couple months old, and almost all of them can fit across the top bar of the roosting poles, so it's hard to tell who's dominant at this point. Once they get bigger and start jostling for space on the top bar, I'll be able to put a colored band on the ones that are most dominant to identify them. I'd say let them get close to full size before introducing them to your girls. I've become rather good at introducing chickens and I actually have 5 roosters in 1 large pen that has about 30 hens and they are doing well, although I do plan to split the roosters up since I need narrow down the ones I want to use for breeding (Tolbunts).


Adopt me please !
What are good brand names? I'd like to try it. TIA :flowers:

Be sure to read up on it because I saw a reference to not using it long term, so it would be good to get a full understanding of it. ICit can probably add some info. since she's been on it a while.


It's also good if you got gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, and leaky bowel syndrome.


Jam out with ur clam out
Be sure to read up on it because I saw a reference to not using it long term, so it would be good to get a full understanding of it. ICit can probably add some info. since she's been on it a while.

I will be on this for the rest of my life.... so long term isnt a major issue. Per my Dr. you should take a week off once a month.