Caught on camera...


New Member
Sadielady said:
I already have one "gay" best friend. He is enough. Kiz, I actually think you are quite funny in a strange sort of way. Saddlesore is the queen of stirring the pot for being so "new" and all. You two are quite similar though. :confused: If I don't respond to you both, who will? Most people just ignore you.

Oh Kiz is qualified to give marriage advice...oh joy...


hbic said:
Oh Kiz is qualified to give marriage advice...oh joy...
Why do you keep stirring the pot? You are only causing trouble for Shady. Are you her friend or not? It is rather bothersome that you keep following Kiz around, egging him on, when clearly the drama is trying to die down. :smack:


New Member
saddlesore said:
Why do you keep stirring the pot? You are only causing trouble for Shady. Are you her friend or not? It is rather bothersome that you keep following Kiz around, egging him on, when clearly the drama is trying to die down. :smack:

& that folks is the epitome of "the pot calling the kettle black"....


Tonia said:
I had this happen to me once. The horse just lost his footing and we both went down. I landed flat on my face. I was bruised for a long time. I looked like I got wacked in the face during a fight. My husband was out of town when it happened. When he returned we went to Target and everyone was giving him dirty looks.

Here's my "we-took-a-header" black eye -

I'm just happy I don't bruise easily. I have the fall on video, I'll have to see if I can get it onto the computer.


New Member
Phyxius said:
Here's my "we-took-a-header" black eye -

I'm just happy I don't bruise easily. I have the fall on video, I'll have to see if I can get it onto the computer.

Thats what mine looked like. I also got a good whack to the cheek.


Tonia said:
Thats what mine looked like. I also got a good whack to the cheek.

Mine happened around mid-morning. My flight to Chicago left the next morning at about 6am, so we returned "home" and watched "Spills and Chills" (I guess to make me feel better???) and then Texas Chainsaw Massacre (ewww). I left their house at around midnight and drove to the airport in Memphis. After flying from Memphis to Chicago and Chicago to BWI I went straight to work. I noticed that night that my nose was all swollen. It wasn't terribly noticable, but I could tell.

The guys at work asked my if I was wearing make-up...yeah on one eye. Guys are geniuses. (I was managing the stables at Medieval Times and performing levade, longlines, and Quadrille in the show.)


Rocky Mountain High!!
fredsaid2 said:
It's just the horse diving out from under her. Most would have been over the horse's should by then. She must have had a pretty good position to the jump.
:lol: i was kidding.
A recent issue of trail rider mag had a short story on how to effectively help your horse with positioning going up and downhill which was very interesting. A big point they made was don't sit too far back on a moderate downhill, but position yourself the same as the trees. Good reading. And funny how this pix appeared.

Phyx...all i can say is OWWW. I have some pix of my face when the stairwell threw me into a bookcase 2 summers ago face first and i broke everything. Needed a lot of surgery. I still grab both banisters when i'm going down that stairwell.


New Member
Wow that could have been horrible for both rider and horse. And WHY do we love riding again HAHA.

Happy STILL has the book case at the bottom of the stairs, that would have been GONE if that happened to me haha.