dems4me said:
Would you be happier if it was Rush Limbaugh :shrug: Is it the fact that she has Democratic views or is it the fact that she's not nonopinionated concernining politics :shrug:
Ok. Here is my beef. I am just catching up to this thread.
You are using the famous dem red herring of throwing out a Limbaugh or Hannity. There is a huge difference.
1) The famous conservative mouth pieces do not hide the fact they are just that. They do not try to hide what they are. They scream out who and what they are, their bias, and why they feel the way they do. No viewer has to stop and question where their beliefs come from and why they feel that way.
2) The Courics and Rathers of the world claim they are objective, unbiased, and just reporting "facts". Unknowledgable viewers are lead to believe they are just getting exactly that when they are getting a liberally slanted news piece.
Our guys pull in huge viewership and dems sit and rant and rave about their bias. The thing is ... they wear it on their sleeve. Yet, their viewership is rapidly growing. There is no hidden agenda. There are no questions of loyalty. You know exactly what you are getting. You can't complain about bias when they tell you exactly what theirs is.. up front. You can complain about bias when they are reporting as if they have none.