CDC & WHO Malfeasance


PREMO Member

WHO Strikes Out with Proposed “Pandemic Treaty”

Citizens, their representatives, and many national leaders are balking at agreeing to any treaty the “subject matter experts” of WHO were concocting. So, two years of negotiations ended last week without a final draft of the global agreement.

On Friday, Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged that countries were unable to come up with a draft. WHO had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva.
“We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity.”
Driece said the World Health Assembly next week would take up lessons from its work and plot the way forward, urging participants to make “the right decisions to take this process forward” to one day reach a pandemic agreement “because we need it.”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, indicates the negotiations will continue.

“The world still needs a pandemic treaty. Many of the challenges that caused the serious impact during COVID-19 still exist,” said Tedros. “So let’s continue to try everything.”
Experts in global health expect that WHO will grant another six to 12 months for negotiators to complete their work – and resolve the sticking points.
“It was a huge disappointment,” says Lawrence Gostin, a professor of global health law at Georgetown University, after learning about the delay. “But there is a strong appetite to carry on.”

This represents one small win for man, one significant win for mankind and its freedoms.



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Will Americans be stupid enough to trust WHO and CDC ever again? Stay tuned.....
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I'll never trust them to be 100% honest on anything they say. The covid scare opened a lot of eyes. No experimental injections for me.

I've had to sign waivers for 2 procedures stating no blood products should be given. Unless it could be guaranteed that no MRNA vaccines were present, I'd rather take my chances without.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I'll never trust them to be 100% honest on anything they say. The covid scare opened a lot of eyes. No experimental injections for me.

I've had to sign waivers for 2 procedures stating no blood products should be given. Unless it could be guaranteed that no MRNA vaccines were present, I'd rather take my chances without.
Can you donate your own blood prior to a planned surgery?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Can you donate your own blood prior to a planned surgery?
I seriously didn't even think about it. They were very minor procedures with almost zero chance of needing blood. I think because they were being performed under general anesthesia, the rules changed. One procedure before these was done under a local. After my first catheter incident, I told my surgeon I'd only agree to surgery if I was knocked out. 🤣


PREMO Member
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I NEVER Trusted the Progressive Narratives

1. Immediately politicized to make Trump look bad - cannot ban Chinese Travelers - call out Infected people are coming FROM CHINA
2. Looked at the numbers - 99 % survival rate with the Gov OVER STATED DEATH NUMBERS
3. Rules were arbitrary - big Box Stores are ' OK ' but don't dare go to church - Covid passes you by sitting in a restaurant, but do not dare to stand up without a mask on


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I NEVER Trusted the Progressive Narratives

1. Immediately politicized to make Trump look bad - cannot ban Chinese Travelers - call out Infected people are coming FROM CHINA
2. Looked at the numbers - 99 % survival rate with the Gov OVER STATED DEATH NUMBERS
3. Rules were arbitrary - big Box Stores are ' OK ' but don't dare go to church - Covid passes you by sitting in a restaurant, but do not dare to stand up without a mask on

That's why I largely ignored and mocked it - the crap they were coming up with was absurd.


Well-Known Member
I have probably had Covid 5 or 6 times in the last4 years. I don't know because I don't get tested, I drink fluids, get over the counter drugs and after a few days my cold is gone. If you don't get tested you cannot get false positives.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 More signs of life! Corporate media completely ignored yesterday’s best news. I had to go to Dryden Wire for the story, which appeared on its website headlined, “Congressman Tiffany's Legislation Requiring Senate Approval Of World Health Organization Treaty Clears House.” Most encouragingly, some Democrats voted for the bill, which passed the House yesterday in a bipartisan vote of 219-199.

image 10.png

Heroic Representative Thomas Tiffany (R-Wi.), shown above, sponsored the bill, which was titled the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.” An impressive fifty-nine other representatives co-sponsored Tiffany’s bill.

In case you haven’t heard of it, the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is being advertised as a feel-good cooperative agreement to globally prepare for and coordinate international responses to future pandemics. Kumbaya! Better safe than sorry! But, buried deep in the volumes of bureaucratic fine print are clauses that, whenever the WHO declares a state of emergency, essentially put that failed organization in charge of U.S. health policy, including “guidance” for mandates.

The WHO treaty is a globalist’s wildest dream and greatest aspiration. Since nearly anything can be called a health emergency these days, racism, transphobia, cricket powder shortages, you name it, the WHO treaty is a greased pathway to centralized control of the entire planet by unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats. So, it’s no bueno.

Representative Tiffany’s bill must now be passed in the narrowly-divided Senate, which is possible even if just a couple Democrats join. The fact that some House Democrats voted in favor of Tiffany’s bill makes Senate approval look much more likely. But the prospect of passage isn’t what’s most important about this story, especially since Biden will surely veto if the bill reaches his desk this year.

A recurring worry I’ve heard from fretful folks I always encounter on the speech circuit is that nobody seems to be doing anything to stop this awful “Treaty.” But sixty Representatives just joined a bill to shut it down, and it passed the House. You can’t say nobody is doing anything. A lot of folks are opposing the WHO’s dystopian pandemic treaty.

The truth is, useless corporate media isn’t doing anything to stop or even question the treaty. You just haven’t heard about the people pushing back on the pandemic treaty, that’s all, since media has buried that news under the World Economic Forum’s outhouse.

If Biden signs on with the WHO, but fails to obtain Senate approval for the so-called treaty, then the agreement would be seen as an executive order, which could be rescinded by the next president. It would also surely be legally challenged for lack of Senate approval, since it is even called a “treaty,” right in the name.

Of course, it would be much better to get out of or dissolve the useless, China-controlled WHO altogether. But the bill’s visible support is progress. Thank you, Representative Tiffany.
