CDC & WHO Malfeasance


PREMO Member
🔥 In the first of two humiliating stories about the massively-funded health agency, yesterday the New York Post ran a story headlined, “99% of new COVID-19 deaths reported by CDC not just due to virus: data.”

Remember that we’ve recently been suffering through an orgiastic media firestorm of stories about an “uptick” in covid deaths.

But according to the CDC’s own covid dashboard, only a minuscule 1.7% — or about 6 people — out of the 324 covid deaths logged for the week ending August 19th had the virus listed as the primary cause of death. The other 98.3% of people died “with covid,” not “from covid,” meaning something else like cancer or a heart attack killed the person, but they tested positive at the time.

So. Science! Shut up!

💉 Even worse, you probably think you couldn’t possibly be surprised by anything the CDC does anymore, no matter how silly or bereft of human intelligence, or dumber than a Martian rock. Well, you’d better sit down. The Epoch Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “CDC Quietly Removes COVID Vaccine Adverse Events Collection From Website.”

There are two adverse event collections systems. The first and more well-known is VAERS, an “antiquated” system that Branch Covidians love to dismiss out of hand because it is a “self-reporting” system and “anybody” can enter a report (under penalty of perjury and federal criminal prosecution if false, with cases only published after review by FDA officials, but still).

The second, newer system is called V-SAFE. It requires vaccinees to register using their mobile devices and then complete periodic surveys about their ongoing health. It is a long-term safety monitoring system.

About 10 million Americans who got the covid jabs signed up for V-SAFE.

Yesterday, the CDC unceremoniously pulled the plug on V-SAFE for covid, abruptly announcing a retroactive data cut-off of June 30th. It did not explain its baffling decision to terminate the highly-celebrated, high-tech program. According to the announcement, the CDC had also stealthily cut off any new registrations back on May 19th.

Wrapping it up.

For context, and for a possible explanation for canceling the program, since CDC isn’t saying, here are some V-SAFE stats. According to an analysis by ICAN, as of September 2022, the 10.1 million users had completed over 151 million monthly health surveys using the platform (about 15 each). Of the 10.1 million users, over one-third, 3.53 million people, reported being “adversely impacted” by their vaccination.

Of those adversely impacted, 1.2 million folks reported being “unable to conduct normal activities,” which sounds bad, and 1.3 million said they had to miss school or work. About 800,000 actually needed medical treatment for their “adverse impact.”

Between the two companies, Moderna registered 1.6 million adverse impacts, and Pfizer had 1.4 million.

Half (48.5%) of the people who needed medical care sought “urgent care,” and 15% had to visit emergency rooms. From the ICAN review:


One of the most compelling arguments against the jabs from the outset was the absolute absence of any long-term safety data for a brand-new, never tested mRNA vaccine platform. For some reason, the CDC just pulled the plug on its newest, most-reliable system for obtaining long-term safety data.

The CDC did not respond to Epoch’s request for comment.

Seen online:

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Here’s a link to the Brownstone article if you want more detail:

So. When the jab rollout started, we had zero long-term safety data on the jabs. And we never will.


PREMO Member
A spokesperson for the CDC told The Epoch Times on Aug. 29 that COVID-19 hospital admission levels “are currently low for more than 96 percent” of the United States, but that the agency recommended that transportation workers, travelers, passengers, and others get the COVID-19 vaccine “before they travel.”

“Anyone may choose to wear a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated indoor areas, including on public transportation and in transportation hubs at any time,” the CDC spokesperson said.

The agency also doesn’t currently have any mandate in effect, and the “CDC’s advice for individual and community actions around COVID-19 are tied to hospital admission levels,” the spokesperson said.

Earlier this week, a CDC spokesperson told NBC News that there have been no agency discussions about bringing back mask mandates, which comes as a handful of hospitals and offices around the country started reimposing them this month. There has also been speculation that federal officials may bring back mandates or even push for lockdowns, similar to what happened in 2020.



PREMO Member
💉 What I found was, the CDC and the media are engaged in a stealthy, all-out educational campaign to combat sepsis. They are rapidly pushing out new programs, materials, and requirements on the whole country’s doctors and hospitals through a fire hose. But why?

From the New York Times, this week:

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Let’s start by figuring out what ‘sepsis’ is.

The CDC’s web page explains sepsis (it was updated this week):

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In other words, sepsis arises when a person gets some other kind of infection, and their body’s impaired immune system goes haywire, killing them within hours. Until very recently, sepsis was only found in very old people, very sick people with chronic diseases, and immunosuppressed people.


Science Daily ran a story published yesterday, headlined “Sepsis -- as common as cancer, as deadly as a heart attack.” Here’s the article’s summary:

A research team has found that more than four percent of all hospital admissions in southern Sweden are associated with sepsis. It is a significantly under-diagnosed condition that can be likened to an epidemic.

It can be likened to an epidemic! But not the kind of epidemic they love, which is why it’s not being run wall-to-wall on MSNBC. It’s an epidemic they’d rather broom under an antique rug.

It’s an epidemic that confirms Ethical Skeptic’s charts and graphs showing skyrocketing rates of infection deaths.

There is building evidence sepsis is related to jab injuries. Two days ago, the UK Sun ran a followup story headlined, “The 2 obscure signs of sepsis you must know as Strictly’s Amy Dowden shares terrifying update.”

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Amy Dowden, 33, is the British star of Strictly Come Dancing, who we reported on a couple months ago, after she suddenly and unexpectedly got Stage 3 turbo breast cancer (and was jabbed). According to the Sun’s recent article, that wasn’t the only medical emergency Amy had to deal with. She also had a near-fatal “scary ordeal” with … sepsis.

Fortunately — unlike Jacob — Amy got immediate medical attention and recovered.

The Sun suggested, without evidence, that her chemotherapy suppressed Amy’s immune system, which created the conditions for the septic attack. But the new Frontiers study suggests a different possible cause: the jabs.

From what I can tell from loads of reports in secondary media, the narrative is trying to blur out the sepsis-jab connection, by running recent stories about famous people who got sepsis years ago, and by that claiming rates of sepsis have been increasing since 2017, without citing the figures so readers can see the real rates.



PREMO Member
🔥 The fact checkers were hardest hit. A new eye-popping FOIA disclosure was making the rounds this week. The FDA three emails evidenced a perfect storm of government bungling and corruption. The short version is that right while federal jab mandates were lifting off in the fall of 2021, top government officials already knew that the jabs “waned,” meaning they didn’t protect anybody.

But that’s not all. Not even close.

Here’s the first email in the thread. It’s a doozy. It was sent from a Department of Defense contractor to FDA top official Marion Gruber in advance of the September 2021 vaccine committee meeting. Marion Gruber was the Director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review at the FDA.

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First of all, notice the email explained that the Department of Defense hired Humetrix in March 2020 to analyze Medicare claims data related to covid:

This study has been conducted by my company under contract with the DoD JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center) since March 2020, when we were tasked to analyze Medicare claim data to monitor, map and conduct Covid-19 predictive analytics for the military.

“For the military.” Why was DoD involved right from March 2020? Was covid a military operation or a health emergency? What do they know that they aren’t saying?

"Salus" was the name of a pagan Roman goddess associated with health, well-being, and prosperity. Hopefully someone will follow up and FOIA everything related to “Project Salus.”

And … the JAIC? A DoD joint artificial intelligence center? What is that? How and why did the JAIC get involved in covid from day one? Why haven’t we ever heard of its role in the pandemic? Unanswerable questions.

At least, unanswerable so far. We’re getting there, drop by painful drop.

Finally, this government contractor, Humetrix, was hired by the military to monitor Medicare claims data. Honestly, it makes perfect sense to monitor Medicare claims. Why wasn’t the CDC monitoring Medicare claims data? Of course they were. So why haven’t we ever heard about what the government was finding in the Medicare claims data?

Next, Humetrix gave the top officials at HHS the bad news, for consideration of the vaccine advisory committee:

Our observational study VE findings show a very significant decrease in VE against infection and hospitalization in the Delta phase of the pandemic for individuals vaccinated with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine for those 5-6 months post vaccination vs. those 3-4 months post vaccination.

“VE” means “vaccine efficacy.” It was bad enough that, right while the government was throwing out mandates faster than a t-shirt shooting machine at an SEC Bowl Game on federal employees and contractors, airline pilots, and who knows what else, they already knew the vaccines didn’t prevent covid infections. But it’s even worse than that.

From the Medicare data, they knew in September 2021 that the negative jab efficacy also applied to hospitalizations. It says it right there, in black and white. They are still maintaining the lie that jabs prevent hospitalizations for severe covid. But what does the Medicare data show? Hmm?

You might be wondering, maybe they had other information that contradicted Humetrix’s findings. We certainly heard zero discussion of that issue during the vaccine committee meeting, or anywhere else for that matter, but still. It could be, right?

Nope. The next two emails tell the story. Leaving Humetrix out of the chain, HHS’s Peter Marks replied to Janet Woodcock and Julia Teirney, both in FDA. Marks was the Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the FDA. The CBER oversaw the vaccine approval process for the covid shots.

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Marks first expressed surprise, like us, that the DoD’s Artificial Intelligence project was involved. Had they known that, they could have shut it down. And, again like us, he was surprised the CDC — which also had full access to the Medicare data — hadn’t said anything. But notice Mark’s final comment:

As I said yesterday, the totality of the evidence is remarkably consistent.

Remarkably consistent evidence! And, he’d said it before, to someone, even before getting the Humetrix email. So, contrary to what they were saying publicly, that the jabs worked great and prevented hospitalization, internally HHS officials were saying that the remarkably consistent evidence showed the exact opposite was true.


Finally, we have Janet Woodcock’s reply to Marks’ email. Woodcock was the top official at the FDA overseeing the vaccines.

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Woodcock “supposed” the vaccine committee would discuss this data. That seems logical, but for some reason, it didn’t. For some reason. But her final sentence put the nail in the covid coffin:

Actually Peter this is more worrisome than the other data we have in my opinion.

See that? She even disagreed with Marks. To Woodcock, the Humetrix findings were even worse than what they had been seeing.

But none of this ever made the public discussion. What happened inside the FDA that prevented the vaccine committee from discussing the remarkably consistent evidence?

And yet, the government doubled-down on mandates, full throttle, until courts finally forced them to stop.

🔬 In May, a new peer-reviewed study published in Science Immunology titled, “Cytokinopathy with aberrant cytotoxic lymphocytes and profibrotic myeloid response in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine–associated myocarditis.” It had 21 authors.


The study set out to determine precisely how the mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis. Let’s start with the end, the conclusion, then I’ll explain the vocabulary, and then we’ll see what it means:

Although rare, vaccine-associated myopericarditis has emerged as an important area of investigation… Together, our results demonstrate up-regulation in inflammatory cytokines and corresponding lymphocytes with tissue-damaging capabilities, suggesting a cytokine-dependent pathology, which may further be accompanied by myeloid cell–associated cardiac fibrosis… These findings are distinct from previously reported forms of vaccine-associated myocarditis (including after tetanus toxoid, conjugate meningococcal C and hepatitis B, and smallpox vaccines), where the pathologies were largely eosinophilic.

Before we start, let’s check in on the evolution of the mandatory pro-vaccine statement required for a study to survive peer-review. Spoiler: it’s getting watered down. Here’s how this peer-reviewed study phrased the obligatory endorsement:

The SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA vaccines have been found to be safe in international studies involving hundreds of thousands of individuals (1–4), although very rare cases of adverse events have been subsequently reported.

One imagines with relish the twenty-one authors debating the precise wording of that sentence at great length. And, haha! First, they completely dropped the word “effective.” Sayonara! And even the word “safe” has been diluted; rather than just saying jabs are safe, as if it were common knowledge, these authors merely noted that “international studies” found the jabs to be safe.

In other words, they said it was safe. Don’t blame us.

Let’s dig in. You’ll recall hearing about “cytokines” in the news, most famously referring to the “cytokine storm” that was initially blamed for covid deaths. Cytokines are tiny but important proteins produced by the immune system. There are several types, and they affect different kinds of cells in different ways.

For our purposes, one important type of cytokines are “cytotoxic.”

Cyto-toxic means proteins that kill cells. Cyto means “cell,” and toxic means, well, toxic. So what you definitely do not want are recurring waves of cytotoxic cytokines flooding your body. That would be kind of like a chemo treatment. Think poison. Widespread destruction.

“Myeloid cell-associated cardiac fibrosis” occurs when a type of immune cell (myeloids), leads to cardiac fibrosis. Cardiac fibrosis is an excessive growth of fibrous connective tissue (collagen) in the heart, leading to stiffening of the heart muscle and impaired heart function, which shows up as reduced heart elasticity, impaired pumping function, and potential complications like sudden and unexpected heart failure.

What the researchers found was that, in some people, the mRNA shots created excessive cytotoxic cytokines (heart cell killers) and pro-fibrotic cardiac tissue (heart stoppers). Furthermore, this all seems to work completely differently in mRNA shots than with any type of myocarditis effect previously seen in traditional types of vaccines.

The vaccine-induced cardiac injuries were found “more frequently after the second dose,” which the authors found “intriguing.” Sadly, this information could have been helpful to people considering taking the jabs, especially people with existing cardiac problems or people genetically pre-disposed to cardiac injury. Oh well!

Smartly, the authors then connected their findings to other studies that seem to show the same thing — especially one study finding the cardiac-damaging proteins right in the deltoid muscle where the shot was injected:

Our clinical, cellular, and molecular findings potentially point to ongoing wound healing, tissue remodeling, and scar formation after cardiac injury in these patients… These results are supported by published cardiac biopsy reports showing macrophage infiltration of heart tissue. Most recently, a large clinical study of 69 total patients with clinically suspected SARS-CoV-2 vaccine–associated myocarditis reported 40 biopsy-confirmed cases with prominent…infiltration of cardiac tissue. In one report, overlapping immune infiltrate was…found at the vaccine injection site in the deltoid muscle. Another histopathological study of 15 clinically suspected cases further reported cardiac infiltration of… macrophages.
The good news is, the more we understand about how the shots kill and injure people, the closer we get to an effective treatment. And the closer we get to accountability.

Now, remember the study’s pro-fibrotic finding. There’s another one, except worse.

Here’s the link.



PREMO Member
The CDC Once Again Reaffirms Its Commitment To Erasing The Last Remaining Shreds Of Their Credibility

The CDC and its allies in the public health community are at it again.

Since the start of the pandemic, the CDC has worked tirelessly to cultivate mistrust among the American public, with awe-inspiring levels of misinformation on masks, COVID vaccine efficacy, school closures and lockdowns.

The tenure of former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky was, to put it charitably, a disaster.

Her efforts to coerce behavior and commitment to putting ideology above evidence lead to repeated efforts to mislead the public. The CDC under Walensky put out embarrassing “studies” to justify their desire to compel Americans to wear masks.

Studies that independent observers pointed out were wildly inaccurate and unsuited for their purpose.

The CDC Repeatedly And Purposefully Put Out Misleading, Low Quality Studies To Push Masks

Her replacement, Mandy Cohen, has quickly succeeded in taking up the mantle of misinformation, continuing to wear a mask in public while refusing to remove guidance on masking kids.

Somehow though, this week, the CDC has managed to sink to yet another new low. And this time it may have serious consequences for those who don’t know enough to look past the headlines, media spin and outrageous claims.

Boosters Are Back​

For most of the first year of the pandemic, the CDC’s obsession mostly revolved around masks. The visible symbol of the fear they wanted the public to feel ultimately became the visible symbol of their own failure.

States that followed CDC guidance did not fare any better than those who ignored it. In some cases, they actually fared worse.

But after the release of the mRNA vaccines, the CDC made universal vaccination their primary goal. While other countries initially followed suit, sane health agencies eventually shifted course, explaining that only at risk individuals, primarily senior citizens, should receive additional boosters as the original doses wore off. This, of course, is ignoring the fact that they initially told the public that the first series would provide essentially perfect, long lasting protection.

So here we are in late 2023, facing respiratory virus season, and they’re back to the same desperate tricks. Yet now they come with a new, even more disqualifying twist.

Pharmaceutical companies, jumping for joy, were offered the opportunity to release new targeted booster doses this fall, after the failure of their bivalent boosters in 2022.

Turns Out, the New Booster Shots Don't Actually Work



PREMO Member

Expected CDC guidance on N95 masks outrages health care workers

The draft controversially concluded that N95 face masks are equivalent to looser, surgical face masks in certain settings — and that doctors and nurses need to wear only surgical masks when treating patients infected by “common, endemic” viruses, like those that cause the seasonal flu.

The committee was slated to vote on the changes at a public meeting on Aug. 22, but it postponed the vote until November. Once the advice is final, the CDC begins a process of turning the committee’s assessment into guidelines that hospitals throughout the United States typically follow. After the meeting, members of the public expressed concern about where the CDC was headed, especially as Covid cases rise. Nationwide, hospital admissions and deaths due to Covid have been increasing for several consecutive weeks.

“Health care facilities are where some of the most vulnerable people in our population have to frequent or stay,” said Gwendolyn Hill, a research intern at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, after the committee’s presentation. She said N95 masks, ventilation, and air-purifying technology can lower rates of Covid transmission within hospital walls and “help ensure that people are not leaving sicker than they came.”

“We are very happy to receive feedback,” Alexander Kallen, chief of the Prevention and Response Branch in the CDC’s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, told KFF Health News. “It is our goal to develop a guideline that is protective of patients, visitors, and health workers.” He added that the draft guidelines are far from final.


PREMO Member
🔥 In a similar vein, the Daily Caller ran a terrific story this week headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Introduces Legislation To Terminate Overreach At CDC.”

Yes, please! Anna’s bill, titled the Terminate CDC Overreach Act, would raise the bar on the CDC, requiring the agency’s “communicable and pre-communicable framework” to be limited only to people who are proven to be infected or shown to be very likely to be infected through clinical tests, contact tracing and clinical presentation. In other words, not the general public or “asymptomatic” folks.

The CDC would also have to ‘show its work’ by publishing detailed science briefs with all of its recommendations, guidances or policies. Maybe most important, the bill would also include an expedited review of any of the CDC’s emergency measures, giving Congress more power over CDC decisions that might significantly impact the economy, for example.

Granted, the bill is a long shot. This time. But once again, it shows that the groundswell of pushback against the medical-industrial complex is starting with independent elected officials, before it goes mainstream, which it surely will. Note that Anna’s bill was also cosponsored by Representatives Mary Miller (R-Ill.) and Eli Crane (R-Az.). The pushback group is growing.

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PREMO Member
Good morning C&C, it’s Tuesday! Today I am grateful for something else that isn’t here anymore: the absence of a real-life holiday horror movie of government lies and fearmongering, broadcast 24x7 in alarming ads, warning me that my own relatives will probably kill me this Thanksgiving — accidentally! — by coughing, sneezing, or even just thinking about pulling their masks down.

And I’m grateful to be spared all the mendacious, taxpayer-funded prophecies from the government’s peyote-smoking, paranoid hypochondriacs, with their bleak warnings about a “dark winter” of death, disease, and other demented, white-coat nonsense.

So far the lack of panic has been a refreshing improvement. I bet this year you probably didn’t even notice the government’s halfhearted efforts to sell a few more defective vaccines before the clock runs out:


The comments to that CDC tweet were priceless. The CDC may have to shut down its twitter account soon, because it doesn’t seem to be getting much support these days.

There is a LOT going on in the world. But today, we must break from our regularly scheduled programming, so that I can apply a clearly-overdue course correction. A few of you really need to hear this, and the rest of you need to have it in your rhetorical arsenal as we head into the holidays.



PREMO Member
🔥 This week, totally-unqualified CDC chief and lockdown-lunatic Mandy Cohen suffered through a scathing tongue-lashing by Representative Dr. Neal Dunn (R-Fl.) over the CDC’s halfhearted response to the Reedly biolab scandal. You’ll enjoy this clip if you’ve been following the story:

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CLIP: Rep. Neal Dunn grills silly CDC director over latest agency gaffes and failures (5:44).

CDC, you had ONE JOB. Baffling.



PREMO Member

Croatian MEP: Time to Declare WHO a Terrorist Organization

Mislav Kolakušić, a member of the European Union parliament, recently offered a prescription for dispensing with the World Health Organization (WHO) at an appearance before the body regarding so-called “pandemic treaties” proposed worldwide to surrender national sovereignty to the organization for Public Health™.

The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority on declaring a pandemic… It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organization]…
During the COVID pandemic, [the] World Health Organization only told lies. It should be declared a terroristic organization…
Today, [the] World Health Organization is more dangerous for humanity than [the] World Economic Forum.


PREMO Member

Americans Yawn at CDC Warnings About 'Tripledemic'

Fetch? Retch!

Whatever your opinion might be about the safety or efficacy of this or that vaccine, we can all agree that seeing a 44-year-old medical doctor/public health official try to be hip is painfully cringeworthy. Besides, as any "Mean Girls" fan could tell you, "Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen! It's not going to happen!"

Chicago health officials took a more traditional (and much less wince-inducing) approach on Monday, with Dr. Colleen Nash, associate professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at Rush University Medical Center, warning, "We’ve now been lucky enough to kind of live with COVID but still enjoy normal life and activities and things. And that is directly attributable, at least in part, to vaccinations. So I would really encourage people to do that if they haven’t already."

While reports show that Illinois' hospitalization rate for COVID is "ticking up," the actual numbers aren't anything like 2020, with an additional 1,251 COVID hospital admissions this week statewide. And yet according to the Chicago Tribune, only about 11% of city residents are fully up to date on their COVID vaccinations.

The CDC tried on Twitter/X again on Saturday, reminding readers, "‘Tis the season for joy and family. Now is the time to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and flu before you see your loved ones again."

"Visit to find vaccines near you."

The ratio, as the kids like to say, is epic.

While the replies were all over the place in tone, this one reasonable-sounding tweet captured the general sentiment.



PREMO Member

CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It

In May 2021, CDC officials drafted an alert on myocarditis and the two most widely used COVID-19 shots, according to the newly obtained document, which is being made public for the first time by The Epoch Times.

“This is the most recent draft of an alert as discussed. Happy to discuss,” Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the CDC’s top official for equity in COVID-19 data and engagement, told two other high-ranking CDC colleagues in the email.

It was titled “draft alert on myocarditis and mRNA vaccines.”


PREMO Member

Yeah... things aren't looking good.

You'll likely be aware of Tedros, he's been in the news a time or two in recent months for not so great stuff, but his most notable claim-to-fame is having mishandled the Covid pandemic horribly... massively blowing some elements of it out of proportion while also taking actions that were seen by many as toadying up to or even actively running interference for the Communist Chinese government. His track record on dealing with outbreaks is terrible, to say the least, and it's hard to imagine anybody takes any comfort from knowing that he's on the case.

And then of course there's Hillary Clinton, who doesn't really need an introduction, right? Clinton isn't really known as an expert in the medical field by any stretch of the imagination but that hasn't stopped her from sticking her nose into it over and over, most notably and infamously with her attempted overhaul of the American Healthcare industry while her husband Bill was President in 1993. Clearly nobody feels better knowing that Hillary Clinton has her fingers in this particular pie.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Some pretty great news is developing on the WHO “Pandemic Preparedness” Treaty. This week, Intellectual Dark Web pundit Brett Weinstein interviewed Dr. Kat Lindley, President of the Global Health Project, who delivered some welcome good news about the so-called WHO pandemic treaty.

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RUMBLE: Dark Horse Podcast talks WHO Pandemic Treaty good news (30:06).

In case you somehow missed it, in which event lucky you, the barely sentient maniacs at the United Nations and the World Health Organization had proposed revisions to an existing ‘pandemic treaty’ to vastly expand the WHO’s influence. One of the most alarming parts of the proposed draft was language essentially putting the WHO in charge of all member countries, including America. All the WHO would have to do is declare a pandemic and then look out, Lucy.

Worse, to approve this grotesque mockery of democratic ideals, all that would have had to happen would be for the leader of each country, in our terrifying case Joe Biden, to sign the damnable thing, and that presumably would have been that.

It’s still not perfect, but thanks to the hard work of many freedom activists over the last few months to shine a light on this horrible, so-called ’treaty’, the worst parts of the draft — including the ‘binding effect’ on member states — have now been jettisoned. The current draft still does some bedeviling stuff like letting the WHO declare global pandemics and pushing for 100-day turbo vaccine development. But the greatest risks have been sliced out.

Believe it or not, it was mostly small countries that pushed back on the draft’s worst excesses. Robert Kennedy recently tweeted celebrating (and warning) about the state of the treaty:

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As you can see, as Kennedy’s tweet suggested, the activists, now madder than jabbed hornets, aren’t letting up on the pressure. Maybe they will ultimately drive the WHO right into the sea and get rid of it once and for all. We can hope.

Anyway, you can move worrying about the WHO treaty down to the bottom of this week’s list. It’s progress.



PREMO Member

CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths

CDC employees worked to track down information on reported post-vaccination deaths and learned that myocarditis—or heart inflammation, a confirmed side effect of the vaccines—was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some of the deaths, according to an internal file obtained by The Epoch Times.

Myocarditis was also described as being caused by vaccination in a subset of the deaths.

In other cases, the CDC workers found that deaths met the agency’s definition for myocarditis, that the patients started showing symptoms within 42 days of a vaccine dose, and that the deceased displayed no virus-related symptoms. Officials say that after 42 days, a possible link between the vaccine and symptoms becomes tenuous, and they list post-vaccination deaths as unrelated if they can find any possible alternative causes.

In cases with those three features, it’s “absolutely” safe to say that the vaccines caused the deaths, Dr. Clare Craig, a British pathologist and co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team Group, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Despite the findings, most of which were made by the end of 2021, the CDC claimed that it had seen no signs linking the Moderna and Pfizer messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines to any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

CDC officials in a letter to The Epoch Times dated June 13, 2023, said that there were no deaths reported to the VAERS for which the agency determined “the available evidence” indicated Moderna or Pfizer vaccination “caused or contributed to the deaths.”

The agency also said that evidence from seven deaths from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following the Johnson & Johnson vaccination suggested that the vaccine led to people dying.

“That’s a scandal, where you have information like this and you continue to put out this dishonest line that there’s only seven deaths and they’re all unrelated to the mRNA vaccines,” Dr. Andrew Bostom, a heart expert based in the United States, told The Epoch Times.

The CDC is “concealing these deaths,” he said.