Celebrity you most resemble


New Member
Is Ron Jeremy considered a "celebrity"?

If not, maybe a cross between Emilio Estevez and Shrek :shrug:


Southern Beyotch
Not to toot my own horn or anything.....



New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
When I was thinner, someone once told me I looked like Billy Bob Thornton.

I've also been told I look like some guy on JAG, but I don't watch it and I don't know who it is...


People tell me that I look like Barbie. :ohwell: I think I have a better azz though. :lol:


I've been told on more then one occasion that I resemble the black chick from the movie Clueless. the one with the blue eyes. (I'm white by the way) :shrug: I don't see it at all for some reason. :razz:


Football season!
Back when I had hair I was always told I looked like steve from 90210. I never saw the show, so I don't know if that is a good thing, or a bad thing.

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Back when I had hair I was always told I looked like steve from 90210. I never saw the show, so I don't know if that is a good thing, or a bad thing.

Very bad thing. He was Ugly!!!!:biggrin:


Nothing to see here
:yeahthat: I think you're right, Christy....and I can see a resemblance between Vrai and Holly Hunter..