Cereal in Bottle


New Member
My mom couldn't wait to give my little ones ice cream, mashed potatoes and things like that..I'd tell her no...It's bad, yadda yadda...

But now when I look back - I laugh... I resepct my mom's opinions and as a mother of 5 (me, the oldest) I know she knows a little about what she is doing :lmao:

Well, regardless of my wishes, I found out later that she had fed them those things when I wasn't looking :lmao: All my kids turned out okay, so far! No allergies or anything like that. What can you do but laugh...Mother knows best. And I am sure I will be just like her when my little ones have kids, 30 years from now :lmao: They'll be the ones saying "MOM, STOP - they can't have that"

Our parents get ALOT wiser as we get older...I find myself agreeing with damn near about everything I thought was so stupid back when I was a teen.


I heart CLeValley
And 25-30 years ago when I was having my kids, you were SUPPOSED to give the babies water...fixed it just like you did the formula bottles...STERILIZED them. :gasp:

i was always told to give the baby some water after you gave them their formula so they didnt get the white film on their tongue and have it turn to possible thrush.


I bowl overhand
Actually, the La Leche folks tell you that too. The point is to get plenty of formula or breast milk into the young'un because they need the nutrients from it.

The La Leche Nazi's will say NOTHING about a baby taking formula (the right or wrong way to do it).. except that you're a crappy parent for not breast feeding.. and breast feeding only.

Talk about a close minded bunch of jackasses..
They are well-educated and some of them even have a whole six months of experience dealing with infants!

And some only have 5.5 months experience. But experience has nothing to do with knowing that rice to a baby under 4 months of age COULD cause problems. I preferred not to take that risk.

To each their own.

On a similar note - we tried cereal WITH A SPOON for my son at 4 months. He hated it and still does. At 5 months we skipped it completely and went right to solids.


I bowl overhand
And some only have 5.5 months experience. But experience has nothing to do with knowing that rice to a baby under 4 months of age COULD cause problems. I preferred not to take that risk.

To each their own.

On a similar note - we tried cereal WITH A SPOON for my son at 4 months. He hated it and still does. At 5 months we skipped it completely and went right to solids.

You are suffering from information overload.. just becasue one baby out of every 100,000 has a problem with cereal does not make it a problem..

If your mother fed you cereal at 2 months old.. and her mother did the same.. and her mother.. and so on back 4 or 5 generations without problem, what's the risk?

Now someone's kid in Nebraske has an allergic reaction to the nutrasweet in the new Froot Loops, it's all of a sudden a national emergency, and NOBODY under the age of 6 shoule eat the newly formulated Froot Loops.. even though this is the same Froot Loops that were re-formulated 8 years ago, and millions of kids have eaten them without reaction, this ONE kid in Nebraska makes it a health emergency.

I'd put more faith in Mom, grandmom and experience than I would a doctor sometimes..

Like how often did your Grandmother or Greatgrandmother take their kids to the doctor? How did they treat a fever? A cold? Now we HAVE to spend money and go see a doctor or else we're looked down upon and thought to be abusive or neglective parents..

Growing up, unless I was bleeding profusely, or had a bone sticking through skin, I NEVER went to the emergency room.. I've NEVER had a trip to the emergency room that didn't end with a cast or stitches.. Flu? Cold? Ear Infections?? Nope, not worthy of a doctor's visit let alone an Emergency ROom visit.. but today?? TOO much information, too much fear..
You are suffering from information overload.. just becasue one baby out of every 100,000 has a problem with cereal does not make it a problem..

If your mother fed you cereal at 2 months old.. and her mother did the same.. and her mother.. and so on back 4 or 5 generations without problem, what's the risk?

Now someone's kid in Nebraske has an allergic reaction to the nutrasweet in the new Froot Loops, it's all of a sudden a national emergency, and NOBODY under the age of 6 shoule eat the newly formulated Froot Loops.. even though this is the same Froot Loops that were re-formulated 8 years ago, and millions of kids have eaten them without reaction, this ONE kid in Nebraska makes it a health emergency.

I'd put more faith in Mom, grandmom and experience than I would a doctor sometimes..

Like how often did your Grandmother or Greatgrandmother take their kids to the doctor? How did they treat a fever? A cold? Now we HAVE to spend money and go see a doctor or else we're looked down upon and thought to be abusive or neglective parents..

Growing up, unless I was bleeding profusely, or had a bone sticking through skin, I NEVER went to the emergency room.. I've NEVER had a trip to the emergency room that didn't end with a cast or stitches.. Flu? Cold? Ear Infections?? Nope, not worthy of a doctor's visit let alone an Emergency ROom visit.. but today?? TOO much information, too much fear..

Anyway, like I said - to each their own.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
to each their own.

Agreed :yay: You're not going to kill your kid by NOT feeding it rice cereal. But I get annoyed when someone spouts up with how *dangerous* it is to do these things, when mothers have been doing them since the beginning of time with no ill effects. What I hear when they spout off is, "YOU are a bad Mommy! YOU put your child at risk!" And that's ridiculous.

Louise asked a question. We answered it. Personally, I could give a fig if someone feeds their child cereal in a bottle or not. She asked how old ours were, and we told her.



* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Just what this thread needs...

Colic Calm Gripe Water :lmao:

(Google ad)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nicholas was eating bottles of A-1 sauce at 2 months.. and then we gave him steak (rare) to dip in it at 3 months.

Now at 2, we have him go out and kill his own, and just drag it under his playground to eat it.

Better not mention how you filed his teeth into points so he could chew better. :ohwell:


New Member
Wow i am surpised at the diffrent comments of this question. I have 5 children and all were different. Two never at baby food at all they just went to regular food, mashed potatos yougurt and so on. Neither have food allergies. My third had baby food for a few months than i gave him food. 4th one had cereal by spoon and than regular food and 5th is almost 4 months and she is eating cereal off a spoon. I have never put it in a bottle. Like someone said earlierr if they can eat cereal than do it off a spoon. I would think that if in a bottle than they might not be able to finish the bottle becasue of getting to full. If done after bottle than they got all their nutirents from formula or breast milk than get "topped" off from the cereal.


New Member
Cole was 5, almost 6 mos when I started it. He's been sleeping through the night months before without it. If its a hunger thing then thats one thing, if its an acid reflux thing you might want to get lil one checked out.


New Member
doesn't really help

Cereal in bottles might hold your little one off for a bit longer, but there is no evidence, science or my own experience, that suggests it really helps them sleep longer. You can try it for a month or two but in terms of nutrition, you might be better off feeding him cereal by spoon and sticking to bottles. If your child isn't getting full on bottles/cereal then it might be time to talk to your doctor about starting step 1 baby foods.


New Member
I did what made my kids happy. When they drank 6oz bottles every 3-4 hours I had to do something. They also tell you not to start giving your child vegetables until like 6 mos. and meats until 9 mos. Well that did not work for my kids. I would rather them full and happy then crying all the time cause they are hungary. Just do what you gotta do. Some doctors say cereal in a bottle is not good but then some prescribe it for acid reflux.


Started putting cereal in his bottle at 2 months. He is now 4 months and there are no problems.
I did what made my kids happy. When they drank 6oz bottles every 3-4 hours I had to do something. They also tell you not to start giving your child vegetables until like 6 mos. and meats until 9 mos. Well that did not work for my kids. I would rather them full and happy then crying all the time cause they are hungary. Just do what you gotta do. Some doctors say cereal in a bottle is not good but then some prescribe it for acid reflux.

How old were they when they were drinking 6 ounces every 3-4 hours? My son is 6 months old tomorrow and he drinks 6 ounces every 3-3.5 hours. That's completely normal.