Chaffing in Men

Everyone keeps saying corn starch. And every time I'm thinking corn MEAL, trying to figure out how that could possibly be comfortable....


Oh.... honey.... :huggy:

Bubba got chaffed at the water park too... I put baby powder on it. He was in so much pain. :bawl:


You are right about the cornstarch, not the baby powder because of fragrance additives, and I don't know about Gold Bond. My husband is an ultra runner and he gets this problem when he runs in the rain, or through rivers and streams. So, I guess it could be viewed as swamp ass! :lol:The corn starch works great and is pure, so that is the way to go. Just dab it on with a cotton ball. Cotton ball! :lol:

The Gold Bond gives you a really tingly feeling when you first put it on iff you are having discomfort