Character and Joe Gibbs...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
otter said:
Skins 26 boys 10...defense takes two to the house.
And the offense gets 4 field goals? :killingme

What ever it takes, just "get-er-done", right Larry not the cable guy

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's the thing...

Ken King said:
And the offense gets 4 field goals? :killingme

What ever it takes, just "get-er-done", right Larry not the cable guy

....we've all played teams sports. Some of us were better on teams, some of us were better in an individual sport. But the song remained the same; it is NOT wether you win or lose, it's how you play the game because HOW you played dictates 90% of winning. The rest is how the ball bounces and how we deal with it which is ALSO a matter of how you play. Sulk? Get back on the horse?

How one played was a combination of expecations of self, expectations by coaches, by team mates and what the old man or your uncle told you all piled onto ability.

Football is the ultimate team sport because you need everything from sacrificing, unselfish lineman, to running backs who KNOW they are better atheletes than most anyone on the field but whom STILL NEED everyone else, to kickers who are almost playing an individual sport but again, are helpless without team mates to...quarterbacks.

Everyone has their buttons, the thing that gets them going. Stern coach, laid back coach, all points in between.

However, nobody, but nobody flourishes in the yo-yo limbo Ramsey has been working under. Guys who play special teams are told they are cannon fonder from day one until otherwise informed. Linebackers who can make plays work their ass of on weaknesses, rushing the QB, playing the pass etc.

If Gibbs was just going by 'git her done' he'd pick Ramsey. His win percentage is better than Marks as a Redskin. If he picked a QB passed on stats he'd pick Ramsey because he's better every where except interceptions. He has less fumbles than Brunnel. Mark threw a pic in th egame that elevated him to starter that could have killed the Skins Sunday if it wasn't nullified by a cheap penalty.

Joe Gibbs has set a new way of treating your most important player. In the process he's put Mark in a no win situation and the team in the twilight zone. Now, how the hell will anyone be judged? How will they know?

You Brunnel fans, good for you. I ain't seeing it and I hope you are right. If Brunnel plays well Monday I'll be the first to say 'yeah!'

But we still won't know about Ramsey because he was not chosen by any recognizable process, stats, wins, anything, that identifies the best man for the job.

This is ####ed up.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
This is ####ed up.

Dear Hitman..

Chicago has a better than average defense, we won...Don't worry, be happy...

<img src="">


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
After telling him he was #1 going into camp and starting him all through pre-season and the first game, what did he do that deserves benching?
Well...he was Ramsey.:duh:


New Member
First off, thank God we won. At least we got that going for us, plus the Eagles lost...hell yes.

The Skins offense, while not as good as I would like to see, was much better than it was last year. Clinton Portis had a nice 5.8 yards per rush average and Ladell Betts was quite a compliment out of the backfield. The defense was absolutely outstanding, as we should expect. John Hall came through big for us and thank God.

I agree with Larry overall that the offense seemed to be smoother when Ramsey was on the field and I think that he has quite a bum deal on this. He definitely deserves better than the treatment that he has gotten and it has only helped to create a worse quarterback. Quarterbacks needed some serious psychological backing in order to meet their potential and this whole "Mark Brunnell is behind you" idea doesn't help a young quarterback succeed.

What makes me want Ramsey on the field is that he has that big play potential. He can hit Santana Moss for 52 yards, while Brunnell can hit David Patten for a 5 yard gain. That 5 yard gain doesn't get ya much in the modern NFL, which is based on the big play. If we don't have big play potential, here comes eight guys in the box and there goes Portis's ability to get some yards. Now with this big play potential brings a greater proneness to get sacked and turn the ball over, but honestly we need the big play potential so much that we should run that risk. I would be able to stomach Brunell if he could hit his receivers for at least double digit yardage, but he can't seem to hit anything for more than 5 yards.

The problem is that Gibbs doesn't seem to want to have that risk. He wants a quarterback who won't get sacked and won't fumble and won't throw an INT. He wants Billy Kilmer, not Sonny Jurgenson. Billy Kilmer doesn't make it in the game today, sadly, and hopefully either Brunnell is able to hit it deep this week and improve or he fails so miserably Gibbs has no choice but to put Ramsey back in.