Charles Barkley


New Member
Mr. Barkley is always opinionated but...

...he's no Jessie Ventura!
I wish Jesse Ventura was there to bodyslam him into the ground after he made that ignorant remark about NASCAR fans. :killingme

He ain't getting elected. That's one of the states in Junyer Nation.
He's been long rumored to be a future politician. He's got the name recognition to get the un-informed voters to vote for him. He's a Republican, so that will go against him in some parts of Alabama.


wandering aimlessly
I kind of like Charles Barkley. He's worked hard to be the bad boy of the courts while hiding all of his charity work. It was brought out in a recent interview and he said he didn't want to talk about it, he didn't do it to talk about it.

I also liked that he said he'd never worked a day in his life. He said doing something you love isn't work. He loves basketball and first he played, now he does commentary. He says its not work, its a joy.

Of course he says what he thinks so that will bite him in the butt in the political realm.


Football addict
I wish Jesse Ventura was there to bodyslam him into the ground after he made that ignorant remark about NASCAR fans. :killingme

He ain't getting elected. That's one of the states in Junyer Nation.
Well, ignorant and Nascar usually go together anyways so...

...maybe he should drive a NAScar.:biggrin:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
He is one of the biggest racists I have ever had the pleasure NOT to meet.