Charles County Police


New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Vrai, who do I report very very bad karma too... :killingme

"the school zone ends one inch past the tip of my ......"

You should read some of MINE! Enough to make a sailor blush. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
It was a Charles County Police Officer. He was gunning radar and claimed to have got me at LPHS (WRONG!) :popcorn:

Come on Andy pay the fine, do the community service, no points. He proably did get you back by LPHS. Its only about 100 yards or so to where he was shooting radar well within the range of the gun. If you were 43 in a 40 he would not have stopped you.


New Member
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Come on Andy pay the fine, do the community service, no points. He proably did get you back by LPHS. Its only about 100 yards or so to where he was shooting radar well within the range of the gun. If you were 43 in a 40 he would not have stopped you.
I'm thinking about doing that andd fighting this outside of court (MD. Legislature).


New Member
My 'investigation' has found that Maryland is EXEMPT from many federal guidelines, including speed limits and school zone speed limits. It is at the Officer's descretion...

In other words, if you are doing 35 on a Saturday on Smallwood Dr. and a police officer feels like it, YOU'RE in DIRECT violation of the law - school day or not.


New Member
Pete said:
Please post your court date so interested parties may come and observe. :yay:
... And air on Public Television so those who are unable to attend can view. This case would be legendary...

So, I want Judge Larry Sniedlin (sp? Anna Nicole Smith judge). Johnnie Cochran's topmbstone is my represented attorney.
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
It was a Charles County Police Officer. He was gunning radar and claimed to have got me at LPHS (WRONG!) :popcorn:
How in the world do you propose to argue exactly where your car was when he nailed you with the gun...:confused:


New Member
kwillia said:
How in the world do you propose to argue exactly where your car was when he nailed you with the gun...:confused:
Can't. He can say he nailed me at LPHS (even though he didnt) and no matter if I produce evidence otherwise, he is a police officer and in the eyes of the law, he is correct.
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Can't. He can say he nailed me at LPHS (even though he didnt) and no matter if I produce evidence otherwise, he is a police officer and in the eyes of the law, he is correct.


Salt Life
kwillia said:
I was ticketed for speeding a few years ago while traveling to DC one morning. It was an automated camera set up inside the officer's patrol vehicle. I received the ticket in the mail. I took pictures and video of the exact location I was "caught" speeding. One of the pictures happened to be a 45 mph sign; not the 25 as suggested on the ticket. If I remember correctly, I was traveling 49. Anyhow, I sent the DoC a nice letter, pictures and welcomed them to view my video. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail dismissing me of all charges. :bubble:


New Member
Was this near Anacostia? I got a 49 in a 35 similarly. The car was parked literally right next to the 35 MPH sign where it changes from 45 to 35.
Chasey_Lane said:
I was ticketed for speeding a few years ago while traveling to DC one morning. It was an automated camera set up inside the officer's patrol vehicle. I received the ticket in the mail. I took pictures and video of the exact location I was "caught" speeding. One of the pictures happened to be a 45 mph sign; not the 25 as suggested on the ticket. If I remember correctly, I was traveling 49. Anyhow, I sent the DoC a nice letter, pictures and welcomed them to view my video. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail dismissing me of all charges. :bubble: