Charlotte Hall Construction


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Does anyone know what they are clearing for on Rt. 5 across from Wentworths Nursery?

They've cleared and leveled about 5 acres of ground but no one seems to know what's going in!


New Member
My husband stopped by the site the other day. He is a sales rep for a local crane company and found that a WaWa is going in. Personally, I don't like that idea. Would really of loved it to be the Walmart which was talked about years ago. Just another gas station.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well that sucks! We have so many gas and go's around here I wouldn't think we'd need one anymore so than another liquor store or bar!


yeah yeah
From what I understand, that is what it is going to be, but also, I have been told, like a town house little complex. *ugh* I am just tired of all the construction! *ugh*

I can find out though!!


New Member
if they are going to put up a gas station they need one that handicapped people can get service at! I have NEVER gone to Sheets, except once, by myself, because I can't walk the distance to pay, and I went in once and like motioned for someone inside to come out, and she's like "whats wrong" and I was like "I have a hard time walking and i can't walk that far, could you please put 10 bucks on this tank" and she like threw a freakin tantrum about not being paid enough to deal with lazy people, and I havn't been back since. if they're going to put up a WaWa, give them a freakin booth closer to the pumps, because I know a lot of elderly people have the same problem. I know there is a law that says if I ask for help they have to give if, but i don't know what it truly says.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I think it's called "Ridgells" or something like that...
There is a station on 235 right above Hollywood that has full service. That might help in your local travels.

I think you're right about "them being required to pump for anyone with a disability" though. I believe it's a Maryland law.
You might want to hear from Ken King on this, he seems to always be up on most things legal.


New Member
I know the people at the Hollywood Burchmart ROCK! They've been really helpful on some of my bad days... also that Full Service place on 235 is cool too... They like run out before I can even get out of my car *L* I was heartbroken when they removed the booth from the gas station across from Sheetz (i think it's a Texico)... I would ALWAYS go there over Sheetz... there's also a gas staion across from the main veridian building right down from gate 1 on the North bound lane... it closes early at night, but the people are real nice and helpful there too.

Sorry about me ranting, though... just pisses me off that people thank I cant walk cause I'm fat and lazy... :p to them... :D


Fuzzy, I know how it is to have folks not understand when you are having a bad day with walking. I also have the same problem with my hip and legs, and "Degenerative Arthritis," though I still feel that I have to keep going on, or I would'nt be able to walk at all. Somedays are just worse than others for me. There are days when it is really difficult for me to even get on an off of the commuter bus I take. Some of the buses have a lower step, but most don't.

I guess it is hard for some to understand the effort it takes when you are hurting to walk even a short distance.


Football season!
I don't have a problem getting around, but I do have a problem waiting in line to pay for gas. That is why we always use our CheckCard for such purchases... Just pay at the pump. That way I can enjoy the lower prices of sheetz without having to wait. No need to worry about carrying cash around and MUCH more convenient than having to go inside and wait in line to pay.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by cariblue
Fuzzy, not having a disability of any sort myself, these things don't come to mind. But, you're exactly right! You should not be required to go inside to pay AT ALL.

I think you should write the company with a suggestion. I bet they would at least try to do something to be more accommodating. I know their are many people who cannot get around without a wheel chair that can drive. I can't even imagine being in a wheel chair and having to go through all that to get gas.

You are very very right Cari! I think I will get him to write....

Thank goodness, he is not in a wheelchair....and more than likely wont have to bee *big smile*
just to let you know, he has muscular dystrophy, so some days, well more like 9 times outta 10 are good days, and only maybe 2 days outta the month, he falls. Pretty GOOD if you ask me, and they told him that he would not walk at the age of 17, BS! They know nothing, he has overcome science, and shown them all up, he is 22 and walking better than ever!!!


yeah yeah
Originally posted by SmallTown
I don't have a problem getting around, but I do have a problem waiting in line to pay for gas. That is why we always use our CheckCard for such purchases... Just pay at the pump. That way I can enjoy the lower prices of sheetz without having to wait. No need to worry about carrying cash around and MUCH more convenient than having to go inside and wait in line to pay.

Well unfortunately, Fuzzy(jesse) and I dont have a check card...would be nice, but we dont! :(

But you are right, ...we will be investing into our joint account right before the wedding


Football season!
I couldn't imagine living without my checkcard :) Much better than using a normal Visa because you still have to consider how much you actually have in your checking account when buying stuff. As long as you keep track of your debits everything is fine. Luckily more and more banks offer these (I think even the credit union here offers them).

The only thing that frustrates me sometimes is when I pay at the pump at sheetz and the machine is out of paper for the receipt so I get a message saying to please come inside to get it.. Well.. The whole point is to not HAVE to go inside at all.. I think they have the machine rigged so it randomly gives that message, just to get people in the stores in hopes they will see candy, chips, drinks,etc they might want to buy.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by SmallTown
I couldn't imagine living without my checkcard :) Much better than using a normal Visa because you still have to consider how much you actually have in your checking account when buying stuff. As long as you keep track of your debits everything is fine. Luckily more and more banks offer these (I think even the credit union here offers them).

The only thing that frustrates me sometimes is when I pay at the pump at sheetz and the machine is out of paper for the receipt so I get a message saying to please come inside to get it.. Well.. The whole point is to not HAVE to go inside at all.. I think they have the machine rigged so it randomly gives that message, just to get people in the stores in hopes they will see candy, chips, drinks,etc they might want to buy.

I will have to check into it! Any banks that you recommend? I am at Navy Federal, and I have a savings there, but because, I was stupid and put my ex bf on my account, and he bounced checks, I cant have a checking account there anymore *sigh* It sucks soooo bad!

And yea, that is dumb, they should keep an eye on those things. You would think that there would be enough papertape in there....*sigh*


A check card is something to look into. I don't know if my credit union has them, but will check today! GOOD IDEA!:)