Che Belafonte


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is one of the things I was talking about the other day. Calling our President a terrorist is just WAY over the line. Howard Dean called him the enemy during the primaries, and he was rewarded by getting to run the DNC. So don't tell me this sort of ugliness isn't the true Democratic party.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does anyone know why...

...Harry is this sad, angry man using his fame and fortune to promote a world where neither is possible for 'common folks'?


100% Goapele Head!
i love the husband wife team-up. I don't know anything about anything. Is Chavez a boxer? If he fights that good I will support him but what does Bush have to do with it. Is he going to box too? Or are they comparing the dangers of war to that of boxing? :confused: Sorry need more info.


"No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we're here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people ... support your revolution," Belafonte told Chavez during the broadcast.

It is my assertion that fewer than half of the people in the United States know what Venezuela is, fewer than half of them know where it is, and fewer than half of them give a tiny rat's ass.

Moreover, I will wager that, not even 1 million people in the United States know who Hugo Chavez is much less supports his revolution.

Belefonte is a simpleton turned activist without a cause. Why he's latched onto that friggin Chavez nut-case is a mystery.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I see and...

Toxick said:
It is my assertion that fewer than half of the people in the United States know what Massachusetts is, fewer than half of them know where it is, and fewer than half of them give a tiny rat's ass.

Moreover, I will wager that, not even 1 million people in the United States know who John Kerry is much less supports his blathering.

Belefonte is a simpleton turned activist without a cause. Why he's latched onto that friggin Kerry nut-case is a mystery.

...yeah, but 50 millions voted for him anyway!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
TO play Devil's Advocate - what exactly *do* you and I know about Chavez, really?

Admittedly, I do hate it when someone goes to another country, calls our President a tyrant and the world's worst terrorist - aside from the fact that it is offensive, it's sheer lunacy, considering the tyrants and terrorists who ARE such - I of course realize that aside from that, they do have the right to say so, even if I don't like it.

I also realize that there are many in Hollywood and elsewhere on the left who DO in fact, idealize socialism, and socialists are the way of the future for them.

But I've already squandered too much online trying to find out why Chavez is such a bad guy, aside from a few comments here and there. Hasn't he been elected with high approval ratings? (Yes, I know there have been allegations of electoral fraud - just as in THIS country - and they've been dismissed by none other than Jimmy Carter, to no one's surprise). What exactly makes him so "bad"?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Why he's latched onto that friggin Chavez nut-case is a mystery.
Because he's hip and cool - a Castro for the new millennium. Why do people wear "Viva Che" t-shirts when they have no idea who he is?


vraiblonde said:
Because he's hip and cool - a Castro for the new millennium. Why do people wear "Viva Che" t-shirts when they have no idea who he is?

I don't believe that I've ever seen a Viva Che tee-shirt.

I've seen a lot of "Vote for PEDRO" tee-shirts though.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Because he's hip and cool - a Castro for the new millennium. Why do people wear "Viva Che" t-shirts when they have no idea who he is?
Because they think it's Bob Marley?

I am NOT kidding....heard one kid say this.....


Active Member
Usually when i see people wearing Che shirts i think of Che Guevara... Shirts with his [che guevara] portrait on them on a red background were popular when i was in school (a whole 2 years ago)... Most people had no idea who he was, what he did or anything like that... It was also the same kids that would write anarchy symbols all over their stuff that wore those kind of shirts... I maybe missing something though

edit: wait, i think i just realized we were talking about the same thing :( oh well atleast we are on the same page


Super Genius
Spoiled said:
Usually when i see people wearing Che shirts i think of Che Guevara... Shirts with his [che guevara] portrait on them on a red background were popular when i was in school (a whole 2 years ago)... Most people had no idea who he was, what he did or anything like that... It was also the same kids that would write anarchy symbols all over their stuff that wore those kind of shirts... I maybe missing something though
They're the non-conformists that all do the same thing :lmao:

Brian: You're all different!
Crowd (in unison): We're all different!
Lone person in the crowd: I'm not!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Mr. Advocate...

TO play Devil's Advocate - what exactly *do* you and I know about Chavez, really?

Just what Wicky says and what I've read over the years and heard on the news. Does that make him particularly bad?

Is he Hitler? No.

Is he even a Castro? No.

Is he an ally or friend of the US? No. So #### him.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
They're the non-conformists that all do the same thing :lmao:

Brian: You're all different!
Crowd (in unison): We're all different!
Lone person in the crowd: I'm not!
I try to tell teenagers I know about this, but they'll never get it......

They claim they long to be different -- but what they want more than anything is to be like their friends - who might be different from others - but what they want to do is to conform. We all remember this - we were teenagers, once - we remember wanting to fit in, and if that didn't work, wanting to fit in SOME niche with peers who would accept us.

It was a brave - and usually considered kooky or anti-social kid - who did things completely their own way. They were extremely rare. (And sometimes they WERE kooky and anti-social).

I just think it's funny when a kid says they want to be different, but clearly say they want to wear, listen to, buy, own, and do things "because everyone else does it".