Che Belafonte


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
It was a brave - and usually considered kooky or anti-social kid - who did things completely their own way. They were extremely rare. (And sometimes they WERE kooky and anti-social).
That was me...welcome in all the cliques, member of none...not sure about the "brave" part though :lol:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
That was me...welcome in all the cliques, member of none...not sure about the "brave" part though :lol:
I wanted to be like everyone else, in high school - for a while. I switched schools, again, and again, until finally completing senior year in a new school.

By that time, I really didn't give a crap if I fit in. I was only gonna be there one year anyway. I had a few friends, and they were all I needed.

I still can't believe the losers I wanted so badly to fit in with, though. They were the kind of kids they show in movies as the real nitwits - and I wanted to FIT IN with them. Kinda sad.

ANYWAY - one of my niece's friends had that shirt on, and thought it was Bob Marley (for real). My niece was smart enough to know it was Che Guevara, but didn't know a lot about him, except that he was Cuban. And she said that most of her friends had no idea it was even a real person when they wore the shirt.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How so?

vraiblonde said:
He's pretty close to being Castro.

Castro ran off, jailed or killed every single capitalist on the island. There is no middle or upper class in Cuba.

What's his face is in the middle of arguing with the succesful people of Venezuela over how to run the country. Rich people still live there. A solid middle class is still there to yell at him "You can't DO that!"

He eve nhas plans, such as they are. Castro has done nothing for going on, what 50 years, except give speaches so long they make Bill Clinton look like a paragon of brevity.

Besides, Castro never even offered to give discount cigars, his nations main product, to our poor like Chavez has done with oil!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

SamSpade said:
Well I know that, now.

...but what about his little Micheal Moore wannabe disciples running around Union Square in NYC?

That's a frustrating thing about people; they may be against this or that person but they don't have a clue what they're for.


New Member
Does anybody know what the link is between the US, NAFTA and Chavez is? Isn't he (Chavez) against the United States because we (US) would not do business with him by the barrel? Isn't he angry at the US because we (reportedly) interfered with his purchase of US made F-16's. I'm not up on this very much. Just trying to figure out what's going on....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
Aren't you all tired of all the actors and musicians always having a opinion on world views?
Not at all. I'm just tired of the Marxist lunacy that passes for political dialogue from these people.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Not at all. I'm just tired of the Marxist lunacy that passes for political dialogue from these people.

...multi millionaires whose only talent is an ability to not be themselves, on cue, spouting 'we, the common people' rhetoric based on collectivism, socialism, fascism and Marxism is like listening to Micheal Moore go on about how everyone in his films is a liar and a manipulator of facts...except for him.

You should do this...I shouldn't have to. You should do that, I don't have to...

And so on.


This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
This is one of the things I was talking about the other day. Calling our President a terrorist is just WAY over the line. Howard Dean called him the enemy during the primaries, and he was rewarded by getting to run the DNC. So don't tell me this sort of ugliness isn't the true Democratic party.

The sad things is @sshats like this baffoon get press when they call Powell a House N!gger (or N!gga) instead of seeing an American (regardless of color) that has worked his way into a position of Power and respect.

This goes back to the LibTard Kerad, the difference is - Belafonte/Greenday etc. sees anyone that doesnt mistakenly think like him is an idiot (but Republicans are the ones that Censor?). where as Powell/Toby Keith sees America as a great country where EVERYONE has an oppurtunity to make something great of themselves IF THEY TAKE THEIR OWN FUTURE INTO THEIR OWN HANDS