Well, now, curious as to what chuckt does for entertainment. Again, I ask a simple question, since you condemn these "worldly" things...do you live your life literally by the bible? Don't cut and paste a quote, just answer the question if you will. I'm simply curious.
The only music I listen to is Christian anymore and I've curbed television and movies because that is what I want to do.
I'm nearly middle aged so when I was a child, adults asked me what the difference between fiction and a lie is. Fiction means 'not true'? When is it okay to lie? You can read things that are not true but not the truth from the Bible?
I was reading an author on the Black Art of Video Console Design and he said that if you want to learn how to make electronic computers like that then you have to give something up like watching television. If I gave up t.v. for building computers, they would say that I'm so devoted but if you give up television for something else then people would say I don't have legitimate reasons in the eyes of others and that is a double standard.
Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
I don't do those things but I have pleasure on those that do these things on television. Hmm. So what is the difference between committing the act or not committing the act? It is okay if you enjoy it though?
Do you ever see a Carnival at a Catholic church? What is the origin of the world carnival?
Mid 16th century: from Italian carnevale, carnovale, from medieval Latin carnelevamen, carnelevarium 'Shrovetide', from Latin caro, carn- 'flesh' + levare 'put away'.
The word carnival basically comes from the word "carnal".
And what exactly do you think your tax dollars should be paying for in terms of education? To read fiction? To play Xbox and Nintendo Wii all day? Imagine a three story mall where all they have is electronic components. I can post pictures. The difference is that our children are made to be consumers when other countries just have everyone learning it.
Shenzhen Hua Qiang Bei market
What electronics have you designed lately? What do you make? Ever wonder why you will never solve the trade deficit? It is because you don't make anything to solve the trade deficit.